Energy Consumption Modeling for Specific Washing Programs of
Horizontal Washing Machine using System Identification
Yongki Yoon
and Sibel Malkos¸
Washing Machine R&D, Arc¸elik A.S¸., Istanbul, Turkey
Energy Consumption, Energy Efficiency, Data Monitoring, State-space Model, System Identification.
This paper presents the application of an energy consumption modeling technique using a system identification
method regarding the washing program settings for a horizontal washing machine. The observer/Kalman
filter identification/eigensystem realization algorithm (OKID/ERA) method is employed to identify the linear
discrete state-space model by choosing the system order computed by the significant singular values. The
identified model is used as an estimator to figure out the energy consumption level for washing programs with
the full loading condition, and results show the feasibility of the method in energy consumption modeling.
The electricity and the water consumption in the
washing machines are mainly dependent on the us-
age pattern of an end-user such as the washing pro-
gram, the temperature setting, the program duration,
the auxiliary functions and the laundry amount as well
as the capacity of the washing machine (Schmitz and
Stamminger, 2014; Afzalan and Jazizadeh, 2019). In
the European Union, horizontal washing machines
are commonly used for the laundry, while vertical
washing machines are mostly populated in the North
America, Asia and Australia. A vertical washing ma-
chine uses more water than a horizontal one, while the
latter consumes more power to control the water tem-
perature via a heater which is a high power consump-
tion device (Pakula and Stamminger, 2010; Bertocco
et al., 2020). In general, researches are mainly fo-
cused on the total energy consumption to provide
the energy-policy direction either in the residential
buildings or in the household appliances. Richardson
(Richardson et al., 2010) presented the annual energy
demand for the household appliances using the statis-
tics between the energy use and the occupant activ-
ity. In references (Bourdeau et al., 2019; Li and Wen,
2014), authors reviewed a data-driven method for the
purpose of the modeling and forecasting in a build-
ing sector and pointed out the popular approaches
such as statistical regression, k-nearest neighbors, de-
cision tree, support vector machines, artificial neural-
network, etc. A simplified model of the energy con-
sumption for horizontal washing machines was pro-
posed using a linear relationship regarding the age of
the end-user, the temperature setting, the capacity of
washer and the energy efficiency (Milani et al., 2015).
Recently, a modeling framework was shared by us-
ing a bottom-up activity to estimate the accurate en-
ergy consumption in residential buildings (Leroy and
Yannou, 2018). However, these researches have been
conducted to create the energy model for all types of
household appliances over a year or daily-base to fig-
ure out the optimal energy saving purpose. In house-
hold appliance sector, monitoring the power and the
energy consumption in real-time per unit will give
more flexibility to give the efficient product design
and development strategy.
Addressing the modeling strategy for new product de-
velopment, the system identification methodology is
the most favourable framework by system designers.
For several decades, this method has been an emerg-
ing research topic to characterize the system behavior
using the experimental data to overcome the knowl-
edge gap from the physics-based modeling in the en-
gineering fields (Ljung, 1999; Van Overschee and
De Moor, 1994; Juang and Pappa, 1985). However,
the limited studies were reported in a washing ma-
chine sector using this approach. Therefore we pro-
pose an innovative approach to develop the mathemat-
ical model in a systematic way and the prediction per-
formance of the energy consumption from the mea-
sured data for specific washing programs subjected
Yoon, Y. and Malko¸s, S.
Energy Consumption Modeling for Specific Washing Programs of Horizontal Washing Machine using System Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010511407210727
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2021), pages 721-727
ISBN: 978-989-758-522-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved