Automated Data Extraction from PDF Documents:
Application to Large Sets of Educational Tests
Karina Wiechork
1,2 a
and Andrea Schwertner Char
1 b
Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
Information Technology Coordination, Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology Farroupilha,
Frederico Westphalen, Brazil
Dataset Collection, Ground Truth, Performance Evaluation, PDF Extraction Tools.
The massive production of documents in portable document format (PDF) format has motivated research on
automated extraction of data contained in these files. This work is mainly focused on extractions of natively
digital PDF documents, made available in large repositories of educational exams. For this, the educational
tests applied at Enade were used and collected automatically using scripts developed with Scrapy. The files
used for the evaluation comprise 343 tests, with 11.196 objective and discursive questions, 396 answers, with
14.475 alternatives extracted from the objective questions. For the construction of ground truth in the tests,
the Aletheia tool was used. For the extractions, existing tools were used that perform data extractions in PDF
files: tabular data extractions, with Excalibur and Tabula for answer extractions, textual content extractions,
with CyberPDF and PDFMiner to extract the questions, and extractions of regions of interest, with Aletheia
and ExamClipper for the cutouts of the questions. The results of the extractions point out some limitations in
relation to the diversity of layout in each year of application. The extracted data provide useful information in
a wide variety of fields, including academic research and support for students and teachers.
With the development of information technology and
the wide spread of the Internet, a large amount of elec-
tronic documents are stored in PDF files (Fang Yuan
and Bo Lu, 2005).
PDF is one of the most widely used document for-
mats for storing text based data. This file format was
designed by Adobe in 1993 with the purpose of repre-
senting a document, regardless of the platform used,
and preserving the layout on the screen and in print-
While this is an efficient way to store the visual
representation of a document, the resulting structure
is difficult to work with if the aim is to extract specific
parts of the text in a structured manner (Budhiraja,
One of the great advances in the digital era has
been to enable us to store vast amounts of documents
electronically (Øyvind Raddum Berg, 2011). The
substitution of physical document storage for elec-
tronic storage, provides advantages such as: cost re-
duction, easy storage and sharing, optimization in
searches and queries, documents are not damaged and
digital documents have a structural standardization,
for example in paragraphs, sections, titles, figures,
which can be useful to detect regions and extract in-
formation in high demand, in an automated or semi-
automated manner.
This research aims to carry out an exploratory
analysis on tools used in data extraction in documents
born in PDF, whose objective is to discover their ef-
fectiveness and limitations. Retrieving relevant infor-
mation in the questions of these tests is a difficult task,
since the layout is not geometrically simple.
Extracting information from PDF files is an im-
portant job, since these extracted questions are very
valuable knowledge assets for research, providing
useful and timely information for several users who
may benefit, for example, research material to stu-
dents who intend to study for tests, courses or pub-
lic contests, using as an object of study interesting for
learn to retain new knowledge.
This information can also help course coordi-
nators to analyze the effectiveness of Pedagogical
Wiechork, K. and Charão, A.
Automated Data Extraction from PDF Documents: Application to Large Sets of Educational Tests.
DOI: 10.5220/0010524503590366
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 359-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Course Projects, mapping students’ knowledge and
discovering gaps from the results of the questions in
reports. In addition to becoming a set of interesting
material to be used in the classroom by teachers, in
order to facilitate understanding, as well as use these
questions for exercises. In the case of a teacher, he can
have a database of questions and answers and from
there generate new tests.
For this work, the extractions of the educational
tests were carried out through the ENADE tests (Na-
tional Student Performance Test) applied in the years
2004 to 2019. The set of downloaded files, consists
of 386 tests and 396 answers, totaling 782 files, how-
ever, only tests with more than two applications were
used. The number of tests, pages for extractions and
questions are 343, 6.834, 11.196 respectively, while
the total of alternatives in the 396 objective responses
is approximately 14.475. Our dataset for PDF extrac-
tion totals 739 files, accounting for 343 tests and 396
Knowing that it is possible to extract data in this
type of test, it will also be possible to extract from
other tests, just by reusing the tools used in this work.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses some basic topics and re-
lated work that included experiments involving ex-
tracting data from PDF files. In section 3, we present
the dataset used and extracted, together with the
methodology used to obtain these data. Section 4
details the experiments and the results we obtained.
Finally, section 5 concludes this article with a brief
summary and suggestions for future research.
2.1 Enade
In Brazil, the National Institute of Educational Stud-
ies and Research An
ısio Teixeira (INEP) is respon-
sible for applying Enade. The results of the tests
present several indicators, among them the concept
of the course that varies from 0 to 5 for the courses.
Based on the analysis of the data obtained by the ap-
plication of Enade, it is possible to analyze the per-
formance of both institutions and students, and then
calculate quality indicators that may provide opportu-
nities for improvement decisions in the teaching pro-
Enade assesses the performance of graduates of
undergraduate courses in relation to the syllabus fore-
seen in the curricular guidelines of the courses, the
development of competencies and skills necessary for
the deepening of general and professional formation,
and the level of updating of students in relation to the
reality Brazilian and world (INEP, 2020).
Applied by Inep since 2004, Enade is part of
the National Higher Education Assessment System
(Sinaes), which also comprises undergraduate courses
and institutional assessment. Together, they form the
evaluative tripod that allows to know the quality of
Brazilian higher education courses and institutions.
The results of Enade are inputs for calculating the
Higher Education Quality Indicators (, 2021).
The test consists of 40 questions, where 10 ques-
tions make up the general formation and 30 specific
formation in the area, both parts contain discursive
and multiple choice questions. The general formation
part has 25% of the test and 75% is for specific for-
mation, showed at Table 1.
Table 1: Values for each part of the test.
Discursive 2 3
8 27
Peso 25% 75%
2.2 Ground Truh
For automatic evaluation of results of any segmenta-
tion/recognition system, the ground truth information
plays a significant role. However, it is an error prone
and time consuming task (Alaei et al., 2011).
In document image understanding, public datasets
with ground truth are an important part of scientific
work. They are not only helpful for developing new
methods, but also provide a way of comparing perfor-
mance. Generating these datasets, however, is time
consuming and cost-intensive work, requiring a lot of
manual effort (Strecker et al., 2009).
To assist in this research in the task of creating the
ground truth on each page with question in the Enade
tests, the software was used Aletheia, belonging to
one of the PRIMA research group (Pattern Recogni-
tion & Image Analysis Research Lab) at the Univer-
sity of Salford Manchester. The fact that it has been
widely adopted in similar studies, is maintained by a
research group, updated and presents several options
for working, are contributing factors for use in this
The figure 1 shows a page in Aletheia with the
regions of interest marked. The workflow of Aletheia
consists of the steps of input, which includes the page,
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and output, where the segments are classified and
saved in eXtensible Markup Language (XML).
Figure 1: Example of input (left) and output (right) with 12
marked regions belonging to 4 different types: image (light
blue), table (brown), text (dark blue) and separator (pink).
About 6.834 pages of the PDF tests were collected.
For each page of the Enade tests that contains ques-
tions, a ground truth file is available and the corre-
sponding XML file built with the Aletheia tool. The
files are in XML format and contain the coordinates
of the regions in a hierarchical structure.
In terms of presentation, each page with the con-
tent of the test is composed of 3 parts: 1) one with
identified ground truth; 2) the original page in jpg
format; 3) an XML description of the attributes con-
tained and built with Aletheia, according to the se-
lected regions. This files contains detailed data that
can meet other extraction requirements and be used
in other research. In this case, it was used to com-
pare with the output of the textual extraction tools,
PDFMiner and CyberPDF, in addition to being used
for the metrics count script, which will be explained
in the section 3.2.
2.3 PDF Extraction Tools
In this section, works by other authors related to this
research are analyzed and described. The authors
(Constantin et al., 2013) present a system designed
to reconstruct the logical structure of academic PDF
articles, the PDFX tool. The output is an XML or
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) document that
describes the logical structure of the input article in
terms of title, sections, tables, references, etc. When
using HTML output, the figures are also extracted and
are available at the end of the file, but not in the order
of reading.
In this direction, the work of (Ramakrishnan et al.,
2012), the authors develop a tool for extracting text
from PDF with layout recognition (LA-PDFText)
whose objective is accurately extract text from sci-
entific articles. The scope of the system is only in
extractions in the textual content of the research ar-
ticles. In (Hadjar et al., 2004), attackers describe an
approach in which they extract all objects from a PDF
document, including text, images and graphics, enti-
tled Xed (eXtracting electronic documents). The out-
put of the extracted objects is in SVG (Scalable Vector
Graphics) format.
A number of works in the field of extracting ta-
bles from PDF files, such as (Hassan and Baumgart-
ner, 2007), are available. The work (Liu et al., 2007)
it presents a system capable of extracting tables and
table metadata from PDF documents, for this pur-
pose the PDFBox is used to extract raw text, which is
later processed to identify tables. The Tabula (Manuel
an, Mike Tigas, Jeremy B. Merrill, Jason Das,
David Frackman and Travis Swicegood, 2018) tool al-
lows users to select tables for extracting tabular data
from PDF documents. Excalibur is a web tool for
extracting tabular data from text-based PDFs and not
from scanned documents (Excalibur, 2018). The ex-
traction of tables has become useful for this work in
performing the extraction of the answers of objective
PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information
from PDF documents. Unlike other PDF-related
tools, it focuses entirely on obtaining and analyzing
text data (Yusuke Shinyama, 2014). In (Parizi et al.,
2018) the authors propose a technique that allows
users to consult a representative PDF document and
extract the same data from a series of files in the form
of batch analysis quickly, CyberPDF is an automatic
PDF batch extraction tool based on coordinates.
Other approaches focus on evaluating PDF extrac-
tion tools. In the research by (Bast and Korzen, 2017),
the authors provide an assessment of 14 PDF extrac-
tion tools to determine the quality and scope of its
functionality, based on a benchmark that they built
from parallel TeX and PDF data. They used 12.098
scientific articles and for each article, the benchmark
contains a ground truth file in addition to the related
PDF file. In (Lipinski et al., 2013) the authors eval-
uate the performance of tools for the extraction of
metadata from scientific articles. The comparative
study is a guide for developers who want to integrate
the most appropriate and effective metadata extraction
tool into their software.
Specific approaches to extract figures and captions
from PDF are being proposed. This is the case of the
work by (Choudhury et al., 2013), where the authors
were concerned with extracting figures and associated
captions from PDF documents. In the work of (Li
et al., 2018), they present a system for extracting fig-
ures and associated legends from scientific publica-
tions, PDFigCapX.
Automated Data Extraction from PDF Documents: Application to Large Sets of Educational Tests
Although several sophisticated and even complex
approaches have been proposed, they are still limited
in many ways (Strecker et al., 2009).
In the research of (Lima and Cruz, 2019), the au-
thors propose an approach to detect and extract data
from unstructured data sources available online and
spread across multiple web pages, to store the data in
a Data Warehouse properly designed for this. Almost
all files are published in PDF and there are files with
different layout. For this process, the authors use pre-
existing tools.
Through these works, it is possible to identify
some tools used in the extraction of data files PDF.
This study in related works helped in the exploratory
research of some approaches used in this research.
In this section, we present the dataset collection and
the methodology used to conduct our experiments
with Excalibur and Tabula, for extracting answers,
CyberPDF and PDFMiner, for extracting textual con-
tent, Aletheia and ExamClipper, for extracting re-
gions of interest. There are generic tools that pro-
cess images and allow you to make cutouts. With that
we use Aletheia, to do an experiment with some tests,
which contemplates this category and allows you to
make cuts in regions of interest in PDF files.
3.1 Dataset Collection
The dataset for this research consists of tests and eval-
uation answers from Enade, composed from the years
2004 to 2019. In an automated way to download these
tests and answers on the INEP website, the Scrapy
tool was applied to assist in the download these files
in an automated way. All automation scripts are avail-
able at: The use
of these scripts was essential, due to the fact that there
is a large set of documents to be collected.
As a result, 386 tests and 396 answers from ob-
jective alternatives were collected. This difference in
the amount of tests for the answers, although in some
years the same test was applied for similar courses,
but with different answers.
However, the data set totals 343 tests and 396 an-
swers, totaling 739 files. Not all tests were used due to
the large volume and the delay in carrying out the ex-
periments, so it was decided to remove the tests with
less than two applications. The dataset is available at:
ter/dataset with 739 files downloaded.
From the quantitative data contained in the
dataset, the number of tests, pages for extractions and
questions are 343, 6.834, 11.196 respectively, while
the total extraction of responses from the 396 files,
totaled 14.475 approximately. In this count, the blank
pages, the covers of the tests and the pages of the
questionnaire of perception of the test were not in-
cluded. In all tests the part of General Formation
questions was counted only once, in cases where the
layout pattern was the same for all tests in the year
evaluated. In a few years, more than one layout pat-
tern was identified, with which more than one ground
truth was generated for General Formation. Answers
are not accounted for with essay questions, only with
objective questions.
Table 2 presents an overview with quantitative
data from pages and questions that were used in the
extractions of the tests.
Table 2: Overview of the data used in the tests.
Year Number of pages Number questions
2004 151 430
2005 391 884
2006 171 340
2007 188 440
2008 453 939
2009 328 595
2010 236 550
2011 546 956
2012 292 520
2013 342 520
2014 884 1222
2015 439 580
2016 351 520
2017 905 1270
2018 537 610
2019 620 820
Total 6.834 11.196
3.2 Methodology
This section presents the methodology used to per-
form the data extractions, in addition to the set of met-
rics and criteria established for the evaluations applied
in the experiments.
After obtaining our dataset, was performed a com-
parative evaluation of 6 PDF file extraction tools. Ac-
cording to the need for this research, we performed
data extractions for 3 categories: data tables, text con-
tent and regions of interest for image format. In each
category there are 2 tools that extract the same con-
tent. After this extraction, a comparison is made with
the tool output belonging to the same category. For
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
this, a set of criteria was established that allow an as-
sessment of the extraction tools comparing the results
of the tools with the ground truth.
Performance evaluation is necessary to compare
and select the most suitable methods for a given appli-
cation. Different algorithms have different deficien-
cies considering all the metrics of evaluation. Ground
truth contains sufficient and detailed data in several
aspects and it is necessary to use it as a reference to
evaluate the results of the experiments (Fang et al.,
To quantify the accuracy when analyzing the per-
formance of the tools, the metrics listed in the Table
3 are used. When evaluating a tool, each of its output
files is compared with the equivalent ground truth file,
then with the competing tool. The following evalua-
tion criteria are measured.
To compare the metrics of the question
extractions with the ground truth, a metric
count script was created and is available at aletheia. The
ground truth was built with Aletheia, the XML files
were created and saved. These XML files were used
to create our script. The script counts the metrics for
each question according to the year and the test area
and exports it to a text file with this information. The
script analyzes the XML file, detecting the beginning
of the question using a regular expression: ”QUES-
Discursive Question”, followed by numbers between
0 to 9 with two digits. With that, the quantity of each
region in each test was informed in a spreadsheet in
an automated way with the help of this script.
Table 3: Metric notations.
Notations Signification
1C one column on the page
2C two columns on the page
MC mixed columns on page
1QP one question per page/column
1QV one question that starts on one
page/column and ends on another
VQP multiple questions in one
QF questions with figure/graph
QT questions with tables
- not available in the selected test set
N tool does not recognize
Several approaches are currently available for extract-
ing data from PDF. To carry out the comparison of
the tools, they must largely have the same general
objectives, for this the Excalibur comparison will be
performed with Tabula, CyberPDF with PDFMiner,
Aletheia with ExamClipper, since they have resources
for similar extractions. ExamClipper is software un-
der development by a research group at the Federal
University of Santa Maria, used to extract regions of
interest. The Aletheia tool, for providing an option,
among the several, to extract similar to ExamClipper,
was chosen to use it. For this, the XML files were
used, with their respective images, created during the
development of the ground truth, that is, the same files
were reused to perform the extractions. Obviously
this is not a fair comparison, although the output of
the two tools and the type of extractions are similar
and fit the same extraction category.
In the extraction of the answers, the Excalibur and
Tabula tools were used, both work in the same objec-
tive: extraction of tabular PDF data. These tools were
selected to extract the answers of objective questions.
To calculate the performance of the tools, a sim-
ple rule of three was used, where only the complete
extractions of the questions are counted. In the fol-
lowing formula, the value of ”total questions to ex-
tract”, is equivalent to the total of questions identified
in the ground truth. Then, the simple arithmetic mean
in each year was applied, to know the average in each
metric. Finally, the average formula was again ap-
plied to obtain the average value of the entire dataset
for each tool.
questions extracted by tool 100
total questions to extract
4.1 Performance Evaluation
To verify the performance of the selected tools, exper-
iments were performed in the dataset. The evaluation
criteria introduced in the section 3.2 are easily inter-
pretable, but measuring them is not trivial.
Starting with the category of questions: general
formation, for all tests of the same year these ques-
tions are always the same. The experiments were car-
ried out only once on these questions, for each year.
Then, counting occurred only on specific questions
in the area. This approach reduced the amount of
computation required and, therefore, reduced the time
required to perform the analysis. Initially the work
would be applied to 14.386 questions. Finally, we de-
creased to 11.226 questions objective and discursive
used to extract.
Text extraction plays an important role for data
processing workflows in digital libraries. Complex
Automated Data Extraction from PDF Documents: Application to Large Sets of Educational Tests
file formats make the extraction process error prone
and make it very difficult to verify the accuracy of the
extraction components.
Based on digital preservation and information re-
trieval scenarios, three quality requirements in terms
of effec- tiveness of text extraction tools are identi-
fied: 1) is a certain text snippet correctly extracted
from a document, 2) does the extracted text appear in
the right order relative to other elements and, 3) is the
structure of the text preserved (Duretec et al., 2017).
The tools were executed to obtain the final output
and then compared with the results of its competitor.
Then, both results are compared with ground truth.
Excalibur and Tabula that extract tabular data,
both used to extract the answers, the evaluations were
only in the objective answers. Discourse answers are
not included in the count.
The main objective of the evaluation is to analyze
each tool, comparing its output files with the ground
truth files, using the set of established metrics and cri-
teria. This was more difficult than expected, espe-
cially the part of comparing tool outputs. Then, we
will present the results of these experiments.
4.2 Results
This section presents the results obtained from exper-
iments carried out using the extraction tools. For each
tool, a concise result is provided, according to the
criteria addressed. The full results are available at:
The information from the ground truth of each
page of the tests, was informed in a spreadsheet
to make comparisons with the information extracted
from the extraction tools. The analysis of the ex-
perimental results demonstrates the effectiveness of
the suggested measures and provides valuable infor-
mation on the performance and characteristics of the
evaluated tools.
The Table 4 provides an overview of the evalua-
tion results for each of the PDF extraction tools, in
relation to the average time in seconds, required to
extract the data from a single PDF file. The value ob-
tained from the average time was calculated in 5 equal
tests for all tools, only at the time of extraction with-
out counting the time to attach the tests to the tools.
The ExamClipper tool took approximately 4 minutes
to complete this task, the Aletheia tool took about
3 minutes. Emphasizing that the results of Aletheia
have a bias previously configured in the ground truth,
even so it was accounted for.
In the Table 5, below, the results of the Excalibur
and Tabula tools are shown together with the perfor-
mance in extracting the tabular data, which in this
Table 4: Overview of the results of the evaluation process
of extracting information from PDFs.
Tools Time
Excalibur 20
Tabula 16
PDFMiner 16
CyberPDF 22
ExamClipper 240
Aletheia 180
work were the objective answers. For these tools, only
the QF metric was calculated, as the answers are in ta-
Table 5: Overview of the results of the tabular data extrac-
tion tools.
Metrics / Tool Excalibur Tabula
QT 99,4 97,7
In the Figure 2, in yellow, the ground truth compared
to Excalibur, in blue, and Tabula, in red. It is ob-
served that between the years 2005 to 2007, the Tab-
ula tool had a slight difficulty in extracting the alter-
natives from the answers.
Figure 2: Excalibur and Tabula extraction results detailed
by year and compared to ground truth.
The Figure 3 shows that the Excalibur and Tabula
tools achieve a result of extraction quantity very close,
however the Excalibur tool presents a better perfor-
mance in data extraction. Regarding the performance
of the time to extract the data, Tabula was a little
The metrics 1C, 2C, MC, 1QP, 1QV, VQP, QFG
and QT, Table 6, are presented with the simple arith-
metic mean of the percentages obtained for the years
2004-2019. According to this table, the metrics for
2 columns (2C) have a relatively low recovery rate,
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: General comparison of Excalibur and Tabula ex-
traction, the higher the result, the more efficient the tool is.
as the tools do not identify that the page contains 2C,
so the extraction ends up being performed as a sin-
gle column (1C). This is also true for mixed column
(MC) metrics.
Table 6: Overview of the results of the textual data extrac-
tion tools.
CyberPDF PDFMiner
1C 2C MC 1C 2C MC
1Q 74,1 15,4 - 76,7 39,5 -
1QV 68,1 0 - 88,8 62,5 -
VQP 80,4 18,6 41,9 74,6 55,5 33,6
The Table 7 show the results of the extractions per-
formed by Aletheia and ExamClipper, which identi-
fies regions and extracts the clippings from the PDFs.
It was decided to follow the extraction with the
Aletheia tool. The disadvantage of using the same
XML file as the one configured in the ground truth
for the extractions, is that the comparison with the
ExamClipper is a result that does not match the
way used in the other extractions, since there were
manual adjustments so the XML was organized
some corrections in the segmentations, for example,
joining lines of questions in the same region. This
ended up favoring 100% extractions for all the
metrics evaluated. The advantage is that all questions
have been extracted and are available on GitHub:
master/extractions/aletheia. Obviously this is not a
fair comparison, although the output of the two tools
and the type of extractions are similar and fit the
same extraction category.
The values of the ExamClipper were not obtained
with the manual selection on each region, but with the
detection that the tool makes available in the cutout
Table 7: Overview of the extractions performed by the Ex-
Aletheia ExamClipper
1C 2C MC 1C 2C MC
1Q 100 100 - 85,8 61,1 -
1QV 100 100 - 70,2 55,0 -
VQP 100 100 100 64,7 48,2 36,9
QFG 100 100 100 68,3 37,1 56,6
QT 100 100 - 70,8 48,9 -
This article presented a performance of the PDF
extraction tools: Excalibur, Tabula, CyberPDF,
PDFMiner, Aletheia and ExamClipper. We ran Ex-
calibur and Tabula on the 396 answers, CyberPDF,
PDFMiner, Aletheia and ExamClipper on the 343
According to the settings used in the tools for this
work, it was possible to evaluate the extraction tools.
Based on the extracted data, the Excalibur tool rec-
ognizes more tables compared to the uses of Tab-
ula, however it takes a few more seconds for the ex-
traction. PDFMiner is able to automatically iden-
tify multiple questions in all of the stipulated metrics,
while CyberPDF cannot automatically identify ques-
tions that start on one page/column and end on an-
other and that are in two columns. The PDFMiner
tool also extracts more quickly. Although the extrac-
tions the Aletheia use a bias and the results are all at
100%, it was possible to obtain all the extractions of
the questions used in this research. ExamClipper of-
fers the option to manually adjust regions for cutouts,
taking longer. If this had been applied, the extractions
would also have been 100%.
These results can change within certain limits, for
example, manually adjusting some identifications that
the tools select, changing input settings, among oth-
ers. The results of the extractions were valued in the
automatic identifications that the tools allow without
manual interference, except with Aletheia. If the tests
used a standard layout for all courses in all years, the
extractions would be more efficient, at least using the
CyberPDF tool where it uses the coordinates as a stan-
dard for the other files.
As a suggestion for future work, it is intended
to carry out experiments with other extraction tools
not covered in the study. This extracted information
is very valuable knowledge assets for research, pro-
viding useful, informative and timely information for
several users who may benefit, and it can serve as re-
search material for students, for example, who intend
Automated Data Extraction from PDF Documents: Application to Large Sets of Educational Tests
to study for other tests, using as an interesting object
of study to learn and retain new knowledge. In ad-
dition to becoming a set of interesting material to be
used in the classroom by teachers, in order to facilitate
understanding, as well as use these questions for exer-
cises. In the case of a teacher, he may have a database
of questions and answers from which he can generate
new tests. Another important aspect is the possibility
of creating a database of questions with these ques-
tions extracted. The objective of this work was not to
make these extracted questions available in databases
or systems, but it can be a suggestion for future works.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems