Towards a Natural Language Dialog System for Mobility Service
David Thulke
, Felix Schwinger
and Karl-Heinz Krempels
Information Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, St. Augustin, Germany
Mobility Service Platforms, Natural Language Processing, Dialog Systems.
Due to a rise in novel mobility modes, urban transportation systems have become more heterogeneous and
complicated in recent years. Mobility Service Platforms integrate different mobility services to offer integrated
travel information, booking, and travel assistance, regardless of mobility provider or mode. Traditionally, users
access these information systems through graphical user interfaces. Especially for the older population, such a
sophisticated information system for a complex problem is problematic. Therefore, in this paper, we propose
an approach and a prototype for a natural language interface for Mobility Service Platforms. The natural
language interface allows access to the Mobility Service Platforms’ information systems and integrates other
domains, such as event and place information into natural language queries. To this end, we introduce a
simple unified data model for travel, event, and Point of Interest domain and design an interaction model for
the natural language interface. We evaluate the prototype in a case study with potential users. The evaluation
shows that most users are more comfortable interacting with a mobility service platform using natural language
instead of using different graphical user interfaces providing similar functionality.
Finding optimal itineraries in urban transportation
networks is becoming increasingly complex. Mo-
torized private transport causes challenges like con-
gestions, air pollution, scarcity of parking spaces, and
greenhouse gas emissions. Simultaneously, alterna-
tive mobility services like car-, bike-, or ride-sharing
are emerging and gaining popularity. These alterna-
tive mobility services may help to alleviate the first-
mile/last-mile problem. This problem occurs with
public transportation. People have trouble managing
their first mile to a public transit station and from their
last-mile from destination stop to their final destina-
tion. Hence, alternative mobility services are also
of great political importance to provide sustainable
transportation means by allowing people to access
public transportation more efficiently.
An increasing amount of real-time data on traf-
fic flow and delays in public transport networks be-
came available in recent years for all these mobility
modes. For travelers, it becomes increasingly diffi-
* David Thulke is now affiliated with the Chair of Human
Language Technology and Pattern Recognition, RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
cult to find their preferred journeys in such heteroge-
neous information systems. Furthermore, due to mo-
bility modes’ heterogeneity, the shortest time, price,
weather conditions, reliability, and sustainability are
critical factors to consider for travelers when choos-
ing their itinerary. Manually comparing different pos-
sibilities is becoming a challenging task since the nec-
essary information is often only available in special-
ized applications. Optimal itineraries may even be in-
termodal, i.e., they consist of a mix of multiple dif-
ferent modes of transportation during a single trip. In
this case, reserving and booking legs requires deal-
ing with different pricing schemes and booking pro-
cesses. Additionally, travelers have to check each leg
for delays individually manually and are accountable
if they miss their connection due to a prior delay. One
approach to solve these issues are Mobility Service
Platforms (MSPs) (Beutel et al., 2018) which imple-
ment the concept of Mobility-as-a-Service.
MSPs try to integrate different transportation
modes to provide travelers with a unified interface for
routing, booking, and travel assistance. Mobility-as-
a-Service describes the notion that people stop rely-
ing on private vehicles for their mobility needs, but
rather turn to service providers. To make this feasible,
Thulke, D., Schwinger, F. and Krempels, K.
Towards a Natural Language Dialog System for Mobility Service Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0010526507060713
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2021), pages 706-713
ISBN: 978-989-758-513-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
standardization of interfaces and business processes
between different stakeholders is necessary. Even
though MSPs attempt to ease the complexity of com-
bining multiple transportation modes, new users may
easily be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of dif-
ferent options available to them (Schulz et al., 2020).
One of the political goals of MSPs are to enable more
people to use sustainable mobility modes for their
daily mobility needs, i.e., allowing a switch from pri-
vate transportation to public and shared transporta-
tion. Therefore, people require information on how to
realize their mobility needs with the available modes
without being drowned in the mass of heterogeneous
Users primarily interact with these systems using
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), like web pages or
smartphone apps. An alternative to these are Natu-
ral Language Interfaces (NLIs). They allow users to
interact with a system using natural speech or text.
There is a distinction between question-answering
and dialog systems. The former only replies to a
single user utterance, whereas, in contrast, the lat-
ter takes the previous conversation into account when
answering user queries. This kind of interaction has
some advantages for travel information systems com-
pared to GUIs. Using speech for the interaction
makes the system accessible in situations where a
screen can or should not be used, e.g., while driving or
walking or even for users who have difficulties oper-
ating GUIs due to disabilities (Pradhan et al., 2018).
Additionally, interacting with the system using nat-
ural language may make it more accessible to users
with low system knowledge or inexperienced users
with limited knowledge about interacting with com-
puters at all (Dodd et al., 2017). It is easier to for-
mulate a complex query using a single sentence than
selecting the options in a GUI. Another advantage of
dialog systems is that it is easy to switch domains or
interact with the system across multiple areas. For
example, users could ask for a restaurant recommen-
dation and then plan an itinerary for the selected re-
sult. On the other hand, NLIs make it harder to dis-
cover functionalities, may not meet the language un-
derstanding capabilities expected by users, and often
result in privacy concerns due to off-device process-
ing of language and data annotation requirements.
This work aims to do the first step towards a dia-
log system for an MSP to lower its usage complexity
in Mobility-as-a-Service scenarios. For this, we con-
tribute in the following way:
Domain Data Model: To allow users seamless inter-
action between the domains travel, point of inter-
est, and events, we designed a corresponding data
model. The connection of these domains helps
travelers to find itineraries suitable to their needs.
Interaction Model: For the NLI, we designed a pro-
totype interaction model capturing intents belong
to the three domains of the data model. The user
can query information in a distinct domain and
formulate queries that mix information from dif-
ferent domains.
Context Model: In a cross-domain scenario, it is
complex to handle the context of a conversation
as utterances may refer to a multitude of different
entities. For this, we developed a cross-domain
context model that captures relevant context in-
formation in the different domains.
With these contributions, we attempt to ease the usage
of an MSP and address the problem of the flood of
information for new users.
Section 2 gives a brief overview of related work.
In Section 3, we elicit general requirements, propose
a system architecture, and design an initial prototype
for such a system. Based on this, Section 4 presents a
simple prototype of the system. The case study, where
potential users used and rated the general concept and
an initial prototype, is discussed in Section 5. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper and gives an outlook on
future work.
This section introduces and discusses related work
and state-of-the-art travel information systems and
natural language dialog systems. Already in 1995,
Aust et al. developed a spoken dialog system for train
timetable information in Germany. The system was
restricted to this single domain but allowed users to
correct and update their queries. It was callable via
the telephone network and used stochastic context-
free grammars for speech understanding. Turunen et
al. (2005), Raux et al. (2005), Du
sek et al. (2014) de-
veloped similar systems.
The Deep Map project (Malaka and Zipf, 2000)
was to build a tourist guide for the City of Heidel-
berg. Users could query information like sights, ho-
tels, restaurants, and finding itineraries through a nat-
ural language interface. The SpaceBook project (Bar-
tie et al., 2018) developed a similar system for the
City of Edinburgh. In contrast to the system proposed
in this paper, they focused on supporting tourists dur-
ing their trip.
Braun et al. (2018) developed a system integrat-
ing different mobility services accessible via a nat-
ural language interface. It enables intermodal rout-
ing by building a meta-model for different mobility
Towards a Natural Language Dialog System for Mobility Service Platforms
services. In contrast to other approaches, they only
use the publicly available APIs of the mobility ser-
vices and do not rely on their cooperation. Other ser-
vices of a mobility service platform, such as reserving
or booking itineraries, are currently not supported by
their approach. In contrast to the system developed in
this service, their interface is limited to travel infor-
In the NLMaps project (Lawrence and Riezler,
2016), the goal was to develop a question-answering
system for the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database. The
system translates user utterances to queries to the
database. Besides the system, the authors present the
corresponding NLmaps corpus in (Haas and Riezler,
2016) containing 2,380 natural language questions in
German and English paired with queries to OSM in
the custom query language.
For the requirements engineering and implementation
process, we followed a user-centered approach (Low-
dermilk, 2013). To guide the system’s design, we
start by defining multiple scenarios as user stories that
we have also validated in a Wizard-of-Oz experiment
ack et al., 1993). In a Wizard-of-Oz experi-
ment, users interact with a system without knowing
that a person operates the system. These user sto-
ries outlined how potential users may interact with the
system. We used these scenarios to derive require-
ments and to guide the design and development of
our approach. Next, a common data model for the
individual domains covered by the system is defined.
Based on this, an interaction model is developed, de-
scribing the interaction between users and the system.
Next, a context model is discussed, which the system
has to consider during a dialog. Finally, we give an
overview of the architecture of the whole system.
3.1 Domain Data Model
The proposed system should combine data from dif-
ferent sources. A data model of the relevant domains
has to be specified to give reasonable responses.
The main objects in the domain are shown in Fig-
ure 1 and are POIs, events, and itineraries. A POI is
a subclass of a Place, which is a generic description
of an object on a map. A Place has a Geography and
may have an Address. The former is an abstract type
representing a geographical shape and may be a Co-
ordinate, a Line, like a street, or an Area, like a city.
An Event has a start date and may have a specific
end date or no defined end. It has a name and a de-
consists of
-name {optional}
Figure 1: Data Model of the individual domains. The ob-
jects in the travel domain are in green, in the Point of Inter-
est (POI) domain in blue and in the event domain in red.
scription and is located at a particular Place. Finally,
an Itinerary is a possible trip between two places. It
has an ordered non-empty list of Legs. Each Leg rep-
resents one part of the trip and has a specific start and
end place and a start and end date. Finally, each User
has a home, work, and current location, which are ref-
erences to a specific place.
3.2 Interaction Model
As a next step in the system design, we define the in-
teraction model between the user and the system. The
interaction model consists of the set of dialog acts,
i.e., the intents and their corresponding entities, the
system can understand. Intents are classes of user ut-
terances describing their intention or goal.
We gathered an initial corpus of possible dialogs
and user utterances to define the set of intents and en-
tities systematically. For this, we firstly generated a
corpus by hand consisting of manually generated ut-
terances based on the results of a small Wizard-of-Oz
experiment (Dahlb
ack et al., 1993), and secondly, in-
corporated the NLMaps corpus.
Thereby the following main intents were identi-
get pois: utterances that search for POIs.
get events: utterances that search for events.
get departures: utterances asking for depar-
tures at public transport stops.
find itineraries: utterances that ask for an
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Another set of utterances are those where users
want to change or correct a previous request (e.g., “I
meant near A”) or respond to a clarification request of
the system (e.g., “What is your destination?”). These
were classified under the intent update slot. The
purpose of some entities depends on the context of the
utterance. A reference to a place could be a source,
destination, or direction entity. A time could be
a start time or an arrival time. The time in the
utterance “I meant at 2 pm” could either be a depar-
ture or arrival time depending on which one of them
the user specified in a previous utterance (e.g., “I want
to depart at 3 pm” or “I want to arrive at 3 pm”).
For references to places or dates, the user context
can be used (e.g., the home location). Users might
want to query the current state of the context (e.g.,
“Where am I?” or “Where do I work?”) or might
want to update this state (e.g., “I work in the com-
puter science center.”). For these utterances, the in-
tents get * location and update * location were
added. Similar intents for dates could be added in the
3.3 Context Model
To adequately reply to a request, it is often not suf-
ficient to understand the user utterance, but the addi-
tional context must be considered. Bunt (1999) de-
fines context as “factors relevant to the understanding
of communicative behavior”. He categorizes context
into dialog, user, and world context.
The dialog context consists of the relevant infor-
mation of the current dialog with the user. This in-
cludes the history and the current goal of the dialog.
These are used in the dialog manager to decide on the
next action of the system. Users may refer to objects
mentioned in earlier utterances (e.g. “How do I get
there?”). This co-reference has to be resolved from
the dialog history.
The user context contains information on the user,
which is relevant to the dialog. This work includes the
current, home, and work location of the user. Besides,
this can include personal information like the user’s
Finally, the world context includes information in-
dependent of the current dialog and user but could still
influence the dialog.
3.4 System Architecture
Figure 2 gives an overview of the individual compo-
nents of the proposed system. The user interacts with
the User Interface (UI). This interaction could either
be via speech or text. In the former case, an Au-
Text Dialog Act
Dialog Act
Action +
Figure 2: Abstract overview of the system architecture and
the interaction of the individual components.
tomatic Speech Recognition (ASR) component tran-
scribes the user utterance. The Natural Language Un-
derstanding (NLU) component receives the user ut-
terances as text. Its task is to transform the text into
a dialog act consisting of an intent and corresponding
entities defined in the context model. Based on this
dialog act and the current context, the dialog man-
ager’s task is to predict the system’s following action.
Actions are either system dialog acts or forwarded to
the task manager. An example of the latter is to find
an itinerary. Based on the action and the current con-
text, the task manager creates a query to the MSP.
Its response is passed back to the dialog manager to
update the current context. A system dialog act is
transformed into text by the Natural Language Gen-
eration (NLG) component. This text is then displayed
or spoken to the user via the UI. Besides, the UI may
send additional context updates, e.g., the current user
location, directly to the dialog manager.
This section gives an overview of the implementa-
tion of the individual components discussed in Sec-
tion 3.4. Even though the system currently only sup-
ports German, examples are given in English or trans-
lated into English if there is a difference between
them. The individual components are containerized
using Docker. This segmentation increases the porta-
bility of the system by facilitating deployment to a
new environment.
4.1 Natural Language Understanding
Extracting dialog acts from user utterances, as de-
scribed in the interaction model, can be divided into
the sub-tasks of intent classification and slot filling.
For both tasks, we used the default implementation,
pipelines, and models provided by the Rasa NLU
Towards a Natural Language Dialog System for Mobility Service Platforms
. As a first step, the user utterance is tok-
enized and converted to a sequence of GloVe embed-
ding vectors (Pennington et al., 2014). These vectors
are averaged to create a representation of the complete
utterance. Then support vector machines (SVMs) are
used to classify the intent based on this representation.
For the slot filling task, a feature-based conditional
random field (CRF) model (Lafferty et al., 2001) is
used. Bocklisch et al. (2017) discuss this approach in
Even though these approaches do not achieve
state-of-the-art performance on the respective tasks,
they are very efficient to train and work reasonably
with low amounts of training data, making them suit-
able to bootstrap the system.
The next step was to collect and annotate the nec-
essary training data. As freely available utterances
for NLI for the travel information domain is sparse,
we trained the system initially with the data from
the NLMaps corpus (about 1.500 utterances). As no
open corpus exists for cross-domain NLI we extended
this corpus with further data. For this, we performed
a Wizard-of-Oz experiment (Dahlb
ack et al., 1993)
and included about 150 relevant utterances. Next,
we manually fine-tuned the corpus and included 400
more possible utterances. This fine-tuning included,
among others, replacing words with synonyms or
similar utterances with slightly different nuances. Fi-
nally, we augmented the corpus’s utterances by re-
placing entities with different values to increase the
corpus size further.
Afterward, we needed to annotate the utterances
for each intent in the corpus. For this, we manually
annotated about 5 to 20 utterances per intent for a to-
tal number of 56 intents. To annotate the remaining
utterances, we trained an initial version of the natural
language understanding system with the initial data.
Then the system was used to classify and recognize
the next chunk of utterances automatically. As not all
utterances were correctly classified, we manually cor-
rected the system’s classification errors, and then we
added the data to the training corpus. We repeated this
process until all utterances were correctly labeled.
4.2 Dialog Manager
The Rasa Core
module, which is based on Hybrid
Code Networks (Williams et al., 2017), is the basis
for the dialog manager. Its task is to handle the current
dialog state. On a high level, the dialog manager con-
sists of a state tracker, a policy, and a set of actions.
The tracker stores the latest messages as a list of in-
tents and the current dialog state. The dialog state is
represented as a key-value store. Depending on their
type, values are converted to features to be used in the
prediction. The values can either be entities extracted
from user utterances, added by actions (e.g., the re-
sults of a routing request) or added externally (e.g.,
the user’s current or home location). Based on the
state of the tracker, the policy predicts the next action,
which should be executed. A set of sample dialogs
has to be provided to train the model of the policy.
These consist of a list of user dialog acts, i.e., the in-
tent and corresponding entities, the system’s actions,
and relevant dialog state updates. We generated sam-
ple dialogues directly from user utterances based on
the Wizard-of-Oz experiments transcripts and manu-
ally interacted with the system. This way, we gathered
user utterances on how they would interact with the
system and then added these utterances to our corpus.
4.3 Task Manager
The role of the task manager is to execute actions or
tasks triggered by the dialog manager. Incoming re-
quests from the Rasa Core module are processed and
handed to the corresponding action handler. Each ac-
tion handler performs the following steps: The first
step is to parse entities and resolve references. This
parsing includes analyzing dates given in natural lan-
guage, resolving places to their geography, and re-
solving references to the dialog history. The dialog
state is validated, and a query to an external system is
built using these parsed entities. Next, the task man-
ager executes this query. The result is either a suc-
cessful query, a check back, or an error. Afterward,
the dialog state is updated accordingly. For parsing
and queries, the task manager may call external ser-
vices that provide the data integration.
4.4 Data Integration
The previously introduced task manager’s role is also
the data integration. Typically, all required informa-
tion should be provided by an actual MSP. As no sys-
tem with such interfaces exists to our best knowledge,
we mocked it using a set of external services provid-
ing the system’s functionality. The task manager may
either query external web services or query an internal
Postgres database for information retrieval.
The Postgres database with the spatial extension
PostGIS implements the point of interest and event
part of the data model introduced in Figure 1. For
event information, the system scraped the database of
a local magazine publishing local event information.
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
For POI information, we queried the Overpass API
of the OSM project to store relevant POIs in the lo-
cal database. The geocoding of locations mentioned
by the user in a query was translated into coordinates
by the open-source geocoders Nominatim and Pho-
ton. Travel information is retrieved by querying an
external web service provided by the local transport
provider. Travel information is time-dependent and
may change over time. It is not stored in the database
but rather recalculated every time the user requests
travel information.
4.5 Natural Language Generation
The system uses a template-based approach for NLG.
Thereby, the system differentiates between predefined
and generated responses. The former are simple tem-
plates that can include placeholders that the system
can fill with slot values. Rasa Core handles them and
is either invoked directly by the dialog manager (as an
utter action) or triggered by the task manager. Exam-
ples for these are responses to small talk utterances or
check backs like “What is your destination?”.
Generated responses are more complex responses
(e.g., a list of objects or an itinerary description). It
takes as input the system dialog act and the current
Potential users evaluated the approach and the imple-
mented prototype to assess whether it matches our
requirements and the described scenario. The eval-
uation is still a work-in-progress and only provides
initial non-representative feedback for a cross-domain
NLI. We first present our methodology and then intro-
duce the most relevant results.
5.1 Methodology
We evaluated the system with an online survey, struc-
tured into five distinct parts. The first one inquired
about general demographic data from the participants.
In the second part, the survey inquired participants
about their previous experience with NLIs. It asked
them whether they are using NLIs and, if so, which
systems they use, in which domains, and in which ar-
eas they think, NLIs are useful. The third part pre-
sented participants with the concept of a dialog sys-
tem for an MSP, covering all phases of a trip, includ-
ing related domains. It asked the participants whether
they think that such a system would be useful and
whether they would use it. This approach allowed
"Musikbunker Aachen" in the street "Goffartstraße 39"
I have found the following locations in the "Frankenberger Viertel":
Is there a nightclub in the
Frankenberger Viertel?
Please enter a message...
Hello. How can I help you? I can answer questions related to public
transit, points of interest, or events in Aachen.
Figure 3: Translated screenshot of the chat interface of the
prototype application.
gathering feedback on the system’s actual goal with-
out influencing participants by letting them already
use the current prototype. In the fourth part, partic-
ipants should use the system via a chat interface. A
screenshot of the chat interface is shown in Figure 3.
First, the survey explained the functionality for
participants to get familiar with the system. The next
three pages of the survey asked participants to com-
plete the three different scenarios using the system
and the systems they usually use in these domains.
The following three scenarios were used:
1. Participants were asked to search for a nightclub
in a given neighborhood in Aachen. After find-
ing a suitable one, they should search for events
at this place on the following weekend and ask for
an itinerary to get to one of these events on time.
2. Participants should plan an itinerary by bus from
one location to another for the following day.
3. Participants should plan a trip with their children
during the next week. Therefore, they should find
events during the next week which are suitable for
children. After picking one of the events, they
should find a suitable parking space nearby.
These scenarios and similar ones were also part of the
Wizard-of-Oz experiments to gather system require-
ments and utterances. As the scenarios are based in
the vicinity of the city of Aachen, the knowledge of
the participants of the area is also important.
For each scenario, users were asked with which
system it was easier to complete the task, faster to
complete the task, and which system they preferred
overall. Additionally, they were asked whether any
errors occurred while using the system.
The final part of the survey asked participants
to evaluate the usability of the prototype. There-
fore, the framework for questionnaires by the In-
ternational Telecommunication Union presented in
Towards a Natural Language Dialog System for Mobility Service Platforms
oller, 2003) was used. M
oller mainly intended the
survey for spoken dialog systems used over the tele-
phone network. We translated the survey question-
naire into German and omitted questions specific to
the spoken interaction.
After the survey, we lastly asked the participants
for qualitative feedback on what they liked the most
and least on the system and whether they have any
proposals for change or improvement. No systems
with similar scope, i.e., NLI across the three differ-
ent domains and on a focus on Mobility Service Plat-
forms, exists to our knowledge, Therefore, we de-
cided not to compare the model directly to other ap-
proaches but to focus on the described user-centered
evaluation and compare the integrated NLI approach
to multiple GUI approaches. In future work, the pro-
totype will be compared to state-of-the-art solutions.
5.2 Results
The survey was conducted in the environment of the
university and thus the participants were not demo-
graphically representative. In total 25 participants
completed the survey (10 female, 14 male, and 1 non-
binary participants). Most participants were between
20 and 29 years old, but most other age groups were
represented. Most participants considered themselves
as rather tech-savvy. Two-thirds of the participants
(16 out of 25) stated that they have local knowledge
of the City of Aachen.
About half of the participants are actively using
NLIs, like Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Amazon
Alexa. Though more than 80% of these participants
stated that they think that NLIs are useful in the do-
mains of travel information, POIs, and local events,
less than 30% are using NLIs in one of these do-
mains. For travel information, most participants are
currently using the apps of regional or national trans-
port providers. For POIs most participants are using
Google Maps, and for local events, participants men-
tioned Google Search, Social Media, and Print Adver-
tising most frequently. The concept of an NLI for an
MSP was rated positively. About half of the partici-
pants stated that they would use such a system, while
the other half was unsure.
After completing each scenario with the system
and the applications they usually use, they were asked
which of them were more comfortable to use, faster
to get a result and which one they preferred over-
all. Most users preferred and thought that the pro-
totype was more comfortable to use in all scenarios
and faster to use than the other application in the sec-
ond and third scenarios. Only in the first scenario, a
majority stated that the other applications were faster
to use.
Participants were asked whether error or unex-
pected behavior occurred while using the prototype.
For the first scenario, about half of the users affirmed
this. For the other scenarios, about one-third of the
participants answered yes to this question. This high-
error rate could explain why most users could com-
plete the first scenario faster using other applications.
Next, participants were asked to fill out the usabil-
ity questionnaire (M
oller, 2003). Only half of the par-
ticipants stated that the system understood them per-
fectly or rater perfectly, which could be explained by
the sometimes limited performance of the NLU sys-
tem. 9 participants stated that the system sometimes
did not behave as they expected and that the system
made errors either frequently or frequently. Most par-
ticipants stated that the system reacted flexibly, and
they were able to control the dialog as desired. 15
participants were satisfied or somewhat satisfied with
the system. In contrast, one participant was unsatis-
fied, and four somewhat unsatisfied.
Finally, participants were asked for qualitative
feedback. The most stated positive points were that
the system allows for easy and quick access to infor-
mation, integrates different domains, and allows re-
ferring to previous utterances, either to correct a query
or when changing the domain. The negative feed-
back included that some utterances were not under-
stood correctly. Some participants disliked the tex-
tual representation of itineraries and would prefer a
more structured one. The system requires too much
typing. Consequently, one of the suggested improve-
ments was to allow speech as an input and output
modality. Participants suggested using additional vi-
sualizations like maps to display location or pictures
for events or POIs. Some participants asked for in-
struction on how to use the system. They were un-
sure which kind of queries the system is capable of
handling. The system partly caused this by mapping
unsupported utterances to one of the intents with rel-
atively high confidence.
This paper presented our current progress towards
a natural language interface for a Mobility Service
Platform. MSPs give travelers more options on
how to reach their destination, ideally resulting in
cheaper, faster, more reliable, and more comfortable
itineraries. Globally this can result in better resource
usage, fewer traffic congestions, and more sustain-
able mobility behavior. Accessing these platforms us-
ing NLIs can increase the ease of use and make them
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
more accessible. An NLI may significantly help peo-
ple not accustomed to using public or shared trans-
portation. With the NLI and the integration of fur-
ther information domains, we attempted to increase
the benefit of the information systems, particularly for
infrequent users.
We proposed a data model integrating different
data resources in the individual domains. Further-
more, we designed an interaction model covering the
interaction in a limited subdomain. The prototype,
which is still a work-in-progress, was implemented
based on existing open source components and evalu-
ated by potential users. One of the challenges was to
acquire a sufficient amount of training data that would
be required to improve the NLU component. Never-
theless, the system was rated already rather positively
by users in a preliminary test. Participants empha-
sized the seamless integration of related domains.
Besides improving the performance by using more
training data and more sophisticated models, the sys-
tem’s domain should be extended to cover more ser-
vices provided by MSPs. The interaction’s usabil-
ity can be improved by offering additional input and
output modalities, like speech or visualizations. Fi-
nally, we plan to perform a broader evaluation with
a larger group of people from different backgrounds,
thus making the evaluation representative.
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eral Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastruc-
ture (BMVI) within the funding guideline ”Auto-
mated and Connected Driving” under the grant num-
ber 16AVF2134B.
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Towards a Natural Language Dialog System for Mobility Service Platforms