This study investigates the relationship between miss-
ing link smells and FIC. Furthermore, it examines the
severity of bugs that are introduced in the system by
the developers who are involved in missing link smell.
For this purpose, seven diverse and open-source
projects from Apache are analysed. The correlation
analysis shows there is a significant positive correla-
tion between the number of smelly commits and FIC
commits. In addition, results reveal that developers
mostly introduce major bugs in the system while in-
volved in missing link smell.
In the future, more open-source projects will be
analyzed to generalize the observed result. Further-
more, other types of community smell, e.g., organiza-
tional silo, radio silence, can be included to find how
they relate to the introduction of bugs.
The virtual machine facility used in this research is
provided by Bangladesh Research and Education Net-
work (BdREN).
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Understanding the Relationship between Missing Link Community Smell and Fix-inducing Changes