representations are processed by the listeners. These
tests will start by observing small populations with
different musical and scientific skills, but will soon be
generalized to larger groups. Our experimental
approach may hopefully shed some light on the way
in which some geometrical models of music theory
could be used to reinforce educational strategies, even
those beyond music education. They will surely
enhance existing learning techniques within the
exciting context of a musically driven mathematical
This research has been partially carried on within the
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from the CNRS through the MITI interdisciplinary
programs. In addition José L. Besada is currently
supported by the Atracción del talento investigador
grant (ref. 2019-T2/HUM-14477) from the Madrid
region, and Corentin Guichaoua by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program (ref. 788960) under the ERC ADG project
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