Predicting Headline Effectiveness in Online News Media using Transfer
Learning with BERT
Jaakko Tervonen
1 a
, Tuomas Sormunen
1 b
, Arttu L
Johannes Peltola
, Heidi Kananen
and Sari J
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Kaitov
a 1, Oulu, Finland
Kaleva Media, Solistinkatu 4, Oulu, Finland
BERT, Headline Effectiveness, Journalism, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing.
The decision to read an article in online news media or social networks is often based on the headline, and
thus writing effective headlines is an important but difficult task for the journalists and content creators. Even
defining an effective headline is a challenge, since the objective is to avoid click-bait headlines and be sure
that the article contents fulfill the expectations set by the headline. Once defined and measured, headline
effectiveness can be used for content filtering or recommending articles with effective headlines. In this
paper, a metric based on received clicks and reading time is proposed to classify news media content into
four classes describing headline effectiveness. A deep neural network model using the Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers (BERT) is employed to classify the headlines into the four classes, and
its performance is compared to that of journalists. The proposed model achieves an accuracy of 59% on the
four-class classification, and 72-78% on corresponding binary classification tasks. The model outperforms the
journalists being almost twice as accurate on a random sample of headlines.
During the last years, the ways to consume news ar-
ticles have changed notably. The interaction between
the readers and news media has moved to online chan-
nels, such as news portals and social networks. Due to
this change, the headlines have a more important role
in the news media. In printed news, the headline was
supposed to briefly deliver information on the content
of the news article. In online media, the goal of the
headline is to attract the reader to the article page. As
the news media is actively trying to engage the readers
to their portals and widen the customer base willing to
pay for the news service, the headline should not only
allure the reader with false promises but also provide
information on the actual content of the article.
Journalists are responsible for writing headlines
but it is a difficult task to tell whether a certain head-
line is interesting to the readers while including cor-
rect information on article contents in the headline.
Current practices are based on ”trial and error” type of
approach, where the headline impact is monitored af-
ter publication and changes on the headline are made
when considered necessary (Tandoc, 2014). The es-
timation of headline impact is done based on web
analytics data, which is commonly used by the ed-
itors and journalists for evaluating the performance
of the news sites and specific articles (Tandoc, 2015;
Hanusch, 2017). Previous research studies concern-
ing the effectiveness of a news headline have utilised
simple univariate metrics such as click-through rate
(Kuiken et al., 2017; Lai and Farbrot, 2014; Tenen-
boim and Cohen, 2015) or shares on a social media
site (Szymanski et al., 2017), and for the news ar-
ticle itself, additionally, comments (Tenenboim and
Cohen, 2015) and likes/recommendations (Sotirakou
et al., 2018) have been used to gauge the impact.
However, using these metrics arguably prevents cap-
turing the exact behaviour of the news consumer in
an article of a news portal. To account for this, some
studies have implemented the use of viewport time
(Lagun and Lalmas, 2016), i.e. what part of the arti-
cle is seen on the screen at each moment in time, as
a means to model reader behaviour. In addition to the
viewport time, read speed and length as well as scroll
Tervonen, J., Sormunen, T., Lämsä, A., Peltola, J., Kananen, H. and Järvinen, S.
Predicting Headline Effectiveness in Online News Media using Transfer Learning with BERT.
DOI: 10.5220/0010543000290037
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2021), pages 29-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-526-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intervals have been used as a metric of headline im-
pact (Lu et al., 2018).
Data analytics solutions are currently evolving
from providing metrics and dashboard visualizations
towards decision-making support tools able to pro-
vide actionable insight to their users. In journalism,
this means for example automated content creation
(Carlson, 2015) or tools supporting editors and jour-
nalists in their daily decisions (Petre, 2018). From
consumer side, estimating and predicting headline ef-
fectiveness would help to filter content, or to get rec-
ommendations on articles with effective headlines.
In the present study, we establish a larger frame-
work on how to define an effective headline to be
used as a guideline for journalists and as a metric for
machine learning prediction on online news popular-
ity. We analyze a click-stream dataset from an online
news media portal, and present a deep learning model
to predict headline effectiveness. Further, we evaluate
the practical value of the presented model by assess-
ing whether it is useful for journalists. The perfor-
mance is compared to expert evaluators scores, and
we show that the proposed model outperforms the ex-
perts by a large margin.
Current machine learning solutions for predicting
headline effectiveness can be categorized as consider-
ing pre- or post-publication prediction. As the former
is more useful for practical usage, the focus in this
study is on prediction before publishing the article.
Considering the previous machine learning solu-
tions to pre-publication prediction, (Bandari et al.,
2012) used regression models to predict whether the
article received a low, medium, or high number of
tweets. They found highest accuracy of 84% with a
bagging method. However, they used articles from
several news sites and they reported that the news
source was the most important feature in the model.
As the distribution of popularity across the different
news sources varied, this suggests that the model actu-
ally learnt to distinguish popular news sites from mid-
to unpopular ones. (Fernandes et al., 2015) predicted
the number of Twitter shares. They extracted features
related to both the headline and the article, and its
publication time, and predicted whether the article re-
ceived more or less than median amount of shares.
The highest prediction performance was found with
Random Forest, with accuracy of 67% and area un-
der curve of 0.73. (Liu et al., 2017) considered pub-
lication time, author and news section as well as the
grammatical construction of the headline and the arti-
cle to predict whether the article was popular or not.
Popularity was based on number of clicks but it was
unclear how the division between popular and unpop-
ular articles was made. They found the highest area
under curve of 0.825 with alternating decision tree.
Contrary to the aforementioned studies, (Lam-
prinidis et al., 2018) considered only features related
to the headline. They predicted whether the arti-
cle received more or less than a median amount of
clicks. They compared two models: a baseline lo-
gistic regression trained on sequences of n characters
and the TF-IDF scores of headline uni- and bigrams
to a multi-task recurrent neural network trained on
headline word embeddings (i.e. real number vector
representations of the headline). They used part-of-
speech tagging and news section prediction as aux-
iliary tasks for the recurrent network. Although the
auxiliary tasks improved the prediction scores of the
neural network, the network still did not perform bet-
ter than logistic regression, both having highest accu-
racy of 67%. However, they did not consider using
the extracted features as additional input to the neu-
ral network. The pretrained word embeddings were
based on corpus consisting of the Danish Wikipedia
and not news articles, and they did not comment on
which model was used to train the word embeddings.
Recently, the Bidirectional Encoder Representa-
tions from Transformers (BERT) language model for
extracting word embeddings has been demonstrated
to achieve state-of-the-art performance in several nat-
ural language processing tasks (Devlin et al., 2019).
BERT was used in a recent study where the quality
of news headlines was defined in terms of number of
clicks and dwell time, i.e. time spent on article page
(Omidvar et al., 2020). They used a deep neural net-
work to extract features from both the headline and
the body text of the article, and predicted the proba-
bility of belonging to one of the four defined classes
with a mean absolute error of 0.034.
To summarize, previous studies mainly used ei-
ther the number of clicks or shares to define article
popularity, not headline effectiveness per se, and they
used a variety of features related to the article or the
headline. Furthermore, previous studies lack practi-
cal validity since they are evaluated only in terms of
numerical prediction accuracy but their actual useful-
ness as a tool for journalists is not considered.
In this study, we define headline effectiveness as
two-dimensional through number of clicks and read-
ing time. We use BERT word embeddings, com-
pare the performance of multi-language BERT and
BERT trained specifically for the Finnish language,
and use both together with manually extracted fea-
tures from the headline to predict its effectiveness.
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Finally, we conduct an experiment with journalists to
assess whether the model or the journalists can predict
effectiveness better.
3.1 Estimating Headline Effectiveness
To describe headline effectiveness without resorting
to simple univariate measures, it was defined in terms
of click-through rate and time spent reading the ar-
ticle, which were considered to present the popular-
ity of and engagement on the article. The effective-
ness prediction task was formulated as a classification
problem, since it is more prevalent in earlier studies
than regression, and since it allows for more straight-
forward evaluation with the journalists. Thus, after
obtaining the two values for each article, both vari-
ables were split at their median, giving rise to four
classes (see Figure 1):
1. non-effective, few clicks and short time spent
2. appealing, many clicks and short time spent read-
3. engaging, few clicks and long time spent reading;
4. effective, many clicks and long time spent read-
Since the correct class is rather random for arti-
cles whose click-through rate or reading time is close
to the median, 5% of articles from both sides of the
median for both dimensions were left out of the anal-
As the studied dataset (see section 3.2) contained
click-stream data, both metrics had to be calculated.
Click-through rate was taken as the sum of clicks for
each article. Reading time was estimated as the read
percentage, i.e. time spent on the article page relative
to the length of the article. It was estimated through
the following procedure: 1) Calculate the word count
for each article; 2) Isolate single users through user
IDs, unique to each session; 3) Sort the clicks ac-
cording to timestamp in ascending order; 4) Calcu-
late the time between two consecutive clicks (except
for the last click); 5) Evaluate the percentage of the
article that has been read by the user. For step 5), lit-
erature values for the average read speed for Finnish
language were considered; the value in an experi-
ment with standardized texts approximated the mean
read speed to be 161 words with standard deviation
of 18 words per minute (Hahn, 2006). The minimum
amount of time required to read a specific article was
Figure 1: Division of headlines into non-effective, appeal-
ing, engaging, and effective. Each border denotes median
value, and 5% of headlines were left out from both sides of
the median.
estimated to be the article word count divided by the
mean read speed value subtracted by two standard de-
viations (i.e. 125 words per minute). Users exceeding
this time were evaluated to have read 100% of the ar-
ticle, whereas the read percentages of the users below
this time value were estimated linearly from 0% up to
100%. Using these steps, the mean read percentage
was obtained for each article.
3.2 Dataset
The used dataset contained click-stream data from a
Finnish newspaper’s online portal, obtained between
December 2018 and May 2019. Each click consti-
tuted of timestamp, the properties of the clicked arti-
cle (its ID, URL, headline, section, publish time, and
access policy), and an anonymous user ID.
In addition to news articles, the newspaper pub-
lishes other content like comics and photo galleries.
The newspaper may also modify the contents of some
articles after initial publication (e.g. updating the
piece of news with additional information) without
modifying the headline or article ID. As the read time
estimate of the updated news would not be compara-
ble (the same title had several different read time es-
timates based on different contents), duplicate head-
lines were removed. Because the main interest in the
present work was to predict the headline effectiveness
of news articles, all clicks targeting other content than
news articles were removed, together with clicks tar-
geting articles that were published prior to the defined
data collection period.
Predicting Headline Effectiveness in Online News Media using Transfer Learning with BERT
After these restrictions, the dataset contained ap-
proximately 17 million clicks and 7198 articles, 6229
of them free and 969 subscription-only.
3.3 Feature Extraction
BERT provides contextual, bidirectional representa-
tions of words (Devlin et al., 2019). Effectively,
the pretrained representation of a word is a real-
valued feature vector. Two pretrained BERT mod-
els were considered, the cased multilanguage model
by Google, multiBERT (Devlin et al., 2019), and
the cased model specifically trained for Finnish lan-
guage, FinBERT (Virtanen et al., 2019). FinBERT
was trained with news articles and other material
found online which can be considered to be linguis-
tically similar to the dataset used in this study (see
section 3.2). (Virtanen et al., 2019) showed that Fin-
BERT outperforms multilingual versions of BERT in
classification tasks of news articles and texts from dis-
cussion forum.
To complement the feature representation pro-
vided by BERT, features were extracted manually
from the headline. These features contained the
length of the headline (number of words and char-
acters in the original and lemmatized headline, and
number of sentences as provided by Natural Lan-
guage Toolkit (Loper and Bird, 2002) and as sep-
arated by punctuation, mean length of words in
the headline, punctuation (number of colons, semi-
colons, commas, dots, dashes, exclamation and ques-
tion marks), whether the headline contained a quo-
tation, whether the headline mentioned the name of
the newspaper’s home city, and whether the headline
started with a single string followed by a colon (e.g.
”Analysis:”). Named entities were recognized with
DeepPavlov (Burtsev et al., 2018) and word classes
were extracted with Turku Neural Parser Pipeline
(Kanerva et al., 2018). Additionally, the access pol-
icy (free or subscription-only) was used as a metadata
3.4 Model
The developed model is presented in Figure 2. The in-
puts of the model can be divided into three categories:
the headline text, calculated features described in sec-
tion 3.3, and metadata (access policy). The headline
text acts as an input for the BERT model which then
provides a transformed presentation of the text. The
transformed headline presentation, along with the cal-
culated features and the metadata features, are used
as an input for the last layers in the neural network
model. One layer combines the inputs and it is fol-
Figure 2: Structure of the developed model.
lowed by the output layer making the actual classi-
fication to the classes described in section 3.1. Hy-
perbolic tangent was used as an activation function in
the hidden layer and the number of neurons used was
set to 256. The model was implemented using Keras-
BERT (HG, 2020).
4.1 Evaluation of the Proposed Model
Four prediction tasks were defined: binary classifica-
tion on 1) click-through rate; 2) read percentage; 3)
effective headline vs. the other three classes; and 4)
four-class classification between all the groups.
For each task, multiBERT and FinBERT were
used to extract features from the headline. It was ex-
pected that FinBERT provides features that perform
better than the ones extracted with multiBERT. How-
ever, the multilanguage version was used for the sake
of comparison and because the model might be of
more interest to a wider audience than FinBERT.
Because the article’s access policy is visible to the
reader before clicking the article, it likely affects the
behavior of readers without subscription and therefore
the access policy was included as a feature a priori.
The model was first fitted with only the BERT fea-
ture representation and access policy as input features.
To evaluate the significance of manually extracted
features complementing the features calculated with
BERT, the model for each task was then trained with
BERT features, manually extracted features, and ac-
cess policy as input features.
Since the access policy likely affects the be-
haviour of readers, the models were also trained sep-
arately using only the free articles. Similar inspection
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Table 1: Results with free and subscription-only articles.
BERT Title click-through rate read percentage multiclass effective vs. rest
features acc rec prec F1 acc rec prec F1 acc rec prec F1 acc rec prec F1
Fin No 76.2 76.4 76.7 76.6 71.8 74.1 70.5 72.2 58.7 58.7 56.6 56.4 78.0 52.3 72.8 60.9
Yes 77.0 77.4 77.4 77.4 71.8 73.6 70.7 72.1 57.5 57.5 56.1 56.4 77.3 51.2 71.3 59.6
Multi No 66.9 60.7 70.3 65.1 68.4 69.7 67.5 68.6 49.5 49.5 45.1 42.0 68.6 5.7 80.0 10.6
Yes 66.7 66.5 67.6 67.0 67.0 66.1 66.9 66.5 50.2 50.2 48.5 46.6 69.1 14.9 61.8 24.1
Abbreviations: acc = accuracy, F1 = F1-score, Fin = FinBERT, Multi = MultiBERT, rec = recall, prec = precision
Table 2: Results using only the free articles.
BERT Title click-through rate read percentage multiclass effective vs. rest
features acc rec prec F1 acc rec prec F1 acc rec prec F1 acc rec prec F1
Fin No 77.0 78.2 75.6 76.9 72.1 69.3 72.4 70.8 56.9 56.9 56.2 52.9 79.7 54.5 74.4 62.9
Yes 76.7 77.5 75.6 76.5 73.5 70.2 74.2 72.2 56.5 56.5 55.6 53.8 79.1 51.9 74.4 61.2
Multi No 66.2 60.5 67.2 63.7 66.6 69.0 64.9 66.9 47.1 47.1 30.9 37.2 69.6 5.1 80.0 9.6
Yes 66.0 63.5 65.8 64.6 67.2 63.2 67.6 65.3 48.9 48.9 51.4 41.1 69.6 5.5 76.5 10.3
Abbreviations: acc = accuracy, F1 = F1-score, Fin = FinBERT, Multi = MultiBERT, rec = recall, prec = precision
was not done for the subscription-only articles since
there were not enough of them for the model to pro-
vide comparable results.
Similarly to (Lamprinidis et al., 2018), the head-
lines were split into training, validation, and testing
data using 70% for training the model and 15% for
both validation and testing.
4.2 Evaluation with Journalists
As seen in section 2, earlier studies have evaluated the
model only in terms of prediction accuracy. However,
no matter how accurate the model is, it is not useful
if experts are more accurate. Therefore, the practi-
cal value of the model was assessed by comparing its
performance with that of journalists.
A survey was conducted to gather data on how five
experts would place different headlines into the four
classes defined. The experts were journalists working
for the same news media from which the used data
and headlines originated, thus having similar back-
ground knowledge on the headlines as was used to
train the model. Eighty headlines from four differ-
ent news sections (homeland, local news, sports, and
economy, twenty from each section) were randomly
sampled from the data. The sample was stratified so
that the class distribution in the sample was the same
as in the whole data. All the headlines selected were
from free-to-view articles to make sure that access
policy does not bias the experts’ evaluations and that
they focus only on the headline itself. These headlines
were presented to the experts to place them in the four
different classes, and the model was trained without
using these headlines. The model used in this evalu-
ation used FinBERT and the manually extracted fea-
tures, and since all the headlines in the random sample
were from free-to-view articles, the model was also
trained using only the free articles.
To get a more thorough view on how the proposed
model performs on such a small, random subset, the
experiment was repeated for ten thousand similar ran-
dom samples (i.e. bootstrap samples). The model’s
performance was compared to random guessing and
expert evaluators’ scores.
5.1 Classification Results
The prediction results for each prediction task using
all articles and using only the free articles, are re-
ported in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The baseline
accuracy obtained by random guessing was 25% on
the multiclass prediction, and 50% in binary predic-
tion. The headline effectiveness could be predicted
with up to 77% accuracy in terms of click-through
rate, and up to 58.7% accuracy when using the multi-
class metric. The performance when using only free
articles, or using also the subscription-only articles,
was similar, so the two types of articles can be used
together in studying headline effectiveness.
As expected, FinBERT performed better than
the multilanguage BERT in each of the prediction
tasks, providing up to around ten percentage points
higher accuracy in binary tasks, and up to around
eight percentage points higher accuracy in the mul-
ticlass prediction. This is further evidence to com-
plement the results reported in (Virtanen et al., 2019)
that language-specific BERT model outperforms the
multi-language model. Whereas the multilanguage
model may serve as a baseline, language-specific
models trained on a large corpus can detect more nu-
Predicting Headline Effectiveness in Online News Media using Transfer Learning with BERT
anced information and extract more useful features
from the text, which leads to better performance in
prediction tasks. Moreover, the multilanguage BERT
performed especially poorly for the task of predict-
ing an effective headline vs. rest of the classes in the
sense that recall (and thus the F1-score) were notably
lower than with FinBERT: the model classified nearly
all articles to the ineffective (majority) class.
Using manual features to complement the features
calculated with BERT did not make much difference.
Regardless of the prediction task and performance
metric, model performance was always within one or
two percentage points from one another, for better or
worse performance. Thus, it seems that the informa-
tion provided by the manually extracted features is
implicitly included in BERT’s feature representation.
Indeed, manually extracted features consisted of fea-
tures related to headline length, wording, punctuation,
and named entities. Since all these elements are con-
tained in the BERT input, BERT is be able to convert
all these aspects into its feature representation.
The necessity of BERT was evaluated in an ab-
lation study, using just the manually extracted head-
line features as input to the neural network classifier
without BERT output. The results for this experiment
are shown in Table 3. In general, excluding BERT
led to approximately 10-15 percentage point decrease
in prediction performance, depending on the metric
and prediction task. The most notable difference is
in the effective vs. rest classification task, where just
2.1% of effective headlines were correctly predicted.
Class imbalance may have affected this result (ap-
proximately one third of headlines were in the effec-
tive class) but when FinBERT was used, over 50%
of effective headlines were correctly predicted with a
higher accuracy despite the fact that it had exactly the
same data splitting. Thus, BERT is a necessary com-
ponent in the model.
Table 3: Prediction results without utilizing BERT.
acc rec prec F1
click-through rate 61.7 68.1 61.2 64.4
read percentage 62.8 66.5 61.5 63.9
multiclass 44.4 44.4 43.9 41.9
effective vs. rest 66.3 2.1 30.0 4.0
Abbreviations: acc = accuracy, F1 = F1-score, rec = re-
call, prec = precision
5.2 Journalist Evaluation Results
Results from the bootstrap simulations are displayed
in Figure 3. The figure also visualizes the mean ac-
curacies of both the expert evaluators and the neural
network model in the random sampled distribution.
Across the ten thousand bootstrap samples, the
proposed model’s accuracy ranged from 37.5% to
75% with a mean of 56%, and random guessing
was significantly less accurate (range 8.8% 43.8%,
mean 25%). In the whole dataset, the testing accuracy
with these model settings (FinBERT using manually
extracted features and only free articles) was 56.5%
which is similar to the average accuracy in the boot-
strap samples. In the random sample that was pre-
sented to the experts, however, the proposed model
scored an accuracy of 49.4% which is admittedly
lower than on average. Since it is still only slightly
more than one standard deviation from the mean, the
lower performance is explained by the random selec-
tion of the evaluation headlines.
Even though the proposed model performed more
poorly on this sample, it was still more accurate than
the expert evaluators. The experts placed each head-
line in the correct class with an average accuracy of
26.1% (range 24.1% - 29.1%). The expert views on
the headline effectiveness also varied greatly between
different persons. The experts did not fully agree on
the effectiveness of any headline and only in 3.8%
of the cases four out of the ve experts predicted the
headline effectiveness correctly.
The classification of the expert evaluations in re-
lation to model predictions is presented in Table 4.
The scores presented in the table indicate that all ex-
perts were never correct for the headlines whose ef-
fectiveness the model predicted correctly or incor-
rectly. Further, for all the headlines whose effective-
ness the model predicted correctly, at least one ex-
pert was correct only 42.5% of the time, but when
the model was incorrect, at least one one expert was
correct on 22.5% of the headlines. Finally, all experts
were incorrect for approximately 19% and 16% of the
headlines that model was correct and incorrect about,
The results of the expert survey indicate that the
proposed model is able to predict the headline ef-
fectiveness more accurately than the journalists that
write the headlines. Based on these results, the model
seems to be more capable of analytically processing
large amounts of measured data leading to more ac-
curate predictions of headline effectiveness compared
to journalists. The experts estimate the effectiveness
using their expert instinct and previous personal ex-
periences, which might be the underlying reason for
large variation in expert evaluations. Currently, if and
when the headline effectiveness is measured, the mea-
surement is based solely on the number of clicks.
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Table 4: Comparison of model predictions in relation to expert predictions.
model vs. expert all experts correct one or more experts correct all experts incorrect
model correct 0.0% 42.5% 18.8%
model incorrect 0.0% 22.5% 16.3%
Figure 3: The accuracies obtained on bootstrap samples similar to the one used in the expert evaluation. The histogram on the
left is the distribution of accuracy obtained with random guessing method and the one on the right with the proposed model
for each of the samples. The leftmost vertical line is the expert accuracy and the middle vertical line is the model’s accuracy
on the same sample as evaluated by the experts. The rightmost vertical line is the model’s testing accuracy on the whole
5.3 Comparison of Results with
Previous Works
The obtained model performance is also comparable
to or exceeds the performance reported in previous
studies: (Bandari et al., 2012) found an accuracy of
84% on three-class classification to low, medium, or
high number of tweets, (Fernandes et al., 2015) got an
accuracy of 67% on binary classification of number of
shares on Twitter, and (Lamprinidis et al., 2018) re-
ported the highest accuracy of 67% on binary classi-
fication of number of clicks. For comparison pur-
poses, the logistic regression model that performed
the best in (Lamprinidis et al., 2018) was trained to
perform the same classification tasks as BERT-based
approaches. The title texts were first transformed into
numerical format with TF-IDF by using 2-6 charac-
ter n-grams and then the classifier was trained. The
classification results are presented in Table 5. In al-
most all of the measured metrics the logistic regres-
sion based approach is not able reach the performance
of FinBERT but outperforms multilanguage BERT.
5.4 Limitations and Future Work
This study presents and evaluates the first proof-of-
concept version implementation of a tool for support-
ing news editors and journalists in their work. The
tool predicts the effectiveness of the headline more ac-
curately than journalists but there are numerous pos-
Table 5: Prediction results with a logistic regression model
used in (Lamprinidis et al., 2018).
acc rec prec F1
click-through rate 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4
read percentage 66.3 66.3 66.4 66.3
multiclass 53.4 53.4 51.5 48.2
effective vs. rest 73.9 73.9 75.2 69.3
Abbreviations: acc = accuracy, F1 = F1-score, rec = re-
call, prec = precision
Predicting Headline Effectiveness in Online News Media using Transfer Learning with BERT
sibilities to improve both the accuracy and usability
of such a tool.
The current implementation uses just the article
headline and its access policy as inputs, as opposed to
several existing studies. This selection was done since
the headline is the medium the journalists use to con-
vey the topic of the article to the readers and to allure
them to read the article. However, the headline should
not make false promises and article text should fulfill
the expectations set by the headline. Thus, writing the
headline is a difficult task and the goal was to build a
tool to help predict whether the headline itself is ef-
fective or not. The prediction could be improved with
additional inputs, such as the body text or pictures.
The current implementation relies on relatively
simple measures of article popularity and engage-
ment. Popularity was measured with the number of
clicks received, and engagement with reading time,
relative to the article length and average reading
speed. Since the user behavior in online news me-
dia varies and some people may simply browse the
headlines on the front page, skim through the arti-
cle, read only the introduction or view the pictures
and captions, measuring popularity and engagement
could be improved with more advanced web analytics
functionalities in the future. Information on article
presence and location on the landing page of the news
portal, scrolling patterns and interaction with the arti-
cle could be used as inputs, or they could be utilized
to determine popularity and engagement more accu-
If taken to use in news desk, the tool should be in-
tegrated into the news editing workflow. It could also
provide added functionalities such as hints on how to
improve the headline or even suggest headlines based
on the article content. The feasibility of our theory on
how to measure headline effectiveness should also be
evaluated, i.e. whether or not the effective headlines
actually lead to an increase in reader engagement or
number of subscriptions.
This work proposed a metric based on click-through
rate and read percentage to estimate headline effec-
tiveness in online news media, a model using BERT
word embeddings to predict the effectiveness of the
given headline under the new metric, and a compar-
ison of the model’s performance against expert eval-
uators. We also carried out a simulation procedure
to estimate the model’s performance for small ran-
dom samples. The results indicated that a BERT
model specifically trained for Finnish language out-
performed a multilanguage BERT model in predicting
headline effectiveness, and that manually extracted
features from the headline could not improve the per-
formance. It was found that the model performed
significantly better than the experts in evaluating the
headline effectiveness in a four-class classification
task. However, more extensive data sources describ-
ing user behavior on the news site might help in pro-
viding more accurate predictions, and integrating the
prediction functionality into a larger set of AI-driven
tools would provide support for news journalists in
their day-to-day work.
The model implementation with example data
is available at
This work was financially supported by Media Indus-
try Research Foundation of Finland and VTT. The au-
thors would like to thank Kaleva Media for sharing
their data for model development and the anonymous
journalists who took part in the expert evaluation.
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