or from mobile terminals. The central level of the
company’s architecture contains the ERP. It orches-
trates the production on corporate level and commu-
nicates the company’s strategies to plants to be trans-
lated by the MES as orders to the Shopfloor.
At the present time, digitization of processes has be-
come a must for companies that feel the need to op-
timize their costs, to keep up with the customers’ de-
mands and to lead over their competitors. This digiti-
zation is done by connecting the virtual world to the
real one using several technologies such us, data sen-
sors, IT Systems and cyber-physical systems. How-
ever, the usage of many systems and technologies in
the same environment can be really challenging, due
to the differences between them and particularities of
each one of them.
For that, we proposed in this paper a reference
architecture for computer integrated manufacturing,
which is able to encompass every system in the CIM
context. This architecture is based on the ISA-95
standard and takes into consideration six major as-
pects: Data integration, Systems integration, Secu-
rity, Monitoring & Data analysis, Mobility and finally
Cloud computing. However, much work remains to
be done in order to identify other aspects that can be
interesting in the CIM context and can also be handled
by our architecture.
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