To evaluate the learning gain, each of the young-
sters of the second group was given a pre test be-
fore the PHYAR experience, but after some refreshing
for the included topics that they have already learnt
traditionally in School. In addition to the post test
which was given to them after utilizing PHYAR. On
the other hand, the first group took an extra test but be-
fore the refreshment. The Classical learning method
gain of the first group was compared to the PHYAR
gain of the first group and second group.
Standardised tests were used to measure usability
and engagement.
To sum up, the results revealed the signifi-
cant positive impact of using PHYAR app, the AR
aided Physics learning game, on students’ academic
achievement. Consequently, PHYAR app has a no-
ticeable effect in Physics learning compared to classi-
cal learning method which could be taken advantage
of for promoting students’ academic level.
The future work could be summarized in three
main points:
1. Extending Physics Topics on PHYAR app: As
currently PHYAR app has three main topics which
are Matter, Light and Gravity, there could be a
great opportunity for more topics extension. The
extended topics could even be suitable for broader
age range with varying complexities.
2. Improving Features and Sound Effects: Some
features like the chosen models could be modified
along with the sound effects that could vary with
the current scene to be more expressible instead of
having uni-toned background music. Most impor-
tantly, we can work on increasing the engagement
level of the users, so that the application would
be more interactive; not only watching scenes but
also allowing the students to try and error to in-
crease their learning outcome.
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PHYAR: Introducing a Mixed/Augmented Reality Platform for Physics Concepts