according to the evaluation by standard benchmarks.
Further, the clustering algorithm MONDRIAN has
been adapted to perform well in microaggregation ap-
plications. Two variants, namely MONDRIAN V and
MONDRIAN V2D have been presented, both delivering
superior information loss compared to MONDRIAN and
operating at different ratios of performance to data
quality. For lower-dimensional data the MONDRIAN
technique can achieve almost the same data quality
as much more time consuming algorithms.
Combining both advantages, the data quality
of ONA
and the performance of MONDRIAN V, we
have designed new classes of algorithms MONA
that achieve high quality data anonymiza-
tion even for huge databases where quadratic time
would be far too expensive.
What could be the next steps in further improv-
ing microaggregation techniques? An obvious ques-
tion is whether there are even better splitting rules
for MONDRIAN? On the other hand, is it possible
to decrease the information loss further by spending
more than quadratic time? By design, any improve-
ment here could be applied to the MONA
to get fast solutions with better quality. How well
k-anonymous microaggregation can be approximated
is still wide open. There is hope to achieve approxi-
mation guarantees for ONA
by carefully designing an
initial clustering similar to the k-means++ algorithm
(Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007). We plan to investi-
gate this issue in more detail.
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