Training School Activities to Promote a Conscious Use of Social
Media and Human Development According to the Ecological Systems
Giovanni Fulantelli
, Lidia Scifo
1,2 b
and Davide Taibi
Institute for Educational Technology, National Research Council of Italy, Via Ugo La Malfa 153, Palermo, Italy
Department of Human Sciences, LUMSA University, Palermo, Italy
Keywords: Social Media, Training School Activities, Ecological Systems Theory, Human Development, Adolescents.
Abstract: The analysis of the scientific literature suggests interesting results both on the positive and negative
consequences of the use of the internet and social media during human development, during the school age.
Yet several studies underline the need to consider Internet as a life context, therefore mediated by
environmental factors, that can influence human development. In this article we emphasize the importance of
the "educability" of the Internet and social media environments following an ecological perspective. In this
regard, according to Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory of human development, we argue that it is
possible to educate the school microsystem through specific training activities and innovative tools that assist
students in analysing the effects of Web content personalization, understanding the algorithms controlling the
social media mechanisms, and realising how toxic content propagate on the Web.
Many scholars have analysed the impact of the
Internet on everyday life, and in many studies the
Internet is considered as one of the greatest
discoveries of the last century (Montalcini, 2005). In
fact, the Internet has triggered a change of paradigm
in the scientific world, in the society, in the
development of relationships between people and, in
general, in the context of life (Kuhn, 1972).
The evolution of the Internet-based technologies
has brought to the development of solutions that have
profoundly changed the way we live, from the World
Wide Web to the platforms for remote work, from
open resource repositories to online learning
solutions, and so on. The advent of social media
represents another milestone in the history of Internet,
opening up to profound reflections on the
"virtualization" of relationships and their growing
importance in everyday life.
Some authors argue that internet should no longer
be considered as a tool to connect to a virtual reality
that is separate from the real world, but as a place in
which users live daily (Carr, 2011; Musetti et al.,
2016; Taymur et al., 2016). This has been emphasized
in the last year when the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic has affected, at different levels, any sector
of the society including education. Face to face
activities have been notably reduced and in certain
cases completely banned, and several activities that
were conducted in presence before the pandemic
spreading, have been performed remotely through
Internet-based technological solutions (Király et al.,
In this perspective, a new concept of the Internet
that takes its environmental features into account is
needed (Musetti et al., 2016; Musetti et al., 2018;
Musetti & Corsano, 2018). Furthermore, it is
necessary to analyse the concept of the internet and
then the world of social media.
The Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory
of human development (1976; 1978; 2001; 2001) fits
perfectly this new perspective on the internet and the
social media environments. In fact, the opportunities
offered by the Internet-based technologies are
different from older “technologies”, and the theory
Fulantelli, G., Scifo, L. and Taibi, D.
Training School Activities to Promote a Conscious Use of Social Media and Human Development According to the Ecological Systems Theory.
DOI: 10.5220/0010513005170524
In Proceedings of the 13th Inter national Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 517-524
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
argues that humans have the ability to respond
constructively and often progressively to the changes
introduced by the specific reference context.
In the Bronfenbrenner's model, the life of each
person is immersed in a specific environment or a
system where each element is linked to all the others
through a relationship of interdependence, so that
every change in one part influences all the others. The
development of a child is favored by participation in
different environmental contexts with different
educational opportunities. Amongst them, the school
environment represents an essential opportunity for
children, precisely because at school they experience
environments rich in educational affordances and
Johnson (2010) reprises the Bronfenbrenner's
theory to fulfill the needs of conceptualizing Internet
use in school age: Internet use in school age occurs in
three contexts: home, school and community. “From
an ecological perspective, Internet use in an
environment influences Internet use in other
environments" (Johnson, 2010, p. 9). In fact, the time
spent by students on the Internet has undergone a
steep rise in recent years, especially because of the
virtual/social relationships developed through the
social media (Burnett & Wilkinson, 2005). As far as
the use of social media amongst young people is
concerned, there are many downsides but "there is
mounting evidence that using the Internet provides
children with cognitive and social benefits"
(Greenfield & Yan, 2006). In order to further
investigate this issue, and on the basis of these
theoretical premises, our research work is aimed at
analyzing the "educability" of the internet
environment framed in the ecological systems theory.
In this article we focus on the Internet-based solutions
mostly used by children and adolescents, including
social media, the risks connected to their use, and the
educational potential of these environments. In
particular, since the school system has a central role
in the education process, we propose specific
educational moments integrated with innovative tools
that can make students aware of the potential and risks
of the technological instruments and support them in
the conscious use of Internet and social media.
The ecological systems theory of human
development, also known as theory of "human
ecology", was originally formulated and continually
revised by Bronfenbrenner (1976; 1978; 2001), in
order to facilitate the understanding of the dynamic
interrelationships between the various personal and
environmental factors affecting human development.
In his theory Bronfenbrenner (1978) postulated that,
in order to understand human development, the entire
ecological system in which a person grows must be
considered. Specifically, Bronfenbrenner (2001;
2006) organized the environment of child
development into five nested environmental systems
(macro, eco, meso, micro and chrono) with bi-
directional influences within and between systems.
In one of the main revisions of his theory,
Bronfenbrenner recognized the relevance of the
biological and genetic aspects of a person for the
purpose of human development, thus introducing his
bioecological theory of human development
(Bronfenbrenner, 2001).
The ecological systems theory provides a holistic
point of view of environmental influences on human
development and places the person within a system of
relationships with family, school, peer group
influencing each other. It is in this perspective that the
Internet and social media can be considered "places
of life" permeated with social relationships between
individuals and between individuals and the
In fact, Johnson and Puplampu (2008) have
extended the Bronfenbrenner model with the
ecological techno-subsystem, a dimension of the
microsystem that can better account for the increasing
use of technology in the age of development for
children and adolescents. The ecological techno-
subsystem is part of the microsystem like the family,
the school and the peers. As argued by the authors,
the techno-subsystem includes the child's interaction
with both "living" elements (peers, family,
classmates, etc.) and "non-living" elements, such as
the internet, the media, and so on (Johnson &
Puplampu, 2008).
In their model, Johnson & Puplampu do not
explicitly refer to the social media. However, by
considering the role that social media has taken on in
everyone's life, even among the youngest, we argue
that it is necessary to explicitly include social media
in the techno-subsystem. To this aim, we shortly
describe the 5 environmental systems identified by
Bronfenbrenner making explicit reference to some
examples of integration of social media in the model
(see Figure 1). The most external environmental
system is the macrosystem, that includes political and
economic concepts, the values of society and its
culture. In this sense, the complexes of beliefs and
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
behaviours that characterize the macrosystem are
transmitted from one generation to another through
the processes of dissemination, usability and
socialization of information that are supported by the
vastness of the internet environment. Social media
can also be an excellent tool to transmit cultural and
social knowledge between people and from one
generation to another (Tudge et al., 2009).
The exosystem is made up of the interconnection
between two or more environments which are not
directly related to the child but that can indirectly
influence him/her. For example, at this level we find
the neighbourhood, parent’s workplaces and parent’s
friends. Even in this case digital technologies support
interconnections through the social media use.
The mesosystem is characterized by the
relationship between microsystems. In this sense,
social media is a place for the promotion of
relationships. For example, two or more social
environments on the internet in which the subject
participates directly and actively.
The microsystem is the level within which the
children develop interpersonal relationships with
their immediate environment, such as peers, the
school and the family. A microsystem is a model of
interpersonal relationships, shared activities, roles,
and rules. Finally, the chronosystem highlights the
effect of time on all ecological systems and all
development processes, including the training
experiences to which students participate.
The ecological approach is intended as a lens through
which to observe and analyse the world of young
school students, even though the analysis of their
behaviour in social media. In fact, having in mind that
the different life environments in which a person lives
significantly affect his/her behaviour, people's
behaviour can be better understood when it is studied
through different levels of analysis (Edinete & Tudge,
2013). Furthermore, every system contains roles,
norms and rules that can shape psychological
development and offer educational opportunities
(Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006).
However, the Internet and social media have
become part of the Bronfenbrenner model quite
recently. This raises an important challenge: is it
possible, and how, to “educate” the microsystem
layer in order to make the most of the potential
Figure 1: Ecological system theory and the educational role
of training school activities.
offered by the Internet and social media yet avoiding
the risks connected to their use? We argue that, by
acting on the school microsystem through training
school activities, an educational change can be made
that supports aconscious use of social media.
Only by acting on the school microsystem can we
also act on the relationships with the family and peer
microsystem, as well as on other systems in the
Bronfenbrenner according to the principle of the
mutual influences among systems. Finally, an action
on the school microsystem can lead to long-term
positive changes in a person behaviour.
The school is a microsystem that can be educated
through specific activities to support changes in
people and the environment over time and that
support students in a conscious use of the social
media environments.
3.1 Internet and Social Media Threats
Few technologies have impacted education as the
Internet and social media have done. Research on
learning supported by internet technologies is
extremely rich. In particular, studies on social media
in formal and informal education have proliferated
over the last decade (Chen & Bryer, 2012; Mbati,
2013; Mao, 2014; Greenhow & Lewin, 2016; Selwyn
& Stirling, 2016). In fact, social media offer
important affordances for students’ learning, that
Greenhow, Galvin and Staudt Willet (2019)
summarize in: fostering active learning, enhancing
students’ collaboration, and increasing their
community connections. However, the potential
offered by these technologies could be compromised
by the risks associated with their use.
Training School Activities to Promote a Conscious Use of Social Media and Human Development According to the Ecological Systems
Actually, the risks to children and young people
of using social media have been widely discussed in
literature. Based on the analysis of the literature,
Willoughby (2018) has identified four areas of risk:
cyberbullying and online abuse, exposure to negative
forms of user-generated content (such as self-harm,
hate, pro-anorexia or sexually explicit content, also
known as toxic content), the converging of offline and
online networks, and developing interpretations of
privacy. The urgency of the risks deriving from the
use of social media is so evident that it has become
not only the subject of study by researchers, but also
of investigations and journalistic insights that have
allowed to open a debate at the society level.
The American docudrama film “The Social
Dilemma”, released in 2020, tackled the evolution of
social media and the increasing risks they triggered in
society. The documentary unveils how social media
leverages big data produced by their users, on top of
which executing sophisticated machine learning
algorithms in the background that impact decisions of
billions of people. As a consequence, social media are
alleged to manipulate their users thus inducing
different forms of addiction and affecting mental
health of adolescents.
Another risk originated by Artificial Intelligence
techniques is related to the recommendation
algorithms that are more and more implemented by
search engines and social media to filter the content
and draw the attention of users only to a selected
portion of Web content. The consequences of this
scenario are polarization, radicalization, and the
creation of filter bubbles and echo chambers (Pariser,
2011; Sunstein, 2018).
Internet and social media users are unwary of
these mechanisms, or at best they underestimate the
effects that these virtual environments have in real
life. Furthermore, these effects are more exacerbated
when it comes to adolescents. Actually, adolescents
are more exposed to the social media threats, since
they are unable to perceive the profoundly different
dynamics that govern offline and online networks.
The meaning and nature of friendships is altered by
social media insofar as the interactions and
connections children and young people make are not
contained to the physical boundaries of being present
with one another (Willoughby, 2018). Livingstone et
al.’s research indicated that 1 in 12 children have met
an online contact offline, with a further 30%
suggesting they have communicated with someone
they have not met face-to-face but have considered it
(Livingstone et al., 2011, p. 8). Moreover, the
uncontrolled convergence between offline and online
networks does not help the most emotionally fragile
subjects (this can happen in controlled contexts). The
evidence arising from most of the reviewed literature
suggests that in general, those with offline
vulnerabilities are most at risk of being harmed by
their online activity and that as offline and online
social networks converge, so do offline and online
problems (Willoughby, 2018). Children with low
self-esteem or unsatisfying friendships or parental
relations are considered higher risk from social
networking sites (Ballantyne et al., 2010; Kwan and
Skoric, 2013; O’Neill, Livingstone, & McLaughlin,
2011). Finally, Kwan and Skoric (2013) argue that in
relation to cyberbullying on Facebook in particular,
those likely to be bullied in school are also the most
likely to be bullied on Facebook.
The importance of the problem also arises from
studies that show how the age of subjects at risk is
getting lower and lower. In their study with 593
middle school students, Martin and colleagues (2018)
have found out that 17% of them started using social
media at age nine or younger, 40% accepted friend
requests from people they do not know, and 40%
reported that their parents did not monitor their social
media use.
In this scenario, in which the internet and the
social media are no longer intended as a tool but as a
"place" to live in, children and adolescents must be
educated to live in this environment. Training school
activities and specific tools that can support students
in a conscious and correct use of the internet
environment are presented in the next section.
Training school activities should be focused on
promoting proper use of social media as a living
environment characterized by positive and negative
aspects. In particular, the training activities should
aim at educating and supporting adolescents to face
specific problems that arise within social media. The
indiscriminate use of social media can lead to
discrimination, prejudice, the spread of hate speech,
violation of personal rights, psychological attacks,
symbolic violence, transmission of private views
without the consent of interested parties, deceiving
people with fake accounts, spreading negative speech
that they intend to abuse, as well as bullying,
harassment and insults along with the circulation of
malicious opinions and information on the Internet.
Furthermore, content that incorporates violence not
only produces negative effects on users, but also
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
makes them quite dysfunctional. Therefore, the
training should aim at favouring students learning
strategies for avoiding the unconscious or
uncontrolled use of social media.
Furthermore, various constructs that characterize
the Internet as a new environment should be analysed,
in particular, interpersonal skills, self-esteem, self-
efficacy, resilience, problem solving skills,
motivational emotional aspects, internet addition. In
order to analyse these variables and the processes
underlying these constructs, specific methodologies,
such as structured interviews or already validated and
published questionnaires, can be used. For instance,
the following questionnaires are suitable for
collecting data related to the constructs introduced
above: The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being
Scale (WEMWBS): development and UK validation
(Tennant, et al., 2007); Satisfaction with life scale
(Diener et al., 1985); Internet-related psychological
and psychopathological variables: construction and
preliminary validation of the U.A.D.I. survey (Del
Miglio et al., 2001); Mood and Feelings
Questionnaire (MFQ) (Angold & Costello, 1987);
Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) (Friborg et al.,
2003). Analysing the living environment of social
media through specific activities allows us to better
understand what the toxic contents are and what are
the positive aspects that must be highlighted and
enhanced in the new living environment.
4.1 Training Activities
Adopting a specific training programme is the first
step to allow students to develop adequate
competences to live in the Internet environment and
evolve within the school microsystem of the
ecological model. However, traditional learning
approaches are not adequate to engage students and
implementing learning actions aimed at educating
students for a proper use of social media is necessary.
The training activities should integrate specific
learning tasks with the use of appropriate tools and
devices. Training activities should be developed on
top of suitable learning content and immersive
experiences specifically designed to shed the lights on
the mechanisms behind the Internet environments and
social media. Tools and devices should be as close as
possible to the ones the students use every day. In this
perspective, for example, mobile devices and
smartphones should not be demonized or banned but
integrated into those learning activities aiming to
promote and increase awareness in the use of social
In particular, we propose that the training
objectives should be focused on the three factors that
underlie the functioning mechanisms of the Internet-
based solutions and social media, and that, in turn,
can determine the risks highlighted in section 3: the
personalization of Web content, the effect of artificial
intelligent algorithms in social media, and toxic
content detection.
The personalization of Web content has the
positive effect of facilitating the retrieval of Web
resources by providing users with the content most
likely they are looking for. The increasing availability
of content on the Web has made this feature
indispensable. Therefore, search engines (such as
Google) or very common media platforms (such as
YouTube), have introduced this feature in their
procedures for content retrieval and presentation.
Users are usually informed of this characteristic,
through the Term of Services documents, even
though it is commonly ascertained that a very few
percentages of users take care of them. The problem
of overwhelming amounts of content is one of the
problems that social networks have to cope with when
it comes to improving users’ experience. To this aim,
artificial intelligence approaches are commonly
adopted to filter the content to be proposed to the
users. However, these approaches are often biased
and criticized to foster more users’ addiction than
users’ benefit.
Learning activities aimed at increasing students’
awareness have to use the appropriate tools to unveil
these mechanisms and to make students aware that
what they see in their favourite social platform is only
a portion of the content they could effectively access;
and, moreover, in most of the case this content is
polarized offering a limited view (on a social event
for instance) from only one angle.
Training activities should bring students in
practicing the effects of the approaches adopted by
the social media. In order to experiment these
mechanisms innovative and suitable tools have to be
introduced. In the following sections, we present
three different types of tools and the learning contexts
in which they can be effectively used.
4.2 Tools to Learn Web Content
Tools in this category are designed to emphasize the
effects of recommender systems in proposing
personalized content to the users. For instance, in the
area of search engines this is reflected in different
ranked results depending on several factors such as:
the previous searches performed by users, the
Training School Activities to Promote a Conscious Use of Social Media and Human Development According to the Ecological Systems
localization of the content, cultural aspects, and so on.
All these factors contribute to filter the search results
and present them in different order according to their
assumed relevance, leading to a different perception
of reality. In (Taibi et al., 2020) authors present an
experiment in which students analysed the results of
search engines with respect to selected queries. The
effects of the polarization of the content were
investigated with the support of teachers.
In fact, appropriate tools to investigate those
factors are needed. In particular, it is important to
provide users with functionalities that support the
analysis of the search results, permitting comparisons
between results of the same user with the same search
keyword in different time (to answer the question
how does the search results change over time?), or to
analyse the results of the search of different users for
the same keyword (to answer the question, how does
the user profiles affect the search results?).
Investigating whether different search results are
shown according to the cultural aspects (most of the
time expressed with the location and the language
used to perform the search) is also relevant. In fact,
search engines have been proven to be effective to
support social research (Fulantelli et al., 2016; Taibi
et al., 2017; Taibi et al., 2019).
The role of teachers is also relevant to guide
students in the analysis. Teachers should highlight the
presence of mechanisms used by search engines to
propose the results. Moreover, teachers should invite
students in developing critical thinking processes, by
looking at the search results critically.
4.3 Controlled Social Networks
The effects of the artificial intelligent algorithms used
by social networks to present content to their users
cannot be analysed within the social network, for
several reasons. First of all, they use different
algorithms, very often in combination between them
and, as in the case of search engines, they do not
reveal the secret receipt they use to elaborate content
in background. These algorithms work as a black box,
sometimes different algorithms are used for different
groups of users, trying to unveil how these algorithms
work by using the real social networks is very
complex and specific tools are needed.
In (Puvia et al., 2020) authors propose the
customization of an open-source alternative to
Instagram to study the effects of different algorithms
in showing the content to the users. This tool has the
same functionalities of a common social network, it
is possible to create a personal profile, manage a list
of friends, and publish posts. In this way, students use
a platform to which they are familiar, equipped with
the same features of those that they use every day.
The advantages of this solution are twofold: firstly, it
creates a closed environment in which all the
variables can be taken controlled and analysed,
secondly the effects of each algorithm can be studied
separately before and in combination afterwards.
Moreover, the use of an open-source solution
allowed a high level of customization in
implementing the different algorithms and in
extending the platform to include new functionalities
to monitor students’ activities.
The availability of closed environments, with
similar functionalities to the ones that students are
familiar to use, allows teachers and researchers to
investigate students’ interactions as they happen in a
real context, and allows students to better understand
how the content publishing changes according to the
tuning of parameters of the same algorithms.
4.4 Virtual Assistants
Coping with the different types of risks that intervene
in social networks could be particularly complex for
students that in adolescence faced already one
important period of their development. This is also
more critical when it comes to early school children
accessing the social network with a profile most of
the time cheating their age. In this case, the
algorithms used by social network to prevent the
access to toxic content are less effective since they are
not specifically designed for this age range.
A solution comes from the use of virtual assistants
that counteract the artificial intelligence of social
media environments with the same weapon. In the last
few years, virtual assistants have been developed to
support students and adolescents in general when
interacting with social media (Courage, 2019).
Virtual assistants filter the content proposed by the
social network hindering the spread of toxic content.
Moreover, they integrate educational activities
including gamification and questionnaires aimed at
identifying the situations at risk, exactly when they
happen. These tools use AI algorithms to recognize
toxic content and help students in interacting properly
with them.
The Internet and the social media have created new
forms of sharing and have greatly speeded up the
development of links between people, providing
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
undisputed advantages in terms of educational
affordances and sociality.
However, further research is needed to prove that
Internet-based technologies and social media are
appropriately designed to support intra and
interpersonal relationships of young people and not
only. In this article we underline the importance of the
"educability" of the internet and social media
environment by following an ecological perspective.
In this regard, according to Bronfenbrenner's
ecological systems model, it is possible to promote
educational actions at the school microsystem level.
Amongst them, specific training activities, when
conducted in a functional way, can support students
in acquiring a constructive and responsible use of the
Internet environment and social media.
In this paper we have proposed training activities,
integrated with innovative software tools, that assist
students in analysing the effects of Web content
personalization, understanding the algorithms
controlling the social media mechanisms, and
realising how toxic content propagate on the Web.
Future perspectives of our study concern two
main aspects; firstly, the age of students to which
address the learning actions; secondly, the
microsystems to be involved in the analysis of the
interactions between students and social media. As
far as the first aspect is concerned, it should be noted
that in the last few years, several educational actions
aimed at thwarting the spread of dangerous
behaviours amongst students have been undertaken.
The privileged target group of these actions is made
of adolescents, since generally social media (e.g.
Facebook) requires users to be at least 13 years old.
However, the actual age of users accessing the social
media for the first time is lower than the one fixed by
the companies. This consideration motivates the
introduction of specific multiliteracy actions aimed at
younger children (e.g. middle and primary school
Concerning the second aspect, we argue that the
role of other microsystems such as the peers and the
family, in addition to the school, must be investigated.
This is necessary to better analyse the relationships
between the students’ development and the use of
Internet and social media. In fact, according to
Bronfenbrenner’s theory, the relationship between
microsystems is fundamental for understanding the
development trend of each student.
Furthermore, the theory argues that every
environment is rich in educational resources that
support the human development. In this regard, each
microsystem must support the other microsystems in
order to favor the growth of each student.
This work has been developed in the framework of
the project COURAGE - A social media companion
safeguarding and educating students (no. 95567),
funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in the topic
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CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education