of generating test data? How much automation pro-
cess will reduce the testator’s workload?
We propose the following future studies with tar-
get to mature research: Design an alternative ap-
proach for application of properties to identify infea-
sible test requirements without input data. Implemen-
tation of the automation proposal. Measure the num-
ber of eliminated infeasible test requirements during
the automated process. Other proposals will certainly
emerge along this path. Therefore, this exploratory
study gave us the initial impetus to develop a new ap-
proach to address the problem of non-executability.
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Funding, FAPESP, for the financial support under pro-
cesses 2018/25744-6 and 2019/06937-0.
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How to Identify the Infeasible Test Requirements using Static Analyse? An Exploratory Study