In this paper we proposed a development model for
WSNs based on state machines. The goal was to sup-
port the implementation of new applications based on
two principles: (i) specification of the flow of exe-
cution as a state machine, and (ii) implementation of
components that provide reusable services. We intro-
duced a language, called SLEDS-SD, and developed
a translator from SLEDS-SD to nesC in order to gen-
erate code to be installed on devices of real WSNs.
We presented an experimental study that shows that
SLEDS-SD programs are about 40% smaller than the
generated nesC code, which suggests that our ap-
proach reduces the development effort. Moreover,
the evaluation of code reuse showed that applications
with a similar execution flow have more than 95% of
identical lines of SLEDS-SD code. The rate of code
reuse of components implemented in nesC ranged
from 32% to 78% following our approach.
As future work, we intend to extend our develop-
ment model to generate code for both network simu-
lators, such as NS-3, as well as other WSN and IoT
platforms, such as Contiki (Dunkels et al., 2004) and
RIOT (Baccelli et al., 2013). With such extensions it
will be possible to use the same high-level specifica-
tion to first evaluate a clustering model using simula-
tors and then deploy the application in different real
platforms with much less effort. We also intend to
extend the experimental study by analyzing the gen-
erated code quality, both in terms of legibility as well
as of resources utilization by the sensor devices. An-
other lines of investigation include support for search-
ing reusable components, and support for two-level
orchestration: on device-application level and on ap-
plication internal behavior level.
This work was partially funded by CNPq and CAPES-
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Development of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications with State-based Orchestration