process and gain a better understanding of the overall
Despite applying a high level of rigor, our research
is subject to several limitations. First, our study can-
not be free from researcher bias. The paper selec-
tion process during the SLR and the validation of our
model are subjective and were influenced by the re-
searchers’ experiences and backgrounds. Second, the
validation of our model is currently based on assign-
ing research topics. It lacks a practical evaluation in
the form of an application to a real-world develop-
ment project.
Based on our findings and limitations, we see
promising directions for future work. We plan to use
our model in different organizational settings to fur-
ther evaluate its validity. Specifically, we plan to use
DERM as part of a requirements engineering work-
shop in a development project for a machine-learning
application. It will hereby act as canvas, where the
participants can place the derived requirements and
ideas as sticky notes. The feedback from this work-
shop will help us extend or adapt our model to meet
the expectations of software and data engineers. Ad-
ditionally, we will follow up on some research topics
presented in Section 5 to create a deeper knowledge of
engineering data-intensive applications within these
This work was funded by the Fraunhofer-Cluster of
Excellence »Cognitive Internet Technologies«.
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DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications