Table 10: The best 7-round differential characteristic of
Round Diff. Prob.
Input 0041C80000000000 1
1 1100000000000110 2
2 0000001101100000 2
3 0000110010010000 2
4 0110000000000011 2
5 0000008808800000 2
6 0000044000440000 2
7 9A3B3B9A9A2B9A3B 2
An improved, more efficient way to model equations
of multiple xor operations in the MILP approach is
proposed in this work. The new n-xor method is used
to model matrix multiplications over Galois fields of
characteristic 2. Using this method, we develop MILP
models for KLEIN and PRINCE ciphers. These mod-
els enable us to calculate the actual minimum number
of differentially active S-boxes in these ciphers and
to discover the optimal single-key differential char-
acteristics for different numbers of rounds. The best
single differential characteristic of probability 2
obtained for KLEIN and PRINCE ciphers.
The developed method is quite general and can be
applied to other ciphers that utilize matrix multiplica-
tions over Galois fields of characteristic 2 in their dif-
fusion layers. By this way, it can be possible to obtain
improved results on differential and linear properties
of these ciphers.
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A New MILP Model for Matrix Multiplications with Applications to KLEIN and PRINCE