Table 2: The obtained results for all considered classifiers when applied on Dataset B. The highest rate per figure of merit is
Classifier Precision Recall f1-score
k-NN 0.64 0.69 0.60
Random forest 0.62 0.73 0.66
SVM 0.61 0.69 0.60
ANN 0.59 0.61 0.60
CNN+MFCC 0.59 0.72 0.64
CNN+log-mel spectrogram 0.58 0.72 0.64
CNN+constant-Q transform 0.60 0.68 0.57
In this paper, a great variety of machine learning
methods has been extensively evaluated on heartbeat
sound classification, with the aim being the detec-
tion of abnormalities such as extrasystole, extra heart
sound and murmurs. To this end, several tempo-
ral and spectral audio features have been exploited.
Such an automatic framework aims at supporting de-
cisions made by healthcare professionals, as well as
early diagnosis, e.g. using a smartphone, so as to
quickly check for any existing heartbeat abnormali-
ties and contact an expert physician. It was shown
that the recognition rates reached by such audio pat-
tern recognition methods differ significantly between
dataset A (smartphone) and dataset B (stethoscope).
In the first datasets, the methods achieved quite good
results in distinguishing artifacts and murmurs, while
in the second the results were worse, especially for the
extrasystole class where no model was able to classify
The results of the present experiments could be
primarily improved by expanding the datasets. More
specifically, it would be especially useful to have
available more heartbeat samples representing the ex-
tra heart sound classes, i.e. extrasystole and mur-
mur. Further improvements could be obtained by cor-
rectly extracting and labeling the S1 and S2 sounds
of the heartbeat, and use them as an additional input
feature for the different classifiers. From a machine
learning perspective, it would be interesting to exper-
iment with a) data augmentation methods, including
transfer learning (Ntalampiras and Potamitis, 2018),
b) modeling temporal properties of heartbeats, us-
ing e.g. temporal convolutional networks (Yan et al.,
2020), and c) employed one-shot learning techniques
(Lake et al., 2015) accommodating scarce data avail-
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Automatic Acoustic Diagnosis of Heartbeats