vehicle in Model 2 with the aim to find the total
emission in the further of different types of vehicle.
The modified gravity model is developed in this
regard. The model will analyse the crucial
contributors of CO2 emission among the GBA cities.
Until recently, gravity model has been mainly applied
to aggregated data with cross-sectional or time-series
data estimation techniques to analyse traffic flow
statistics. Here, the novel model is applied to CO2
emissions from GBA cities and extended to cover
other factors not considered in previous studies. In
addition, the determinants which are related to road
transportation and policies including qualitative
variables. The model will be subjected to a panel data
analysis to investigate the fixed effects over time for
each scenario, thus exploring the changes and
increasing the manipulation of the data quality and
quantity which would otherwise not be possible with
the use of cross sectional or time series estimation
alone. The model will be utilized to investigate the
impacts of energy emission, city-specific social and
political determinants as well as economic indicators
that affect the CO
emission between Hong Kong and
the GBA cities.
The work described in this paper was partially
supported by a grant from the Research Grants
Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region, China (UGC/IDS(C)14/B01/19).
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