Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?
Kaspar Hageman
, Egon Kidmose
, Ren
e Rydhof Hansen
and Jens Myrup Pedersen
Department of Electronic System, Aalborg University, Denmark
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark
Phishing, Digital Certificate, Certificate Transparency, TLS.
This paper investigates the potential of using digital certificates for the detection of phishing domains. This is
motivated by phishing domains that have started to abuse the (erroneous) trust of the public in browser padlock
symbols, and by the large-scale adoption of the Certificate Transparency (CT) framework. This publicly
accessible evidence trail of Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates has made the TLS landscape more
transparent than ever. By comparing samples of phishing, popular benign, and non-popular benign domains,
we provide insight into the TLS certificates issuance behavior for phishing domains, focusing on the selection
of the certificate authority, the validation level of the certificates, and the phenomenon of certificate sharing
among phishing domains. Our results show that phishing domains gravitate to a relatively small selection of
certificate authorities, and disproportionally to cPanel, and tend to rely on certificates with a low, and cheap,
validation level. Additionally, we demonstrate that the vast majority of certificates issued for phishing domains
cover more than only phishing domains. These results suggest that a more pro-active role of CAs and putting
more emphasis on certificate revocation can have a crucial impact in the defense against phishing attacks.
Decades after its inception in the ’90s, phishing re-
mains a significant problem. This scalable form of
criminal activity can be characterized by the use of
deception in which impersonation is used to obtain
information from a target (Lastdrager, 2014). The
Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) still reports
the discovery of tens of thousands of phishing sites
monthly (Anti-Phishing Working Group, 2021). This
indicates that phishing is far from a solved problem,
and that there remains a need for novel and improved
detection, prevention and mitigation methods.
A significant effort, from both an academic and
commercial perspective, has been made towards the
detection and identification of phishing entities, such
as URLs, emails, websites and domains. Existing ap-
proaches are in many cases based on identifying sim-
ilarities between suspicious entities and known legit-
imate ones, as criminals conducting phishing attacks
(referred to as phishers) often attempt to deceive vic-
tims into believing they are interacting with a legiti-
mate system. However, entities that so far ha not re-
ceived a similar degree of scrutiny are digital certifi-
cates. Such certificates are used in establishing a se-
cure communication channel between (among others)
web browsers and web servers. It raises the research
question on whether TLS certificates can be labeled as
‘phishy’ or benign in the same manner URLs and do-
mains have historically been given these labels, ulti-
mately preventing Internet users from interacting with
websites serving these certificates. The recent large-
scale adoption of two technologies has resulted in a
trail of certificates, which potentially can be used for
an alternative detection method of phishing attacks:
HTTPS, i.e., HTTP over Transport Layer Secu-
rity, by phishing websites, for encrypting traffic
between the browser and web server
The submission of newly-issued TLS certificates
to Certificate Transparency (CT) logs by certifi-
cate authorities
Certificate Transparency has been developed for third
parties to monitor the logs for fraudulently issued cer-
tificates, resulting in TLS certificates being inserted
in these logs in near real-time and additionally on a
global scale. Furthermore, the issuance of certificates
is assumed to occur early in the lifecycle of a do-
main, and thereby also of the phishing attack. Prior
research has identified a general short domain lifetime
and disposable nature of phishing domains, which we
hypothesize to be reflected in the CT log artifacts we
can observe:
Hageman, K., Kidmose, E., Hansen, R. and Pedersen, J.
Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?.
DOI: 10.5220/0010516600380049
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021), pages 38-49
ISBN: 978-989-758-524-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1. The selected certificate authority that phishing
domains resort to for issuing their certificates are
expected to be cheap and certificate issuance is ex-
pected to be automated. In addition, an analysis of
CA selection may reveal certain patterns related to
the phishing hosting infrastructure of phishers.
2. The validation level of certificates is a proxy for
the monetary cost that phishers invest into increas-
ing the perceived legitimacy of phishing websites.
3. Phishing attacks may be part of a larger campaign,
and the preparation of those attacks may be coor-
dinated. It is hypothesized that this is reflected in
certificates covering more than one phishing do-
main, which in practice would simplify the host-
ing infrastructure of the phishing attack.
In this work, we test these hypotheses by analyz-
ing a large collection of TLS certificates, hinting to-
wards the ‘phishiness’ of the certificates. The results
serve as a preliminary motivation for pursuing a CT-
based phishing mitigation system. It is namely impor-
tant that phishing domains and non-phishing domains
handle their infrastructure significantly different from
a TLS perspective, in order to rely on them for such
as mitigation system.
Prior to testing these hypotheses, we used our col-
lected data to show that for the majority of phishing
domains, a certificate is issued before the domain gets
blacklisted, which emphasizes the relevancy of a CT
log-based protection system. Our main findings are
as follows:
Phishers resort to a relatively small set of CAs for
their certificate issuance, and the issuer of certifi-
cates reveals information regarding the infrastruc-
ture on which services for domains are served,
as illustrated by a significant number of cPanel
servers for phishing domains.
Phishers seldom resort to the more expensive EV
certificates, and rarely to OV certificates, although
these results apply to non-popular domains as
Certificates rarely cover only phishing certificates,
but a large fraction of certificates issued for phish-
ing domains cover other domains as well.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
We present the context of the paper in the background
and related work in Sections 2 and 3. This is followed
by a description of the methodology and the results in
Sections 4 and 5. The overall impact of the results is
discussed in Section 6.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) like its predeces-
sor SSL is the underlying protocol suite for en-
crypting communication on the Internet. The secure
communication it provides is facilitated by a public
key infrastructure, in which the identity of an entity
(such as a domain name) is bound to a cryptographic
public key. The proof of such a binding is stored and
distributed in the form of an X.509 certificate, and
consists of the identities, the public key and a cryp-
tographic signature that allows a web browser to ver-
ify the identity of the web server it is initiating a TLS
connection with. The process of issuing certificates
is handled by one of the hundreds of certificate au-
thorities (CAs), which are inherently-trusted, third-
party organizations. The X.509 certificate standard
supports the binding with multiple identities (Cooper
et al., 2008), and these identities are referred to as
Subject Alternative Names (SANs). This allows an
organization to request a single certificate for multiple
domains (or other entity types such as IP addresses),
thereby reducing the number of certificates required
to secure web traffic towards their infrastructure.
An applicant applies for a certificate at a CA with
information about the to-be-created certificate, such
as the SANs to cover, the validation level of the cer-
tificate, and the period for which the certificate is
valid. The CAs are tasked to verify that the requester
of a certificate does in fact own all entities that the
certificate is about to cover. This verification can be
done via a variety of methods depending on the CA,
including email verification, an HTTP endpoint, or
more thorough background checks. After an appli-
cant proves ownership of all SANs, the CA issues a
certificate, signed by their own root (or intermediate)
Each certificate has a validation level associated
with it, indicating the depth - and therefore also the
cost - of the verification process the CA and requester
went through to get the certificate issued. Domain
validated (DV) certificates require the least validation,
followed by organization validated (OV) certificates
and lastly extended validated (EV) certificates. The
latter validation type is reserved for corporations and
recognized entities, and requires an in-depth back-
ground check. The benefit of these more expensive
OV and EV certificates used to be a different indica-
tor in the browser, although most browsers are mov-
ing towards removing these differences
, as different
indicators have proven to be ineffective (Thompson
et al., 2019).
Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?
In addition to the validation level and SANs to be
covered in the domain, an applicant must declare the
duration of the validity period of the certificate. As a
security mechanism, certificates expire after a times-
pan after which a certificate cannot successfully be
verified and TLS connections must be rejected. Typi-
cally, this period lies between a few months and cou-
ple of years, and since 2020, the CA/Browser Base-
line Requirements restricts the validity period to a
maximum of 13 months (CA/Browser Forum, 2020).
This period prevents certificates from being abused
for long periods of time, in case the private key of
the cryptographic key pair of the certificate owner is
2.1 Certificate Transparency
Fraudulent issuance of a certificate regardless of
its malicious intent can have a disastrous impact,
as demonstrated by two incidents in 2011. Attack-
ers were able to obtain certificates for domains in-
cluding and, allowing
them to perform large-scale man-in-the-middle at-
tacks (Prins, 2011). The reputation damage eventu-
ally resulted in the bankruptcy of one of the CAs.
As a direct response to these incidents, the Certifi-
cate Transparency project was initiated with the goal
of monitoring and auditing the certificate issuance of
CAs. The project encourages CAs to submit every
issued certificate to publicly accessible, append-only
CT ‘logs’. These CT logs can be run by third-party
organizations and, due to their public availability, al-
low anyone to monitor for fraudulent issuance of cer-
tificates for their domains. As of February 2021,
Chrome’s CT policy recognizes more than a hundred
logs being operated by 21 different organizations, and
they contain over 12 billion issued certificates
After submitting a certificate to a CT log, a CA
obtains a Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT), which
acts as a proof from the log operator that the certifi-
cate is, or will soon be, appended to the log. This
SCT is embedded in the certificate, which can be
used during the TLS handshake between a browser,
and a web server to verify the inclusion of the cer-
tificate in the logs. As of April 2018, Chrome has
started to require any certificate to comply with its
CT policy, effectively requiring all certificates to be
logged in at least two CT logs
. A similar policy was
introduced by Apple in October 2018
. Due to the
large combined browser market share of Google and
Apple (an estimated 82.3% as of February 2021
this has resulted in the large-scale adoption of the
CT framework. Combined with a generally increased
adoption of HTTPS (an estimated 84% for phishing
URLs (Anti-Phishing Working Group, 2021)), this
makes the CT logs a promising data source for phish-
ing detection.
Scheitle et al. (Scheitle et al., 2018) recognized the
potential of CT logs for phishing detection based
on a preliminary experiment, focusing primarily on
typosquatting domains, the practice of registering
domains looking similar to other domains in or-
der to create confusion. More recently, Fasllija et
al. (Fasllija et al., 2019) explored this idea further
by implementing and evaluating a classifier based
on the certificates contained in the CT logs. Simi-
larly, Sakurai et al. (Sakurai et al., 2020) built domain
name templates and match newly issued certificates
against these templates to identify new phishing do-
mains. Commercial initiatives such as CertSpotter
, and Facebook
started to provide pro-
tection services that alert domain owners whenever a
certificate for their domains is submitted to a CT log.
These initiatives primarily rely on the lexical prop-
erties of the domains and do not explore the TLS-
specific information contained in the logs.
Alternative early detection systems for domain
abuse have been proposed in prior research. The
works of Hao et al. (Hao et al., 2013; Hao et al.,
2016) resulted in PREDATOR, a proactive detec-
tion system of spamming domains. The Dutch reg-
istry, SIDN, uses nDEWS (Moura et al., 2016) as
an early detection system for various types of do-
main abuse, operating at the level of a top-level do-
main. Lever et al. (Lever et al., 2016) detect do-
main ownership changes for identifying malicious re-
registrations. These systems primarily rely on the
DNS for their data, and could potentially be combined
with CT log data analysis for better performances.
The CT logs have been used as a source data
set for other application areas besides phishing do-
main detection. Manousis et al. (Manousis et al.,
2016) analyse the impact of Let’s Encrypt on the TLS
ecosystem, finding early evidence for the adoption of
typosquatters and malware hosters. Similarly, Aer-
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
sten et al. (Aertsen et al., 2017) identify that in the first
year of Let’s Encrypts introduction, primarily low-
cost domains started to resort to Let’s Encrypt as their
CA. VanderSloot et al. (VanderSloot et al., 2016) in-
vestigated the coverage of the entire TLS ecosystem
from various viewpoints (in terms of observed certifi-
cates). They identified that CT logs at the time already
captured over 90% of all certificates, which since then
presumably has only increased further.
Prior research has relied on alternative certificate-
related datasets. These datasets were often collected
by either actively probing TLS servers ( mea-
surements) or monitoring network traffic for TLS
handshakes (i.e.passive measurements). Active mea-
surements allow researchers to not only capture the
certificate, but also parameters exchanged during the
TLS handshake (Zhang et al., 2014). Drawbacks
of active measurements include its reliance a list of
known domains
, partial coverage caused by unavail-
ability of servers and the difficulty of performing
continuous measurements. In passive measurements,
such as the works by Razaghpanah et al. (Razagh-
panah et al., 2017), have no control of which cer-
tificate are observed. The degree of coverage of the
TLS ecosystem is highly dependent on the quality and
quantity of the observation point(s), as a small and ho-
mogenous client population is unlikely to query a sig-
nificant portion of TLS-enabled servers. In contrast
to CT logs, neither active nor passive measurements
are guaranteed to provide certificates in a timely fash-
ion (i.e., immediately after the certificate has been is-
sued). Note that different measurement types can be
used in conjunction (Holz et al., 2019), compensat-
ing each other’s drawbacks and thereby resulting in a
higher quality dataset.
To obtain a manageable dataset of certificates (in
terms of the cost of analyzing these certificates), we
collect certificates issued for a sample of three do-
main types. An exploratory analysis of all certificates
available from the CT logs is considered infeasible,
as they contain over twelve billion certificates. Rather
than considering Fully Qualified Domain Names
(FQDNs), we are primarily concerned with analyzing
root domains, the part of the FQDN under which
A TLS handshake involves the Server Name Indication ex-
tension of TLS (Blake-Wilson et al., 2003), i.e., a field that
contains the domain name that the client intends to connect
.com zone
Domain sampling
Figure 1: The process of retrieving the three samples of do-
mains and their associated certificates. The grey boxes rep-
resent the source data sets, the green boxes represent three
domain types and the red boxes represent the actions per-
formed by the authors. D = set of domains, U = set of URLs,
C = set of certificates.
the domain is registered by its owners
. Certificates
issued for domains under this root domain are gen-
erally requested by the domain owner since the do-
main owner is tasked to demonstrate ownership of the
domain to the CA, although newer verification meth-
ods (such as an HTTP-based method) challenge this
assumption. The aforementioned three domain types
used for analysis are defined as follows:
Phishing domains (D
) are those domains that
have historically been used in phishing attacks.
Popular benign domains (D
) represent the set
of domains used for highly popular services that
receive the majority of traffic on the Internet.
Non-popular benign domains (D
) are do-
mains that receive a low amount of traffic, yet
have not been seen as part of phishing attacks.
For each domain type, we sampled 10,000 domains,
resulting in a total number of 30,000 domains for
which certificates were collected. Figure 1 shows the
process to retrieve the sample of domains and their as-
sociated certificates. The domain sampling step con-
sists of converting the source domains into a set of
sampled, labeled domains. In the certificate retrieval
step, all certificates for these sampled domains are re-
trieved, which in turn are analyzed further.
Domain Sampling. The Tranco list (Pochat et al.,
2019) combines three other domain lists to provide a
robust list of the top one-million popular domains, in
terms of the popularity of those domains
. We as-
sume that the domains on the top of this list are in-
herently benign (i.e., they were not registered for ma-
licious purposes), under the assumption that a mali-
ciously registered domain will never become popular
enough to receive high amounts of traffic. The top of
For instance, the root domain for the FQDN is
The definition of ‘popularity’ differs slightly between the
three source lists, but generally represents the amount of
traffic the domain receives.
Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?
the list therefore represents popular, benign domains.
The APWG’s eCrime eXchange (eCX) platform
contains millions of known phishing URLs submitted
by contributing organizations, whenever the submit-
ted URL is found to host phishing content. The root
domains extracted from these URLs form the base of
the phishing domain sample, denoted as D
. Some
popular domains are often abused for hosting phish-
ing content, such as Facebook or Google Docs. This
however does not imply those domains are registered
for malicious purposes; the content on these sites is
merely user-generated and therefore contains a mix
of malicious and benign content. The set of phish-
ing domains is defined as D
= D
\ D
, or the
root domains extracted from eCX URLs, excluding
any domain that is in the top 1M Tranco domains.
Lastly, the non-popular, benign domain type is de-
fined as D
= D
\ (D
), where D
is the set of all domains in the .com zone (comprising
almost half of all domains globally). None of these
domains receive a large amount of traffic and have
never been seen in a phishing attack according to the
eCX platform.
Certificate Retrieval. We collect any certificate
submitted to the CT log ecosystem that covers (at
least) one of the domains in the domain sets. This
collection is done through a Google BigQuery dataset
provided by the Censys search engine (Durumeric
et al., 2015). The criterion for a certificate to cover
a domain name is that the SANs list of the certificate
contains (1) the root domain itself, (2) a subdomain of
the root domain, or (3) a wildcard domain under the
root domain. In addition to the raw certificates, we
also collect several extra fields, including the finger-
print of the certificate, and the validity of the certifi-
cate according to different root stores.
All four datasets (i.e., the Tranco list, the .com zone
file, the eCX URLs, and certificates) were collected
in the beginning of 2020. We used the Tranco list
from February 20th, 2020
. The list of eCX URLs
comprises over 8.6 million URLs (belonging to 1.02
million unique root domains), and contains URLs dis-
covered up to February 27th, 2020. The certificates
from Censys were collected on March 12th, 2020.
An overview of the resulting dataset is shown in Ta-
ble 1. The vast majority of the 79.1 million collected
Available at
Table 1: Overview of the collected dataset.
# domains
# domains
without cert
# certificates
% certificates
Phishing 10.0k 4.2k 184.9k 95.9
Popular 10.0k 175 78.9M 40.4
Non-pop. 10.0k 6.3k 95.6k 99.0
Total 30.0k 10.7k 79.1M
certificates were issued for popular domains. This is
partially explained by the fact that only a small frac-
tion of popular domains had no certificate issued for
it, compared to 4,235 phishing domains, and 6,283
of the non-popular domains. In our further analysis,
we discard certificates that are untrusted by browsers,
as those certificates cause browsers to present users
a warning page, instead of the actual content. The
purpose of issuing certificates in the first place is to
make pages seem legitimate, which is defeated when
a warning page is shown. A certificate can be un-
trusted for various reasons, such as being self-signed
or being signed by a root certificate that a particu-
lar browser or operating system does not trust. This
filtering of untrusted certificates primarily affects the
popular domains, with nearly 60% of all certificates
issued for those domains being untrusted. The table
suggests that phishing domains have adopted HTTPS
to a higher degree than non-popular domains, with
nearly twice the number of certificates issued for
5.1 Temporal Analysis
As previously stated, one advantage of CT log analy-
sis over passive and active measurements is the pre-
sumed early submission and publication of certifi-
cates to the CT logs. Using CT logs as a data source
for early detection is only viable if certificates can
consistently be monitored prior to the blacklisting of
the domains they cover, and as such we test the fol-
lowing hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1. Certificate issuance occurs prior to
blacklisting of phishing domains
We analyze the time difference between (1) the black-
listing of a phishing domain and (2) the issuance of its
certificate(s). This process is made more difficult be-
cause a domain can both have been blacklisted mul-
tiple times, and have multiple certificates issued for
it. The former challenge is tackled by selecting the
first timestamp of blacklisting seen for that specific
domain, whereas the latter is tackled by introducing
the notion of the closest certificate. For each times-
tamp of first blacklisting, the most recent certificate
issuance before blacklisting is considered. If no cer-
tificate before blacklisting exists, the oldest certificate
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: The computation of the time difference between
domain blacklisting and the closest certificate issuance. For
domain d
, the most recent certificate before the first black-
listing timestamp is taken (resulting in a negative time dif-
ference), whereas for domain d
the earliest certificate is-
suance timestamp after the first blacklisting timestamp is
taken (resulting in a positive time difference).
after blacklisting is considered. The first motivation
for this definition is that the most recent certificate
before blacklisting is most likely to be issued by the
same owner of the domain at the time of blacklist-
ing, as older certificates may have been issued by a
previous owner of the domain. Secondly, certificates
issued after blacklisting are meaningless for early pro-
tection against phishing attacks abusing that domain,
hence the low priority of including those certificates.
This process is illustrated in Figure 2.
Certificates issued before the first blacklisting date
are not necessarily requested by the same domain
owner that caused the domain to be blacklisted. Given
the decade-spanning time window of the CT logs, it
is possible to observe a certificate issued for a domain
ten years before it got blacklisted. Since the identi-
fication of domain ownership is inherently a difficult
task, we instead estimated a lower and upper bound
for the number of phishing domains for which we can
identify a relevant certificate, issued before the do-
main got blacklisted.
Upper Bound. For all phishing domains in the
dataset, the time difference between the issuance
of the closest certificate (t
) and the earliest URL
blacklisting timestamp (t
) is computed (denoted as
, t
)). A negative time difference implies that
the closest certificate was issued before the URL was
blacklisted. For 75.66% of all phishing domains, the
earliest certificate timestamp occurs before the earli-
est blacklisting timestamp, which serves as the upper
bound of the percentage of domains a CT log-based
phishing domain detection system can protect against.
Lower Bound. In order to estimate a lower bound,
the registration process of a domain is taken into ac-
count. Since domains can change their ownership
during their lifecycle, it is vital to only consider cer-
tificates issued by the same owner that owned the
domain during the time of blacklisting. A domain
end of
45 days
end of
redemption period
available for
30 days 5 days1+ year
auto-renew period
redemption period
Figure 3: Timeline of the re-registration process of a do-
main name.
end of
listed as
delete (-5d)
, t
of domains
Figure 4: The ECDF of the time difference between the is-
suance of the closest certificate and the earliest URL black-
listing timestamp, for each phishing domain. The figure is
zoomed in on the period around the auto-renew and regis-
tration period of a domain.
registered under the .com top-level domain (TLD)
goes through a process after a domain expires, dur-
ing which the control of the domain is taken back
by the registrar, and after which a domain can poten-
tially change owner
. An auto-renew period of 45
days is followed by a 30-day redemption period, af-
ter which the domain is listed as ‘pending delete’ for
5 days. After this period, the domain is up for re-
registration (Lauinger et al., 2017) (see Figure 3). In
the auto-renew period, domain owners have the op-
portunity to renew or sell their domain, and as such
a domain cannot change ownership in the 35-day pe-
riod between the end of the auto-renew period, and the
earliest potential to re-register a domain. Given a do-
main for which a URL was blacklisted at an arbitrary
timestamp t = 0, all certificates issued in the period
[35 days, 0] are requested by the same owner that
owned the domain at the time of blacklisting. Figure 4
shows a zoomed-in portion of the Empirical Cumula-
tive Distribution Function (ECDF) of (t
, t
) of all
phishing domains, and shows that 56.13% of domains
had their closest certificate issued in this period for
which there exists the previously described certainty
about the ownership of the domain. As such, this per-
centage is considered the lower bound. The figure
Note that other TLDs may have different processes re-
garding the expiration of a domain, but given the large
market share of .com, their expiration process drives our
Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?
also illustrates the aforementioned upper bound.
These results indicate that for between 56.13%
and 75.66% of phishing domains, a certificate is-
suance can be observed before a URL for that do-
main is being blacklisted. Even though this implies
that perfect coverage of all domains does not seem
feasible, it is important to note that CT logs cover do-
mains across all TLDs and their coverage is arguably
only getting higher due to the ever-increasing adop-
tion of HTTPS. Therefore, CT log-based detection of
phishing domains could potentially cover a larger set
of domains than active or passive measurement-based
5.2 Issuers
Each certificate in circulation has been signed by a
CA, which has deliberately been approached by the
requester of the certificate (through the submission of
a certificate signing request). As such, the choice of
CA of a certificate reflects the behavior of the domain
owner. CAs have individual differences, such as pric-
ing models, countries in which they operate, the pro-
cess of verifying the identity of the requester, etc. As
these differences may be important considerations for
phishers, we test the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2. The CA selection of phishing domains
provides insight in the monetary considerations, and
the operations of phishers
In reality, it is not trivial to identify the underlying CA
that signed a certificate, as certificates are generally
signed by intermediate certificates
, and a single CA
may operate many intermediate certificates. In addi-
tion, cross-signing of certificates is not uncommon, in
which the root certificate of a CA signs the interme-
diate certificate of another CA, resulting in a chain of
trust rooted in more than one CA. We therefore an-
alyze the issuer of certificates rather than identifying
the underlying CA, as the issuer selection may pro-
vide a similar insight into phishing as the CA selec-
tion would.
In order to analyze the selection of CA, it is im-
portant to handle any potential biases that can be in-
duced. More specifically, it is imperative that a sin-
gle domain should not dominate other domains due
to the number of certificates issued for it (as demon-
strated earlier in Table 1), or a specific issuer to dom-
inate others due to the short validity period of their
certificate (thereby requiring customers to frequently
re-issue certificates).
The set of certificates issued for domain d
issued by
issuer a
is formalized as C
, a
). The duration
These intermediate certificates are in turn signed by a root
certificate or another intermediate certificate.
Figure 5: The distribution of the month of issuance of cer-
tificates for the three domain types.
of an individual certificate cs validity period is de-
noted as v(c). The set of all existing issuers is A . Us-
ing these formulations, we define domain issuer pref-
erence P
, a
), which represents how much a
particular issuer is preferred by a domain:
, a
) =
This measure is a value between one and zero, and
, a) = 1. This definition is used to ex-
press the domain type issuer preference for domain
type k towards an issuer a
, a
) =
(d, a
(d, a)
Where D
is the set of all domains for domain
type k. Similar to Eq. 1, the following holds:
, a) = 1. Eq. 1 ensures that certificates
are weighted proportionally to their validity period,
and that each domain within a domain type is equally
weighted disregarding the number of certificates is-
sued for the domain, whereas Eq. 2 ensures a proper
comparison between domain types.
Using Eq. 2, we compute the domain type pref-
erences for all combinations of issuers and domain
types, of which the results are illustrated in Table 2.
The top 10 most preferred issuers are shown in the
table. In total, 853 issuer certificates were used to
sign the set of certificates, of which 846 were used for
popular domains, 132 for phishing domains and only
125 for non-popular domains. Generally, the prefer-
ence for phishing domains and non-popular domains
are fairly similar, with the popular domains having a
vastly different preference profile.
Although Let’s Encrypt is the most preferred is-
suer for popular domains (with 15.7%), it is not nearly
as popular as the other two domain types (46.19%
and 61.46% for phishing and non-popular domains re-
spectively). One explanation could be that Let’s En-
crypt is a relatively new CA, and popular domains
tend to be long-lived, resulting in a stronger prefer-
ence for CAs that have been operating longer, or for
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: The domain type issuer preference (as percentage) for the ten most preferred issuers and the three domain categories.
(D, a
) (in %)
D = D
D = D
D = D
Let’s Encrypt Authority X3
cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority
33.53 1.23
COMODO ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA 2
7.94 5.23
DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA 0.06
6.88 0.15
Amazon 0.14
5.91 0.73
Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2 1.91 4.50 4.21
CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-2 3.65 1.33 4.43
GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 0.32 4.23 0.06
DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA 0.01 4.09 0.02
Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA 1.38 1.55 4.03
among the three most preferred authorities within the domain category.
Figure 6: Distribution of the month of URLs blacklisted
for phishing domains with cPanel certificates (black). The
month of the discovery of several critical vulnerabilities is
displayed in red.
now-defunct CAs. Figure 5 shows the distribution of
the month of issuance of certificates for the three do-
main types. The figure shows that the vast majority of
certificates are issued after 2018 and that there is no
major difference between the domain types, suggest-
ing that the age of Let’s Encrypt does not play a large
role in the issuer preference.
The issuer preference provides information re-
garding the infrastructure used to serve services us-
ing popular domains, of which the high preference for
the Amazon issuer by popular domains (5.91%, or the
third-most preferred issuer) is an example. Amazon
issues public certificates for customers of their AWS
cloud platform, which specifically focuses on “secur-
ing public websites with significant traffic require-
, indicating that part of the infrastructure of
popular domains with such certificates operates on
AWS. Similarly, we find that phishing domains have a
strong preference for the cPanel issuer (33.53%) com-
pared to popular (1.23%) and non-popular (10.69%)
benign domain types. cPanel is a popular web host-
ing platform with the option for automatic issuance
and deployment of TLS certificates. We hypothesize
that either (1) phishers rely on cPanel for their host-
ing infrastructure on a large scale, or (2) that cPanel
accounts are compromised at a large scale and repur-
posed for conducting phishing attacks. Under the as-
sumption that the second hypothesis can only occur
on a large scale in case of the discovery of a criti-
cal vulnerability, we would expect to see a peak of
submissions of phishing URLs on the eCX for do-
mains running cPanel software, as cPanel hosts are
compromised around the time of the vulnerability dis-
closure. Several critical vulnerabilities were reported
for cPanel in September 2019
, but according to Fig-
ure 6 this did not coincide with unusual numbers of
related URLs being reported. We have found no evi-
dence of peaks of URL submissions for phishing do-
mains running on cPanel software, suggesting that the
first hypothesis holds true, but this requires further re-
search to confirm.
5.3 Validation Level
In addition to the CA selection, the selection of a val-
idation level provides insight in the monetary invest-
ment in conducting phishing attacks, which leads to
the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 3. Phishers resort to certificates with
higher validation levels to increase the perceived le-
gitimacy of phishing websites.
Similar to the issuer analysis, the analysis of vali-
dation level differences requires a normalization step
taking into account the number of certificates and the
validity duration of certificates. The set of all certifi-
cates issued for domain d
with a validation level l
denoted as C
, l
). The set of possible validation
levels (i.e., DV, OV, EV, and unknown) is denoted as
L. The domain validation level preference P
, l
We used a CVE record with a score of 8 or higher as
the definition of a critical vulnerability, obtained from id-
1766/product id-3023/Cpanel-Cpanel.html
Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?
Table 3: Values of P
(D, l) for all domain categories and
validation levels (as percentage).
D l DV OV EV Unknown
92.94 6.65 0.11 0.31
49.41 39.17 4.03 7.38
91.99 7.28 0.14 0.59
represents how much a particular validation level is
preferred by a specific domain:
, l
) =
Again, v(c) denotes the duration of the validity period
of certificate c, and this measure is a value between
one and zero, and
, l) = 1. Then, the do-
main type validation level preference for each of the
domain categories D
(i.e., D
, D
and D
for phishing, popular and non-popular sampled do-
mains respectively) for a specific validation level l
defined as follows:
, l
) =
(d, l
(d, l)
We rely on the reported validation levels from the
Censys dataset
to compute the preferences. Table 3
shows the results of the computation of these values,
for all domain type and validation level combinations.
Unsurprisingly, popular domains have a stronger pref-
erence for OV and EV certificates, as popular domains
have a larger incentive and budget for protecting the
legitimacy of their brand. Phishing and non-popular
benign domains have a highly similar preference.
Notably, we identified 133 EV certificates issued
for 16 unique phishing domains. Further inspection
shows that only two of those 16 domains are marked
by VirusTotal as malicious, questioning whether the
other 14 are really phishing domains in the first place.
As such, we conclude that EV certificates are vir-
tually unused by phishers in our dataset, and this
suggests that EV certificates are in fact a meaning-
ful method for marking websites as trustworthy, even
though browsers stopped presenting such indicators
to users.
5.4 Certificate Sharing
Based on the following hypothesis, there is an ex-
pectation that phishing domains may be deployed on
We verified the correctness of these values by computing
a validation level based on the existence of specific Object
Identifiers (OIDs) in the X.509 certificate extensions and
matching those against the Censys values. Our method in
general led to more inconclusive results.
Figure 7: ECDF of the number unique roots of certificates
covering at least a single phishing domain (n = 975, 426).
The red line represents the fraction of covering only a single
unique root domain.
a shared infrastructure, which would be reflected by
shared certificates, or certificates that cover more than
a single phishing domain.
Hypothesis 4. Individual phishing attacks may be
part of a larger campaign, and the deployment of
those attacks is coordinated.
In order to test this hypothesis, we collect all certifi-
cates in our dataset that cover at least a single phishing
domain. Note that we consider all phishing domains,
not only the 10,000 domains in the initial sample. In
total, 975k certificates were identified. For each cer-
tificate, we extract the unique root domains, and the
ECDF of the count is shown in Figure 7. 37.57% of
certificates issued for phishing domains cover only
a single unique root, indicating that the remaining
62.43% (or 608,934 certificates) is potential evidence
that certificate sharing is rampant in phishing attacks.
Surprisingly, only 0.90% (or 5,452) of these cer-
tificates cover only phishing roots, meaning that the
remaining certificates cover not only phishing roots,
but also domains of unknown nature. The implica-
tion of this is that there is a small portion of certifi-
cates that can be considered unambiguously ‘phishy’,
whereas the vast majority of certificates cannot. The
existence of these ‘ambiguous’ certificates could be
interpreted in several ways, including:
1. Certificates are requested by a third party to which
domain control is delegated by the actual owner,
and this third party requests certificates that cover
benign and phishing domains.
2. There exists a vast number of domains that have
not yet been discovered to be phishing domains,
which means that in reality these ambiguous cer-
tificates are in fact ‘phishy’.
3. Not all domains owned by a particular domain
owner are used for phishing attacks. This in-
cludes for example benign domain owners whose
websites are hacked and repurposed for phish-
ing attacks, or phishers who manage domains for
non-phishing activities, and domains with user-
generated content of mixed nature.
We investigate the first point through a case study:
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Cloudflare. Cloudflare’s Content Delivery Net-
work (CDN) enables customers to encrypt traffic to
their websites by proxying traffic through Cloudflare
servers. This requires them to change the DNS name
server of their domain to Cloudflare, effectively del-
egating the control of their DNS configuration to
Cloudflare, which is used by the ACME protocol to
verify the ownership of domains. Rather than re-
questing a single certificate for each domain, a sin-
gle certificate is requested for a set of domains, all
from different owners. In addition, these certifi-
cates contain a Cloudflare-specific domain (usually
the first domain name in the list of SANs), matching
the structure sni{6 digits}
Naturally, none of these certificates can unambigu-
ously be assumed to be phishy, as they cover do-
mains from many different owners. This set of Cloud-
flare certificates alone already comprises 91.369 cer-
tificates, or 9.37% of the full set of certificates is-
sued for phishing domains. We identified other sim-
ilar certificate structures to Cloudflare certificates,
that include SANs such as and, leading us to believe that those do-
mains are used for similar purposes as the sni{6
digits} domains. Further re-
search is needed to fully differentiate ‘phishy’ certifi-
cates from these CDN-type certificates.
The fact that between 56.13% and 75.66% of phish-
ing domains observe a relevant certificate being is-
sued before a URL is blacklisted is a promising result
and a strong motivation for pursuing the development
of CT log-based abuse prevention systems (accepting
Hypthesis 1). Given the constant growth of phish-
ing attacks being conducted over HTTPS (over 84%
of identified phishing attacks in the last quarter of
2020 according to the APWG (Anti-Phishing Work-
ing Group, 2021), compared to only 10% in the first
quarter of 2017), CT log’s early coverage of phish-
ing domains is only expected to grow in the future.
Simultaneously, the introduction of more traffic en-
cryption methods, such as ECN
could render pas-
sive measurements less effective, emphasizing the rel-
evance of CT logs even more.
We have demonstrated that phishing domains and
non-popular benign domains have similar preference
profiles for the issuer selection of their certificates
(except cPanel), but a vastly different profile com-
pared to popular domains. Our results provide some
insight in the operations of phishing domains (e.g.,
preference for cPanel), thereby we accept Hypothe-
sis 2. Further research is required to draw stronger
conclusions regarding the domains relying on cPanel,
but these results emphasize the importance of the po-
sition of CAs in the fight against phishing. CAs have
the opportunity to interfere with the TLS ecosystem
through the revocation of certificates and in fact some
CAs state in their policies that malicious activity is
grounds for certificate revocation
. Although the ef-
fectiveness of certificate revocation have historically
been limited (Liu et al., 2015), our results are an ar-
gument for better handling of certificate revocation.
Our results for the validation level of certificates
show that phishers rarely resort to EV certificates
(thereby rejecting Hypothesis 3). Given the rela-
tively high cost of OV and EV certificates ($27.44 and
$72.18 per year at COMODO respectively for exam-
), this suggests phishers are not willing to signifi-
cant amounts of money, or are actually rejected during
the vetting process. Even though browser indicators
have been demonstrated to be ineffective from the per-
spective of users (Thompson et al., 2019), higher val-
idation levels could be an effective signal for identi-
fying certificates that are not used in phishing attacks.
EV certificates could act as a white-listing method for
identifying ‘benign’ certificates.
Lastly, we found few unambiguous cases of
shared certificates between phishing domains, with
5,452 certificates only covering phishing domains.
The vast majority of certificates that cover at least a
single phishing domain also covers domains whose
nature is unknown, which makes it difficult to extract
meaningful information from the certificates about
the decisions of the phishers. A substantial part of
this challenge can be explained by the practice of do-
main owners delegating control to CDNs, which ag-
gregate many domains from many owners, and ob-
tain certificates covering many domains of various
types, including phishing. We found that 9.37% of
the phishing domains had been mixed with other do-
mains by Cloudflare, and indications that other CDNs
apply similar practices. Consequently, CDNs have a
role and a responsibility in the fight against phishing,
when they offer the service of managing certificates,
and in general when applying practices that allows
phishers to mix with benign domain owners. We can-
not reject nor accept Hypothesis 4, which remains in-
This work provides preliminary characteristics of
Example of Sectigo:
Sectigo-CPS-v5 2 2.pdf
Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?
phishing certificates, suggesting that a there is a cer-
tain degree of ’phishiness’ that can be assigned to a
certificate. Even a simple-heuristics based warning
system can potentially be useful for identifying can-
didate phishing domains, by for example identifying
cPanel certificates covering several domains, includ-
ing a domain that previously already was blacklisted
by the eCx.
Limitations. Our methodology differentiates be-
tween three domain types, and considers phishing do-
mains a homogenous group of domains registered for
phishing purposes. Even though we accounted for
domain ownership changes in the collection of cer-
tificate for phishing domains, we do not address the
potential of domain compromise. Maroofi et al. (Ma-
roofi et al., 2020) manually collected a dataset of
phishing URLs and identified 58% to be maliciously
registered and 42% to be compromised. This implies
that there is a likelihood that our analysis of phish-
ing domains leads to conclusions for compromised
domains, rather than maliciously registered domains.
Identifying whether a domain is compromised in itself
is already a challenging task, which is significantly
more difficult with historical data, where the website
may not be online anymore.
It is possible that the domain type samples contain
false positives of domains that in reality are placed in
the wrong class. One cause of this could be the (lack
of) vetting of URLs in the eCX platform, which could
result in URLs submitted to the platform that are in
reality not phishing URLs. In addition, it is unlikely
that the eCX URLs are fully complete, covering every
phishing URL in existence, as not all phishing attacks
are detected and reported. Additionally, the eCX re-
lies on member contributions, and these are unlikely
to be fully complete. As a result, there are likely to
be domains in the non-popular domain set that are in
reality phishing domains. Unfortunately, this is a core
limitation of the CT framework for phishing preven-
tion, as TLS certificates are issued on a domain basis
instead of on a URL basis.
This paper addresses the potential of using the phishi-
ness of digital certificates as a method to identify
phishing domains early in their lifecycle. By com-
paring the certificates issued for three distinct domain
sets, we identify relevant patterns in the differences
across these domain sets. Firstly, our temporal anal-
ysis shows that for 56.13% to 75.66% of phishing
domains, a certificate is issued before the domain is
being blacklisted, indicating the scale at which CT-
based mitigation can protect against phishing. Fur-
thermore, our results show that phishing domains re-
sort to a relatively small group of issuers, particularly
gravitating to cPanel, which emphasizes that stronger
adherence to certificate revocation lists produced by
these issuers can be highly valuable. We have also
shown that phishers are unlikely to resort to (expen-
sive) EV certificates, which could suggest that do-
mains that do employ them could serve as a whitelist
for non-phishing domains. Lastly, we found that cer-
tificates are unlikely to be unambiguously phishy or
benign, given the set of phishing domains they en-
compass. Although we identified only a few certifi-
cates that only cover phishing domains, the majority
of certificates issued for phishing domains cover mul-
tiple phishing domains, which is a hopeful takeaway.
These results led us to provide several suggestions for
changes to the TLS ecosystem.
Our work opens up several pathways for future
work. Firstly, given the preliminary nature of our re-
sults, we encourage the research community to inte-
grate our results in novel or existing domain classi-
fication methods. An alternative promising direction
is the disambiguation of certificates, which - if suc-
cessful - could lead to a very effective way to propa-
gate the ‘phishiness’ of a certificate to all the domains
it covers. Additionally, the potential impact of CAs
(cPanel in particular) and certificate revocation could
be explored in more detail.
This research is carried out under the SecDNS project,
funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. We thank Cen- for sharing their CT log data with us, and we
are thankful for the APWG for granting us access to
their eCX platform.
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Can a TLS Certificate Be Phishy?