In this paper, we addressed the problem of perform-
ing an efficient literature review considering the nu-
merous quantity of articles, papers and documents to
be retrieved and mined in, to filter them based on the
usefulness and retrieval of the other sources that refer
to or cited by the target document. The proposed so-
lution is able to identify the path of the linked sources
which can contribute to the research topic provided by
the researcher as an input in the form of a simplistic
As the future works, we are currently working to
improve GRASPby:
• increasing the number of user study participants
to increase the robustness of the evaluations;
• a more in-depth analysis of the competitor solu-
• enhancing the way the sub-graph query is mapped
on the graph;
• considering more robust information retrieval
methods utilizing zone indexes and n-gram tok-
• generating time-anchored graphs which show the
path through the years.
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GRASP: Graph-based Mining of Scientific Papers