Modelling Energy Consumption of IoT Devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog
Andras Markus and Attila Kertesz
Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Energy Consumption, Fog Computing, Internet of Things, Simulation.
The continuously evolving information technology carries requirements to foster cost, resource and energy-
aware systems. The Internet of Things is considered as one of the most trending technology, which is often
coupled with Cloud or Fog Computing resources that manage the possibly big data generated by smart devices
in an effective way. To reduce the carbon footprint of such IoT-Fog-Cloud infrastructures, planning and
optimisation of their energy consumption is necessary to realise sustainable solutions. It is also inevitable to
use simulation in the design phase of such complex systems, hence it would by hardly feasible and rather
costly to evaluate numerous settings effecting the energy use. In this paper, we design an IoT energy model
based on real world measurements, and propose an extension of the energy model of the DISSECT-CF-Fog
simulator to enable the energy usage monitoring of complex, IoT-Fog-Cloud infrastructures. We also present
a validation of the extension with a weather forecasting use case to exemplify its configuration possibilities
that meet the design requirements of the energy sector.
The latest complex distributed systems involving
thousands of IoT devices promote widely usable ser-
vices by leveraging the computing and storing capac-
ities of cloud datacenters. To enhance the elasticity
of a concrete service, cloud resources are often aided
by resource-constrained fog nodes to improve the re-
sponse time of the IoT application and to disperse the
various types and unforeseen amount of data (Mah-
mud et al., 2018).
Besides scalability, latency and resource manage-
ment issues, energy consumption of a fog environ-
ment and the corresponding smart devices is also a
great challenge as stated in (Atlam et al., 2018), there-
fore it should be considered as one of the key fac-
tors of the development of Fog Computing solutions.
Energy-efficient solutions also have a significant im-
pact on carbon footprint and on climate change. In
order to avoid wasting energy, smart decisions could
take into account IoT device motion or correspond-
ing environmental parameters, in order to handle opti-
mally the related equipment – and such analytic eval-
uation is usually done in the cloud (Motlagh et al.,
In parallel with the spreading of Cloud Comput-
ing, the need for energy-aware systems have been in-
creased, which led to the appearance of Green Com-
puting (Garg and Buyya, 2011). The main features to
handle requests in an energy-efficient way are the fol-
lowing: (i) dynamic provisioning, (ii) multi-tenancy,
(iii) server utilisation and lastly (iv) datacenter effi-
ciency (requiring the usage of energy-efficient tech-
nologies). An IoT system generally utilises different
types of devices, such as smart phones or microcon-
trollers, which are responsible for sensing the envi-
ronment and behave as a gateway between the hetero-
geneous system components. Microcontrollers typi-
cally have low capacity of processing unit and mem-
ory. They connect to the Internet using wireless net-
work protocols, such as Bluetooth or WiFi. It is not
negligible that the energy consumption of these de-
vices are significantly less compared to the energy us-
age of a cloud or fog node (Samie et al., 2016).
Analysing complex IoT-Fog-Cloud systems in a
simulation environment is a common practise among
researchers, because investigating various large-scale
network topologies with thousands of IoT devices
barely feasible in real world. Though the require-
ments of such a simulator are straightforward, i.e.
to ensure detailed, realistic and fine-grained model
of all entities (e.g. datacenters, fog nodes and IoT
devices), the realisation of corresponding simulators
require great efforts. The survey paper by (Markus
and Kertesz, 2020) overviews the current approaches,
revealing that they are far not complete, and energy
modelling of these systems are rarely studied.
The main contributions of this paper are: (i) de-
Markus, A. and Kertesz, A.
Modelling Energy Consumption of IoT Devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog.
DOI: 10.5220/0010500003200327
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021), pages 320-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-510-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
signing an IoT energy model based on real world
experiments, (ii) proposing a novel extension of the
DISSECT-CF-Fog simulator (Markus et al., 2020)
for energy usage monitoring of IoT devices with this
model, and (iii) validating of the proposal with a
weather forecasting use case to exemplify the config-
uration possibilities and the use of the extended sim-
The rest of this paper is organised as follows: in
Section 2 we briefly summarise the related works, in
Section 3 we introduce our simulator extension and
the proposed energy model of microcontrollers. Sec-
tion 4 presents the evaluation with various IoT use
cases, and finally, Section 5 concludes our work.
The literature has numerous studies covering differ-
ent aspects of energy-aware approaches related to the
interoperation of Cloud and Fog Computing and IoT.
Since our goal is to propose a detailed energy model
for these complex systems, including both computa-
tional resources and sensor devices, we restrict our-
selves to focus on existing simulation tools.
Nevertheless the monitoring of energy consump-
tion entails significant challenges for IoT-Fog-Cloud
systems. A research paper by (Sun et al., 2020) aims
to resolve the task offloading and resource allocation
of an IoT-Fog-Cloud architecture as a minimisation
problem of energy and cost. The authors consider
different energy consumption for a given task sep-
arately executed on IoT device, fog or cloud node.
A slightly detailed approach was proposed in (Oma
et al., 2018), where the authors differentiate computa-
tion, storing and sending processes of the data, how-
ever they applied a simple power consumption model,
which means that the energy consumption is set to the
maximum, if at least one process is executed, other-
wise the computing resource consumes minimal en-
ergy. (Ahvar et al., 2019) shows an elaborated model,
in which static and dynamic consumption compo-
nents are defined, thus each of them takes into ac-
count the computational and network (i.e. routers and
switches) parts of the system considering idle power,
cores power, which is proportional to the CPU us-
age of a resource, and lastly, energy consumption of a
switch, when storing or transmitting data.
Such formal models are sufficient for the analy-
sis of specific IoT and fog related problems, how-
ever considering only the extreme values of energy
consumption, which may lead to a distortion of the
results. Nevertheless, more sophisticated approaches
take into consideration the diverse types of constants
and factors. For example, the energy consumption of
a computational node is represented by the power us-
age effectiveness (PUE) coefficient, which makes the
model more punctual. In general, a simulation-based
approach may conduct to a more configurable and re-
alistic model, for instance the energy consumption of
various entities (i.e. CPU, network or storage) con-
nected to state transition of those leads a more man-
ageable and extensible realisation.
Numerous studies offer and compare IoT and fog
simulations based on different properties and features
- without claiming completeness -, such as code qual-
ity, architecture, VM management, resource and en-
ergy consumption, addressed in (Perez Abreu et al.,
2020) and (Markus and Kertesz, 2020).
The CloudSim-based solutions, such as iFogSim
(Gupta et al., 2017) or EdgeCloudSim (Sonmez et al.,
2018) inherit the energy model, which defines the
consumption as follows: a static constant power
(e.g. a switched on machine) as the idle power, and
dynamic components (using linear function) as the
busy/max power are summed. IoT devices and fog
nodes are handled equally in this model.
FogNetSim++ associates the energy consumption
to certain tasks as the combination of device and fog
node consumption (Qayyum et al., 2018). The device
energy is calculated based on the transmission power
weighted by the ratio of the task size and the band-
width, whilst the fog node energy takes in consider-
ation the idle power with weight of the task size and
the computing power. This approach also considers
the residual energy of mobile nodes.
YAFS also ensures a minimal model for monitor-
ing the energy consumption (Lera et al., 2019), how-
ever it is represented by only a static consumption
value of computing and IoT entities. IoTSim-Edge
targets to model smart devices using low energy pro-
tocols (Jha et al., 2020). The authors also consider
the simulation of battery power by using a predefined
drainage rate.
DISSECT-CF-Fog can be used to simulate cloud,
fog and IoT infrastructures, and their combined, hy-
brid solutions. As a result, three types of elements
can appear in it simulations: cloud datacenters, fog
nodes and IoT devices. The initial energy model of
DISSECT-CF published in 2015 (Kecskemeti, 2015)
covered cloud datacenters, by introducing resource
consumption modelling for CPU, disk and network
energy utilisation. This approach consider minimum,
idle and maximum power values as well during the
calculation of energy consumption based on linear
interpolation. As a summary, our current exten-
sion of DISSECT-CF-Fog has the most detailed en-
ergy model using dynamic consumption values for the
Modelling Energy Consumption of IoT Devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog
Figure 1: The utilisation of Raspberry Pi (left) and ESP32 (middle) microcontrollers and KCX-017 meter (right).
widest variety of resources (cloud, fog and IoT).
In this paper we build on the original model of
DISSECT-CF and use its earlier proposed extension
for fog and IoT systems. To ensure the required level
of system granularity, the simulator mimics the be-
haviour of infrastructure clouds by predefined states
of physical machines (PM), virtual machines (VM),
storage and disks. For instance, a PM can be in the
following states: turned off, switching on, running
and switching off. As a result, the basic concept of
energy saving can be easily realised by turning off
the unused machine. Besides, this refined model sup-
ports the mapping of certain energy consumption val-
ues to the predefined states, which ensures the fine-
granularity of the simulator.
As we discussed earlier, the energy model takes
into account: the minimum (min) power (e.g. the ma-
chine/device is turned off, but still plugged into the
energy source), the maximum (max) power (e.g. if the
CPU is fully utilised), and the idle power (e.g. when
the PM is running without executing computational
tasks). At this moment the simulator has two power
models: (i) dynamic power draining behaviour ap-
plies linear interpolation between idle and max power
values, whilst (ii) constant power draining behaviour
can consider any power value (e.g. min). By default,
the dynamic model is applied in case of states with
high energy consumption (e.g. running state of a PM),
and it handles the idle power with min power values,
and the consumption range can be get by subtracting
the idle power value from the max power value.
In the simulator, the PhysicalMachineEner-
gyMeter class can be utilised to monitor the physi-
cal cloud resources concerning energy consumption
(introduced in DISSECT-CF-Fog in 2015), and we
proposed a fog extension (with DISSECT-CF-Fog in
2020) by introducing the ComputingAppliance class
to simulate fog nodes (possibly having additional pa-
rameters). With this extension we arrived to a unified
energy model for fogs and clouds, since the Physi-
calMachineEnergyMeter class is encapsulated in the
ComputingAppliance class, and can be used to simu-
late both fog and cloud nodes.
In this work we take a step forward, and cover IoT
devices with our proposed extended model, to enable
complex energy utilisation analysis of IoT-Fog-Cloud
systems. First, we started to analyse real power con-
sumption of microcontrollers, which is detailed in the
next subsection.
3.1 Analysis of Real Microcontrollers
In order to determine a fine-grained energy model for
microcontrollers, we measured and collected energy
consumption values of real devices. In our exper-
iments we chose ESP32
(WROOM-32) and Rasp-
berry Pi
(1 Model A+) microcontrollers for further
analysis. Both devices were equipped with DTH22
temperature and humidity sensors, and a KCX-017
meter was applied to display the voltage and the cur-
rent of the connected through USB port. The assem-
bly of the used gadgets can be seen in Figure 1.
To measure the general power consumption of IoT
applications, we developed a typical and simple pro-
gram written in Python/MicroPython covering the fol-
lowing functionalities: sensor data reading (tempera-
ture and humidity values in our current case), message
creation and sending as an IoT client device by using
the MQTT protocol. We scheduled sensor value sam-
pling every minute by default, and connected the de-
vices to thee Internet via WiFi. The data application
running on the microcontrollers forwarded the sensor
The official website of ESP32 is available at:
The official website of Raspberry Pi (RPi) is available
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Uniform sampling of microcontrollers.
Microcontroller ESP32 Raspberry Pi (RPi)
Sampling (min.) V I P V I P
1 5.13 0.07 0.3591 5.12 0.28 1.4336
2 5.17 0.02 0.1034 5.12 0.26 1.3312
3 5.19 0.02 0.1038 5.12 0.31 1.5872
4 5.17 0.02 0.1034 5.13 0.26 1.3338
5 5.19 0.02 0.1038 5.13 0.28 1.4364
6 5.17 0.02 0.1034 5.12 0.28 1.4336
7 5.16 0.05 0.258 5.13 0.28 1.4364
8 5.19 0.02 0.1038 5.13 0.26 1.3338
9 5.21 0.02 0.1042 5.12 0.28 1.4336
10 5.17 0.02 0.1034 5.13 0.28 1.4364
11 5.18 0.02 0.1036 5.13 0.31 1.5903
12 5.17 0.02 0.1034 5.13 0.28 1.4364
13 5.20 0.05 0.26 5.12 0.28 1.4336
14 5.21 0.02 0.1042 5.13 0.28 1.4364
15 5.18 0.02 0.1036 5.13 0.26 1.3338
Table 2: Mapping the benchmark and measured values to the model power values in DISSECT-CF-Fog.
Data Source Research Papers Websites Our Experiments IoT Energy Model
Microcontroller ESP32 RPi ESP32 RPi ESP32 RPi ESP32 RPi
Cons. (W)
min N.A. N.A. 0.01 0.1 N.A. N.A. 0.01 0.1
idle 0.17 0.94 0.04 1.1 0.1 1.33 0.1 1.1
max 0.28 1.57 0.42 2.1 0.36 1.59 0.35 1.75
data to an IoT analytics platform called Thingspeak
where it could be visualised.
To determine the electric power (P measured in
watts) in the SI system, we multiplied the metered
voltage (V measured in volts) with the metered elec-
tric current (I measured in amps) values:
P = V I, e.g.1W = 1V 1A (1)
Finally, we can determine the energy usage (J mea-
sured in joules/watt-second/kilowatt-hour) by:
J = P t, e.g.1J = 1W 1s (2)
3.2 The Energy Model for IoT Devices
Finally, in order to utilise monitored data of real IoT
devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog, we executed our sam-
pling application five times on both microcontrollers
for 15 minutes, while measuring the power consump-
tion each millisecond.
Table 1 presents the average values of the uniform
sampling of the metering device for each one minute
periods. Based on the monitored values, we calcu-
lated the electric power. The results show that our
The official website of Thingspeak is available at:
typical IoT monitoring application consumed 0.1 to
0.36 W per minute in average with ESP32, and 1.3 to
1.59 W with RPi. In the next subsection we show how
we applied these measured values to our proposed IoT
energy model.
Concerning power consumption of IoT resources,
we had to build up the energy model from scratch.
In this work, we had to extend the Device class of
DISSECT-CF-Fog, which represents any smart ob-
jects, and responsible for power consumption meter-
ing for IoT devices during simulations.
In the previous version of DISSECT-CF-Fog, only
the elements of the IoT layer lacked energy meter-
ing functions. To resolve this issue, we decided to
create the Microcontroller class for implementing our
energy model of microcontrollers. Such realisation
keeps the already existing functionalities (e.g. data
sensing of IoT sensors, temporary data storing and
data forwarding to fog or cloud nodes), and introduces
predefined states for microcontrollers, which allow to
map a certain power consumption to a certain state.
Besides our real measurements of a typical use
of a microcontroller, we gathered information from
the following works. (Maier et al., 2017) and (Kaup
et al., 2014) focus on the comparative analysis and
the monitoring of ESP32 and Raspberry Pi devices,
Modelling Energy Consumption of IoT Devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog
while detailed online benchmark results for their en-
ergy consumption can also be found on websites
4 5
After studying these sources, we The collected and
measured numbers are shown and compared in Table
2. It also shows the predefined values (for min, idle
and max) we chose to be the base for our IoT En-
ergy Model. We arrived to these values by counting
the median for the concrete values gathered from the
research papers, websites and by our measurements.
Our findings and experiments revealed that the
power consumption values of microcontrollers are
highly dependant on their actual behaviour and their
use cases. Typical modifying circumstances may be
the usage of wired connection instead of wireless,
and/or different types of power supply cable or con-
verter. As we mentioned it earlier, during our exper-
iments we used an online service for retrieving and
storing the generated data by the DTH22 sensor. Ta-
ble 1 also shows that in a few cases (i.e. after ev-
ery fifth sampling), the consumption doubled in case
of ESP32. To handle such extreme cases and to be
able to simulate uncertainty, we introduce three dif-
ferent states of a microcontroller in our model (that
have been implemented in the Microcontroller class
of our simulator).
The state OFF indicates a fully turned off device
with static minimal energy consumption using the
min power preset value. The RUNNING state repre-
sents a high energy consumption state, where the ac-
tual power consumption can change dynamically wrt.
the actual CPU utilisation. The minimal and maximal
consumption values in this state are set by the prede-
fined idle and max power values. To simulate specific
events when high power spikes appear (caused by e.g.
activating a previously unused port of the device), we
introduce the ACTIVE state. It also represents a high
energy consumption state allowing dynamic changes,
but its minimal value should be higher than in the
RUNNING state; by default it is set to the double of
the idle power value.
According to our observation, we experienced
such behaviour in 20% of the sampling process, there-
fore we decided that the ACTIVE state will be set dur-
ing the sensing process of IoT sensors until the data
is saved into the local storage of the IoT device. In
this way, each simulated IoT device enters the OFF
state when it is created, the RUNNING state, when
it is started, and it is periodically switches between
Raspberry Pi benchmark values are available at:
ESP32 benckmark values are available at:
the ACTIVE (performing sensor data generation) and
RUNNING states till it is stopped (OFF state) or ter-
We would also note that DISSECT-CF-Fog pro-
vides a transparent and easily usable interface to cre-
ate additional, new states, and hence multiple energy
models, and it is up to the researcher, where to use
such new states during the simulation.
In the next section we continue with the evalua-
tion of the proposed, extended energy model on two
typical and widespread IoT use cases.
Figure 2: Cumulative energy consumption of cloud, fog
nodes and IoT devices.
Figure 3: Energy consumption percentage of cloud, fog
nodes and IoT devices.
In this section we illustrate the use of the extended,
unified energy model for IoT-Fog-Cloud architectures
in DISSECT-CF-Fog. For this purpose, we model
one of the typical IoT use cases, which represents a
weather forecasting scenario with numerous weather
stations (run by IoT microcontrollers with special sen-
sors). These devices can communicate with a fog
layer directly, which contains three different nodes
with the equal amount of resources, utilising 40 CPU
cores and 40 GB of memory in total. On the top of
the fog topology, there is one cloud datacenter having
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Comparison of the final results of the simulated scenarios.
MicroController ESP32 Raspberry Pi
Number of Devices 100 1 000 10 000 100 1 000 10 000
Number of VMs 7 7 29 7 7 29
Cloud/Fog Cost ($) 0.84 0.85 2.79 0.84 0.84 2.79
IoT Cost ($) 0.009 0.90 83.2 0.009 0.90 83.2
Delay (min.) 1.03 1.25 3.50 1.03 1.25 3.50
Runtime (sec.) 0 4 95 0 4 118
Consumption (kWh)
0.067 0.068 0.068 0.067 0.034 0.068
fog1 Consumption 0.456 0.456 0.456 0.456 0.456 0.456
fog1 Device
0.006 0.053 0.525 0.053 0.500 5.000
fog2 Consumption 0.436 0.431 0.531 0.433 0.456 0.492
fog2 Device
0.011 0.106 1.050 0.105 1.003 10.000
fog3 Consumption 0.611 0.611 0.578 0.611 0.611 0.611
Device Consumption
0.016 0.158 1.575 0.150 1.500 14.972
Total Consumption by Nodes 1.570 1.569 1.636 1.569 1.558 1.628
Total Consumption by Devices 0.032 0.316 3.150 0.307 3.003 29.972
56 CPU cores and 40 GB of memory, furthermore,
the devices are not allowed to send messages (unpro-
cessed sensor data) directly to the cloud (they are con-
nected only to the fog). We considered two types of
virtual machine images simulating existing Amazon
Cloud (AWS) instances. The cloud1 node can utilise
VMs with 8 CPU and 4 GB of memory, their hourly
prices were set to 0.202$, while the fog1, fog2 and
fog3 nodes can deploy VMs with 4 CPU, 2 GB of
memory with 0.101$ hourly price. We also set the
IoT side pricing by applying the IBM Cloud pricing
schema, which charges the consumer after the amount
of data exchanged (in MB).
In our simulation, the microcontrollers can use
either ESP32 or Raspberry Pi energy models, and
they are equipped with a temperature-humidity sen-
sor (similarly to our real world measurements). In our
weather forecasting use case, we defined three differ-
ent scenarios by scaling up the number of operating
devices. In the first case, we utilised 100 IoT devices,
then we increased the number of devices to 1000, fi-
nally in the last case the maximum device number
was 10000, operated for 60 minutes within the exper-
iments. The microcontrollers measured the environ-
mental parameters every 60 seconds, similarly to the
real device evaluation (shown in Section 3.1), hence
our goal was to map the real monitoring execution in
the DISSECT-CF-Fog simulation environment.
The evaluation process is the following in each
scenarios: (i) the IoT microcontrollers monitor the en-
vironment based on their sampling frequency, (ii) the
generated data are forwarded to the less loaded fog
node (using the default scheduling algorithm), (iii) a
node allocates a task (i.e. collection of 256 Kilobytes
of data) to a VM to be processed, or requests a new
one, if there is no free VM available, in case the cur-
rent resource capacity allows it. Otherwise, the unal-
located task will be moved to a less loaded node (in
the fog or to the cloud layer).
During the evaluation, we modelled a European-
wide scenario, where the cloud was located in Frank-
furt, whilst the the three fog nodes were positioned in
London, Budapest and Vienna. The latency between
them was determined based on online ping statistics
The delay between a device and a fog node was set
to an average 50 ms weighted with the actual phys-
ical distance, and the positions of the devices were
randomly generated across Europe.
In order to highlight the energy consumption of
the nodes, the number of VMs were scaled up and
down dynamically according to the actual load caused
by the tasks. To be as realistic as we can, each com-
putational resource dealt with different energy mod-
els based on the resource schema of LPDS Cloud of
. The exact values we used to set the
energy model parameters are summarised in Table 2
and Table 4.
WonderNetwork website is available at:
LPDS Cloud of MTA SZTAKI website is available at:
Modelling Energy Consumption of IoT Devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog
Table 4: The chosen values of the energy model for nodes
and microcontrollers.
Resource Type Min Power Idle Power Max Power
cloud1 20 398 533
fog1 20 296 493
fog2 20 296 533
fog3 20 398 493
The comparison of the results can be seen in Table
3. We listed the number of VMs utilised by all nodes
(Number of VMs), and the cost of both the cloud/fog
and IoT sides (Cloud/Fog cost, IoT cost). The Delay
value reflects to the makespan of the IoT application,
whilst the Runtime indicates the elapsed time in the
execution environment required by the actual simu-
lation. The Power Consumption ensures consump-
tion information detailed for each computational node
(e.g. cloud1 Consumption denotes the consumed en-
ergy by the cloud1 node), and we also counted the
summed consumption values of IoT devices related to
an actual node (e.g. fog1 - IoT Device Consumption
denotes the total consumed energy by all simulated
microcontrollers connected to fog1). Lastly, total en-
ergy usage of both nodes and devices are presented by
Total Consumption of Nodes and Total Consumption
of Devices.
As we can see from Table 3, the cloud resource
utilisation is basically the same in all six simulation
cases, because they had to deal with around the same
amount of unprocessed data/tasks (coming from the
fog layer). Nevertheless, it also shows that in case
of 1 000 devices, seven VMs could easily handle the
scheduled amount of tasks for both microcontrollers.
The more data a task contains, the more time it takes
for the task to be processed, and additional incoming
tasks may trigger new VMs to be deployed (depend-
ing on the applied task scheduling policy threshold).
In the third cases having 10 000 devices, the num-
ber of VMs is dramatically increased to 29, for both
device types.
Since the IBM Cloud pricing is independent of the
actual device type, only the transmitted data counts,
and the cost of the computational nodes is propor-
tional to the number of utilised VMs, therefore the
corresponding costs are the same in case of ESP32
and RPi. It can also be observed that the timeout de-
lay (i.e. application makespan minus the set operation
interval of the IoT devices (60 minutes in these sce-
narios)) is less than 90 seconds for 100 and 10 000
devices. As we can see for the third, 10 000 devices
cases, the throughput of the system decreased, hence
the delay increased to 3.5 minutes. The execution
time (runtime) of the simulations for all cases remains
within two minutes for all cases, which points out that
DISSECT-CF-Fog can manage thousands of entities
on a single PC (for the evaluation we used a PC with
Windows 10 OS, i5-4460 CPU and 8 GB memory).
Figure 2 and Figure 3 highlight the results by com-
paring the energy consumption ratio of the utilised
cloud node, fog nodes and IoT devices (i.e. micro-
controllers). Figure 2 depicts the total energy used in
kW h for each categories, while Figure 3 depicts their
ratio in percentage. As we can see from the diagrams,
the cloud consumption takes only a small part of the
total energy consumption in all six scenarios. The fog
nodes are mostly capable of handling the vast amount
of data with their own resources generated by the IoT
layer, and there is no need to involve cloud resources
drastically. Nevertheless, when we scale up the num-
ber of microcontrollers in the IoT layer, our results
show a significant increase in the total energy con-
sumption, caused by only exclusively the operation of
the IoT devices. For the case of using 10 000 RPi de-
vices, we can see that the energy consumed by the IoT
layer takes up almost 95% of the total consumption,
as shown in Figure 3. For smaller scales, we can ob-
serve that 100 ESP32 devices caused only 2% of the
total energy consumption. This ratio goes up to about
16%, in case of 1 000 ESP32 and 100 RPi devices,
and we experienced around the same ratio in case of
10 000 ESP32 and 1 000 RPi devices (with
In this paper we presented a novel extension of the en-
ergy model of the DISSECT-CF-Fog simulator to en-
able the energy monitoring of its simulated IoT com-
ponents. In this way, we realised a unified energy
model capable of analysing the power consumption of
complex, IoT-Fog-Cloud infrastructures. We evalu-
ated the extension and exemplified its utilisation with
a weather forecasting use case. Our results showed
that detailed energy consumption values can be gath-
ered by the extended DISSECT-CF-Fog, and the pro-
posed solution enables detailed configuration for eval-
uating various power settings for all system elements.
Our future work will address battery draining sim-
ulation of smart devices, and sophisticated energy-
aware scheduling algorithm development for task of-
floading for fog nodes.
The IoT energy model extension of DISSECT-CF-
Fog is available online on GitHub:
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The research leading to these results was supported
by the Hungarian Government and the European
Regional Development Fund under the grant num-
ber GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037 (”Internet of Liv-
ing Things”), and by the Ministry for Innovation
and Technology, Hungary under the grant number
Ahvar, E., Orgerie, A., and L
ebre, A. (2019). Es-
timating energy consumption of cloud, fog and
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Modelling Energy Consumption of IoT Devices in DISSECT-CF-Fog