the Amazon biome, located in the state of Pará,
Brazil. This area has been facing a continuous
degradation process, as indicated by PRODES
reports. The authors obtained an accuracy of 95%
and of 63% in terms of F1-Score using Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN).
Bem et al., (2020) mapped deforestation between
images approximately one year apart, specifically
between 2017 and 2018 and between 2018 and 2019,
using CNN. In the experiments performed,
LANDSAT-8/OLI images from three regions of the
Brazilian Amazon were used. According to the
authors, these regions encompass the main centers of
deforestation that have developed along the
Transamazon (BR-230) and "Cuiabá - Santarém"
highways. The best results were obtained with the
ResUnet model, in which case the accuracy and F1-
Score were 99.93% and 94.65%, respectively.
Maretto et al., (2020) used CNN to perform
classification of deforested areas in a region of
southern Pará state. The authors used Landsat-8/OLI
images and PRODES data as a gold standard. The
training dataset is composed of images from five
years, from 2013 to 2017. The test dataset was
composed of images from 2018. The classifier used
by the authors was CNN U-NET. The accuracy
obtained was approximately 95%.
Adarme et al., (2020), Bem et al., (2020) and
Maretto et al., (2020) used deep learning techniques
to classify deforestation regions in the Amazon. The
results achieved were quite satisfactory. However,
unlike the proposal of this paper, the works found in
the literature do not present a deep learning model for
land use classification for the Brazilian Amazon
region, and the authors did not make their data
available for benchmarking.
In this study, we present a database of images for
the segmentation of land use for the Brazilian
Amazon region in the classes of agriculture, forest
and pasture. In remote sensing images of the Amazon
region, these classes are unbalanced. In other words,
in a region captured by a satellite image, most
correspond to forest and few areas correspond to
other types of soil, such as pasture and agriculture, so
that the forest region is predominant. Figure 1
illustrates two LANDSAT-8/OLI images of the
Amazon region with their respective gold standards.
Images 1 correspond to regions of scene 001/66,
while image 2, to an area of scene 228/68. In this
image we can observe the predominance of forest
areas in relation to pasture and agriculture regions.
This problem can lead, in training a a CNN, to the
optimization method having better performance in the
most present land use class (forest).
This paper has two objectives. First, to solve the
problem mentioned in the previous paragraph,
regarding the unequal distribution of land use in
remote sensing images. The proposed image database
was built using the mosaic image technique. In this
technique, small patches of agriculture, forest and
pasture are extracted from satellite images. With the
aim of obtaining a balanced image, with equal
portions of soil cover from these patches, a larger
image is created with almost the same amount of
agriculture, forest and pasture patches. Second, to
propose a CNN architecture for the segmentation of
remote sensing images into land uses. We emphasize
that previous works published in the literature were
concerned only with classifying deforested areas
(Adarme et al., 2020; Bem et al., 2020; Maretto et al.,
2.1 Mosaic Image Database
The database was created using LANDSAT-8/OLI
(Operational Land Imager) images of the areas of the
Brazilian Legal Amazon region. These images are
available for free at (Usgs, 2019a). The study region
is known as the "arc of deforestation". This region has
the highest rates of deforestation in the Brazilian
Legal Amazon and a large agricultural expansion.
(Oviedo et al., 2019). The images cover the states of
Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará and Rondônia, as
shown in Table 1. Images corresponding to the dry
season were used, due to the lower incidence of cloud
coverage. Figure 2 shows a map with the LANDSAT-
8/OLI scenes used to create the database. According
to (Usgs, 2019b) the Blue (B2), Green (B3), Red
(B4), Near Infrared (B5), Shortwave Infrared 1 (B6)
and Shortwave Infrared 2 (B7) bands are best suited
for vegetation analysis. Also, according to (Yu et. al,
2019), B4, B5 and B6 is the best combination of three
bands for remote sensing applications in applications
whose objective is to perform soil classification.
Thus, two versions of the image database were
assembled, the first one with the six bands (B2, B3,
B4, B5, B6 and B7), and the second one with three
bands (B4, B5, B6). For the generation of the gold
standard, data from the TerraClass project were used,
available for free at (Inpe, 2019). The data generated
in the TerraClass project delimit the regions of the
Brazilian Amazon in the following classes: forest,
agriculture, pasture, unobserved area, urban area,
mining, others, non-forest and hydrography.