ing to panel three. In order to assess the user’s query
performance skill, we employed a checklist as edu-
cational strategy to get the participants’ feedback by
selecting the correct or best response from a provided
list (as shown in Figure 7
). The system prompts the
user to answer some questions, like why query has a
lower/upper cost? with several answers such as ”Is
the data for this query benefit from cached data” etc.
The interactions and feedback of users are saved in
the the event logs. This latter indicates users’ per-
formance based on collected data from users’ actions
during interaction with CF-CBO.
This paper presents a Conceptual and Methodologi-
cal Framework to explain Database Query Optimizer
to users dealing with query performance and to help
transferring the domain knowledge effectively to that
users. The work is motivated by the complexity of the
CBO entity compared to its cardinality estimates, plan
properties, database operations and its algorithms.
Our approach supports that MDE can be applied to a
real problem in advanced courses of database, in par-
ticular, the cost based optimization. The main contri-
butions of this work are as follows. First, (i) we built
a metamodel to explicit Database Query Optimizer
knowledge and to provide a domain vocabulary that
helps learning query plan, understanding and combin-
ing hints, and customizing query plan. Second, (ii) we
developed an MDE based process that offers different
bricks (operations, hints) that are required in CBO to
facilitate query plan optimization. Finally, (iii) we de-
veloped the tool support of the whole approach. Cur-
rently, we are evaluating how the CF-CBO can sig-
nificantly increase efficiency and effectiveness of the
students understanding in the query optimization do-
main. Nevertheless, this work opens several direc-
tions of further research. First, we are studying to
explore more intensively DBMS inside in order to de-
liver a more informative instruction on database query
optimization at a high level of abstraction. Second,
we project to develop a rule-based errors diagnosis
related to users selection of required hints to enhance
CBO learnability.
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MDI4SE 2021 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering