PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics
Morcos Adly, Nada Nasser and Nada Sharaf
The German University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Augmented Reality, Education, Physics, STEM.
Physics surrounds each one of us in their daily life. For that reason, it is crucial to teach young students the
concepts of Physics gradually starting from earlier ages. The goal of the work presented in the paper is to
design a serious game that could help young age children to understand some basics Physics concepts. The
centred goal of this paper is the design, implementation, and analysis of an AR serious game that could help
young aged students in grasping some basic Physics concepts.
Innovation, today, is of a crucial role in our life. It
is viewed as a premise of development of an econ-
omy. An economy which is poor in innovation can
never develop in the future E(Raja and Nagasubra-
mani, 2018).
With the new mobile cell phones and tablets, Aug-
mented Reality (AR) is gaining more popularity. It
can actually offer a different way of seeing and un-
derstanding (Zarzuela et al., 2013). It is started to
affect various fields including training, medical imag-
ing, ... etc. With the widespread of cellphones and
their increasing capabilities, AR has also been used
for learning (Khan et al., 2019).
In addition, a lot of applications use serious
games. A lot of these applications are designed to
enhance the skills of young children. In some cases,
gamification is also being included with the educa-
tional plan (Laine, 2018).
AR is argued to increase concentration for learn-
ing since more senses of the students are involved (Fi-
dan and Tuncel, 2019). AR innovation can be seen as
an uprade or an enchantment by learners. It mirrors
the items papers and make the clearer and more inter-
active which is appealing to learners (Sahin and Yil-
maz, 2020). Studies show that students who used AR
technology have achieved significantly higher scores
in comparison with the ones who only followed basic
teachers’ guidance in classroom (Fidan and Tuncel,
2019; Sahin and Yilmaz, 2020; Strzys et al., 2018).
AR was used in different applications related to
Physics concepts such as the work presented in (Cai
et al., 2013)
The proposed platform PHYAR provides a game
with educational purposes. It is specifically designed
for the user to gain or strengthen his/her knowledge
about three main important Physics concepts which
are: States of Matter, Light and Gravity. PhyAR com-
bines AR and serious games to provide an attractive
and efficient learning platform.
The main aim of this study is to capture the effect
of using PHYAR app on students’ academic scores in
Physics compared to their scores when only exposed
to traditional in class learning methods in School.
This section includes details about the approach em-
ployed to unravel the research question.
2.1 Game Objective
PHYAR game is designed to teach youngsters ap-
proximately within ages 9-12 in primary level some
crucial physics concepts of paramount importance,
specifically three topics, which will be discussed in
the upcoming section. Its main goal not only the
teaching, but also sticking their learnt information to
their minds. That is because the most difficult part is
not to instantly understand the taught concept, but is
that the memory never misses it as long as possible.
The inclusion of AR technology is the reason for
the previous discussed points. Young students got
Adly, M., Nasser, N. and Sharaf, N.
PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics Concepts.
DOI: 10.5220/0010496103380345
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 2, pages 338-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
used to reading from syllabus books and sometimes
see some illustrative figures related. However, it
could be more interesting, expressing and engaging
to view real-time animated figures and models with
interactive user-interface, which gives the user the op-
portunity to be in control of what he/she wants to ex-
perience. Moreover, with physics being the center
of the application, AR technology can be thus used
to show detailed physics concepts in terms of move-
ments, sequencing and aspect ratios in a professional
unforgettable manner.
PHYAR consists of three main scenes:
1. Matter section focuses on states transformation
(Solid, Liquid, Gas) and how these transforma-
tions affect the particles behaviour and arrange-
ment, along with illustration of the type of change
whether heating or cooling.
2. Light section consists of two main Light concepts
which are reflection and shdow.
3. Gravity is mainly to differentiate between the be-
haviour of free fall of any object in space against
its behaviour on earth.
The above topics were selected out of many oth-
ers related physics topics for numerous reasons. First
of all, there was a gap for the target age. The tar-
get age for users was excluding the age criteria target
for PHYAR app that ranges between 9 and 12. Sec-
ondly, Matter and Gravity topics specifically were, to
the best of our knowledge, never mentioned in any
AR app. Light topics were mentioned in (Sahin and
Yilmaz, 2020). However, it was designed for older
age group with different concepts. Thirdly, the cho-
sen topics Matter, Light and Gravity are the top of
schools’ physics curriculum for age group 9-12. Last
but not least, The above mentioned topics’ concepts
are AR-friendly in terms of explicitly unveiling every
tiny detail about the structures as well as behaviour
and reactions.
2.2 Markers
Markers for PHYAR app are unique for the specified
age group not only because they contain colorful il-
lustrating shapes, but also they contain picky bullet
points for memory located at the back of each marker.
Moreover, the chosen markers are easy to handle, re-
place and play with. That is why cards are used
as markers.Marker cards’ structure for the topics in-
cluded in PHYAR are shown in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 below (Front and Back):
Figure 1: Solid Card.
Figure 2: Liquid Card.
Figure 3: Gas Card.
Figure 4: Shadow Card.
Figure 5: Reflection Card.
PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics Concepts
Figure 6: Gravity Card.
The Main Menu page contains three main buttons for
the three main topics mentioned before. In addition to
an Exit button and Sound On/Off button as shown in
Figures 7 and 8:
Figure 7: Main Menu.
Figure 8: Exit Warning.
3.1 Matter
When Matter button is clicked in the main menu,
the Matter Menu appears with those two buttons: 1-
Transformation Cycle 2- Random, as shown in Figure
3.1.1 All Transformations
This scene is reached when Transformation Cycle
button is pressed. First, the solid card must be de-
tected in order to begin the change of states journey.
The ice cube appears first showing the atoms arrange-
ment focusing on their vibrating behaviour by a sur-
Figure 9: Matter Menu.
Figure 10: Ice Cube with its Particles.
prising mobile vibration gesture as shown in Figure
A melt button of a fire icon can be noticed located
at the top right. Whenever it is clicked, the ice cube
starts to melt along with the particles starting to move
faster and sliding over each other till the ice cube is
transformed to water completely. An extra icon of a
Snowflake appears at the top left corner which indi-
cates freezing. The fire icon is also visible.however,
currently, it indicates evaporation. Giving the choice
to the user whether to freeze the water back to ice or
evaporate it as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Melted Ice (Water) with its Particles.
If the Snowflake icon is pressed, particles start
moving slower and closer to each other forming the
ice cube once again with the mobile vibration gesture.
If the Fire icon is pressed, atoms starts to move
faster and randomly away from each other till all wa-
ter vanishes completely forming cloud as shown in
Figures 12.
Only the Snowflake reappears indicating conden-
sation of the vapour and once the Snowflake icon is
clicked, the atoms slow down and start to slide over
each other reforming water.
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 12: Evaporating Water.
3.1.2 Random
Once the Random button is clicked the user will be
asked to detect one of the solid, liquid or gas cards.
When each card is detected separately its 3D models
appear. Figure 13 is an example when detecting the
liquid card.
Figure 13: Water (Liquid Card).
3.2 Light
As soon as Light button is chosen, the user will have
to choose which light concept to learn about Reflec-
tion or Shadow as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Light Menu.
PHYAR app is customized for both boys and girls.
The Light section offers Reflection and Shadow fitting
boys/girls interests. This is shown in Figure 15.
3.2.1 Reflection
First, the user must detect the Reflection card. In-
stantly, a scene consisting of Messi, Ballon D’or, mir-
ror and moon are seen, if boy is chosen. Similarly, if
Figure 15: Gender Menu.
girl is chosen, the user will see Elsa, Olaf, mirror and
moon. In both cases, the user can see a Sun icon at the
top right corner of the screen and is asked to turn on
the light, as initially the moon is up and sun is down
as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Elsa after detecting Reflection Card if the Girl is
Once the light is on, light rays will be seen trav-
elling from the sun to Ballon D’or/Olaf hitting the
mirror then finally reaching Messi/Elsa’s eyes. At
the same time light reaches Messi/Elsa’s eyes Bal-
lon D’or/Olaf can be seen in the mirror. Moreover,
Messi/Elsa displays a message and makes a known
character gesture indicating that they are happy and
the user can turn off the light again by finding the
moon icon as shown in Figures 17 and 18.
Figure 17: Light Rays journey to Messi’s eyes.
3.2.2 Shadow
The user must detect the Shadow card, in order to
see Ballon D’or/Olaf, white board and a light source
which is a torch. There are buttons for light intensity
control and a button to switch on/off light totally.
PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics Concepts
Figure 18: Ballon D’or appears in the Mirror.
As long as light is not off, the user can swipe up
to move Ballon D’or/Olaf closer to the torch. Conse-
quently, the shadow size displayed on the white board
increases as shown in Figures 19.
Figure 19: Olaf is close to Torch.
Another option is that the user swipes down to
move Ballon D’or/Olaf away from the torch. In this
case, the shadow size displayed on the white board
decreases as shown in Figures 20.
Figure 20: Ballon D’or is far from Torch.
3.3 Gravity
When the Gravity button is chosen, the user is asked
to detect the gravity card. Once the gravity card is
detected a space scene appears along with an apple
and a paper kite. The paper kite and apple positions
almost stay the same and they do not fall, as Space
misses gravity. An extra button for mode switching
from Space to Earth appears at the top right corner of
the screen as shown in Figure 21.
If the earth button is pressed, grass appears instead
of space. In addition, an audio. saying Gravity on, is
Figure 21: After Garvity Card detection Space appears.
Figure 22: Air Resistance On (Apple reaches the Grass
For the gravity scene, all buttons are featured with
voice-over to alert the user whether that button’s re-
lated feature is On or Off.
This section tracks the procedure followed to exam-
ine the effect of AR serious game (PHYAR) on stu-
dents’ academic achievements compared to utilizing
traditional learning methods.
It was proven by (Repenning and Lewis, 2005)
that the learning outcome is not correlated with stu-
dents’ engagement. As a result, each of them were
tested as two independent factors.
4.1 Testing Procedure
Primary Dependent Variable: The learning gain
of the child.
Secondary Dependent Variable: The engage-
ment level reported during the learning process.
Independent Variables: The only independent
variable to be observed is the method of learning,
which is AR serious game versus traditional learn-
Hypothesis: AR aided Physics learning boosts stu-
dents’ academic achievements compared to tradi-
tional learning methods.
Children were divided into two groups. The first
group were introduced to the Physics concepts. Af-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
terwards, the students of this group had to answer
a test about past physics concepts they have already
learnt in school which are included in PHYAR game.
Students then experience the same content but using
PHYAR app. Finally, the students solve the same pre-
vious test.
On the other hand, the second group solved the
Physics test first, then refreshed with the same Physics
concepts that they have already learnt before. Then,
answering same previous test again. Experiencing
PHYAR game comes next followed by last solving
phase of the same Physics test that was answered two
times before. Some ethical aspects were taken into
Having children’s parents or teachers permission.
Giving a clear introduction of the study’s main
goal before the experiment.
4.2 Evaluation Material Preparing
4.2.1 Pre and Post Tests
There is no difference between the Pre and Post Tests
of Traditional Learning and AR, so that the learning
gain could be measured correctly. The test contains
eleven multiple choice questions presented in hard
copy. The questions were divided on the three top-
ics (Matter, Light, Gravity).
All the questions have multiple choices in range
four to seven choices, including options like ”All of
the above” and ”Nothing from the above”. This op-
tions make it more challenging for the students to
solve the test. These choices were added to avoid hav-
ing inaccurate data if the student chooses an answer
The questions were designed to test the students’
knowledge and also were opted carefully to examine
the crucial parts that PHYAR game covers from the
three discussed physics concepts. These two tests’ re-
sults will be used to carry out the learning gain test,
which will be covered in the upcoming subsection.
4.2.2 Learning Gain Test
The Learning Gain Test is the evaluation method used
to assess youngsters’ academic levels by solving the
pre and post test of Traditional Learning method and
PHYAR game, which are exactly the same to check
the results difference for each child of his/her tests.
This difference is how the Learning gain is obtained
in order to prove/disprove the research hypothesis.
The Learning Gain of Classical Learning method
results are exactly calculated by subtracting the post
Classical Learning test from the pre Classical Learn-
ing test. Similarly, The Learning Gain of PHYAR re-
sults are calculated by subtracting the post PHYAR
test from the pre PHYAR test, which is the same re-
sult of the post Classical Learning test. For the previ-
ous calculated learning gains, if the results are posi-
tive this indicates that there is an increase in academic
scores of the child whether due to the Classical learn-
ing or AR dependably. However,if the results were
negative, this indicates that there is a decrease in the
academic level. Finally, if the learning gain of the
Classical Learning is zero then, Classical Learning
has no effect in boosting child’s academic level, and
the same for the learning gain of the AR.
Finally, the learning gain of both Classical Learn-
ing and AR are compared to notice which method has
a greater impact on youngsters academic level.
4.2.3 Engagement Test
This study is analysing the engagement level of the
child while receiving the educational content using
PHYAR serious game app. In order to achieve this
goal, a test that aims at measuring the engagement
level of the students was utilized using a Likert Scale
survey (Pearce et al., 2005).
The questionnaire is composed of 11 measured
aspects that evaluate the overall flow of any activity
through assessing different major factors: control, en-
joyment, and engagement. The questionnaire was an-
swered by the children directly after completing all
the Physics topics of PHYAR game. In a nutshell, the
results of the measures included in this questionnaire
can be summed up to represent the overall engage-
ment, in control, enjoyment levels of using PHYAR
4.2.4 System Usability Scale
The System Usability Scale is a basic, reliable survey
that assesses the usability of a system. It is formed of
10 Likert scale items (Brooke, 1996). This tool is very
helpful for the study as it is important to collect the
users’ feedback with respect to the usability measures
of PHYAR game. It was mainly used to assess the
usability of the AR serious game ”PHYAR”.
Most of the children realized that they chose wrong
answers while discovering each topic in PHYAR.
Others were fascinated by the idea of Elsa and Olaf
being part of the Light scene especially girls, and also
for the boys seeing Messi and the Ballon D’or.
PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics Concepts
5.1 Learning Gain
5.1.1 Within-subject Design
The children got an average pre classical learning
test score of 3.8 out of 18 points (n=5, M=3.800,
SD=0.748), an average post classical learning test/pre
PHYAR test score of 7.8 out of 18 points (n=5,
M=7.800, SD=1.327), and an average post PHYAR
test score 17.2 out of 18 (n=5, M=17.2, SD=0.748).
This has indicated a learning gain for the classical
method by an average of 4 points (n=5, M=4.000,
SD=1.155), and a learning gain for PHYAR serious
game by an average of 9.4 points (n=5, M=9.400,
SD=0.800) . Figure 23 shows explicitly the compar-
ison between the classical learning method gain and
PHYAR gain in group one which shows the p-value
significance (p <0.05).
Figure 23: Classical Method Gain vs PHYAR Gain (Group
5.1.2 Between Group Design
The children got an average pre PHYAR test/post
classical learning test score of 9.6 out of 18 points
(n=5, M=9.600, SD=2.059), and an average post
PHYAR test score of 17.6 out of 18 points (n=5,
M=17.600, SD=0.800). This has indicated a learn-
ing gain by an average of 8 points (n=5, M=8.000,
The following figure 24 shows explicitly the com-
parison between the classical learning method gain
in group one and PHYAR gain in group two which
shows the p-value significance (p <0.05).
Figure 24: Classical Method Gain (Group One) vs PHYAR
Gain (Group Two).
There is a significant difference between both
tests’ outcome. It is obvious that AR aided learn-
ing has boosted children’s academic scores after using
PHYAR app.
5.2 Engagement Level Test Results
The Engagement test results were collected from each
student after experiencing PHYAR game, in order to
assess its extent for user involvement, entertainment
and engagement level while playing. The end result
was calculated by getting the average answer of all
questions of each user’s test, then averaging the pre-
vious obtained results. Finally, getting an average an-
swer for all tests which is 4.5 representing 90%.
5.3 System Usability Scale Results
The end average result obtained was approximately
94 which is obviously above the average of 68 ac-
cording to (sta, ).
Some limitations were encountered while applying
the experiment. To begin with, is the small number of
participants of the tested groups. There are two main
reasons behind this. The first reason is that COVID-
19 spread was during testing time so parents rejected
the idea of their child’s participation in the experiment
fearing from infection. The second reason is that the
Augmented Reality technology is not supported by all
mobile devices, and we were only capable of provid-
ing one device for the experiment; thus, the experi-
ments could not be conducted in parallel or not even
sent to be tested at homes and receiving survey re-
The problem of having a small sample was over-
come by using the t-tests in evaluating the learning
gain as well as the engagement levels because t-tests
are useful for analysing data of small samples. How-
ever, having a larger number of participants would
have assisted in obtaining more indicative results.
PHYAR app was implemented and tested for the
Physics topics Matter, Light and Gravity. An experi-
ment was carried out having two centered goals. The
first objective was to obtain the learning gain of each
student and the second objective was to monitor en-
gagement levels of students while utilizing PHYAR
game. Youngsters were divided into two groups, both
were Within-Subject Design, each group contains 5
children of age between 9-12 years.
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
To evaluate the learning gain, each of the young-
sters of the second group was given a pre test be-
fore the PHYAR experience, but after some refreshing
for the included topics that they have already learnt
traditionally in School. In addition to the post test
which was given to them after utilizing PHYAR. On
the other hand, the first group took an extra test but be-
fore the refreshment. The Classical learning method
gain of the first group was compared to the PHYAR
gain of the first group and second group.
Standardised tests were used to measure usability
and engagement.
To sum up, the results revealed the signifi-
cant positive impact of using PHYAR app, the AR
aided Physics learning game, on students’ academic
achievement. Consequently, PHYAR app has a no-
ticeable effect in Physics learning compared to classi-
cal learning method which could be taken advantage
of for promoting students’ academic level.
The future work could be summarized in three
main points:
1. Extending Physics Topics on PHYAR app: As
currently PHYAR app has three main topics which
are Matter, Light and Gravity, there could be a
great opportunity for more topics extension. The
extended topics could even be suitable for broader
age range with varying complexities.
2. Improving Features and Sound Effects: Some
features like the chosen models could be modified
along with the sound effects that could vary with
the current scene to be more expressible instead of
having uni-toned background music. Most impor-
tantly, we can work on increasing the engagement
level of the users, so that the application would
be more interactive; not only watching scenes but
also allowing the students to try and error to in-
crease their learning outcome.
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PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics Concepts