engineering teams for developing and enhancing
vehicle technologies in multiple domains. There are
three different competition categories: combustion
engine vehicles, electric vehicles and driverless
vehicles. The driverless category is the most recently
added one, having started in 2017. In the Formula
Student Driverless competition, a team is tasked to
build an autonomous race car that can complete the
racetracks without a driver’s influence by only using
onboard sensors and computers. The Formula Stu-
dent ZHAW team was formed by students from
different engineering backgrounds at the Zurich
University of Applied Sciences with the intention of
competing in the electric and driverless categories.
2.2 Related Work
Since 2017, hundreds of Formula Student teams
have been working on driverless vehicles. Outstand-
ing results and various publications have been deliv-
ered by the Academic Motorsports Club Zurich
(AMZ) from ETH Zurich.
In 2019, the AMZ-Racing driverless team pub-
lished a comprehensive report on the concept of
their first driverless racing car for the 2017/2018
racing season (Kabzan et al., 2017). The software-
hardware architecture of the developed “gotthard”
system is designed as follows. The software stack is
divided in three main modules: Perception, Motion
Estimation and Mapping and Control. Following the
architecture design, the velocity estimation is used to
compensate the motion distortion in the Lidar pipe-
line, propagate the state in the SLAM (Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping) algorithm, as well as
input for the control module. AMZ states in the
report that the velocity estimation needs to combine
data from various sensors with a vehicle model in
order for it to be robust against sensor failure and to
compensate for model mismatch and sensor inaccu-
racies. AMZ proposes to use a nine state Extended
Kalman Filter (EKF), which fuses data from six
different sensors.
AMZ also present the state estimation and sys-
tem integration for an autonomous race car in and
testify that sensor faults are a major factor under-
mining the robustness of state estimation systems
and, therefore, a probabilistic outlier detection
method should be used that works with any sensor.
Their approach makes use of the innovation covari-
ance calculated in the EKF which intrinsically ac-
counts for the uncertainty of the state and the sensor
noise model. Furthermore, they determine that if
wheel odometry is the only velocity source, and if
the wheels are constantly blocked due to high accel-
erations, the velocity estimate deteriorates (Valls et
al., 2018).
Of course, AMZ is not the only Formula Student
team that has achieved great results with a self-
developed measuring system that subsequently re-
sults in a ground speed estimation. To name a couple
of other remarkable approaches, two teams solved
this problem in the following ways:
The Viennese TUW Racing team uses a differen-
tial Global Positioning System (GPS), provided by a
Piksi Multi GNSS module along with two beacons
placed outside the racetrack. The beacons allow for
more precise positioning than a generic GPS system
does. To measure the relative movement of the vehi-
cle they included a motorsport-grade Inertial Meas-
urement Unit (IMU) (Zeilinger et al., 2017).
The Chinese BIT-FSD team relied mainly on
wheel speed sensors to calculate their first driverless
vehicle’s velocity in 2017. Even though their sensor
setup also includes GPS, INS, Lidar and camera
sensors, those are separately used to determine the
vehicle’s position and surroundings. Wheel speed
sensors are widely used for odometry calculations in
wheeled robots, where the team got this idea from
(Tian et al., 2018).
Generally, Bayesian filters provide a statistical
tool for dealing with measurement uncertainty,
which are described in an easy-to-follow way in
(Mochnac et al., 2009). This paper also explains that
the probability density function includes all infor-
mation needed to optimally solve estimation prob-
lems in a recursive way, which is why such filter
approaches are well suited for velocity estimation.
The Extended Kalman Filter is the state-of-the-art
estimator for fast, mildly non-linear systems and
provides a solution to this problem. The EKF works
by linearizing the involved models for every itera-
tion. The GSMS requires the use of an EKF for the
attitude estimation.
Noteworthy is also the Doppler-based approach
which a French research group from the Sorbonne
University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris elaborate-
ly discuss in their paper (Lhomme-Desages et al.,
2009). With a low-cost Doppler radar and an accel-
erometer, the ground speed of a vehicle can also be
obtained. The focus of the paper lies on measuring
the slip rate, for which an estimation of the true
velocity of the vehicle with respect to the ground is
necessary. In this paper the authors do not resort to
wheel-based methods like optical encoders or re-
solvers. The Doppler effect principle is as follows: a
received electromagnetic wave’s frequency is com-
pared to a defined frequency, which changes as the
receiver moves with respect to the transmitter. For