In this work, we proposed ARMOREDTWINS: a secure
digital twin system that protects the data of digital
twins, so that it can also be employed for sensitive in-
formation. We build on KP-CPRE for flexible, fine-
grained, end-to-end encryption, which enables shar-
ing of data with its owner and other parties to review
the data or process it, e.g., in simulations. Further-
more, we integrated MPC to enable processing of sen-
sitive data that owners would not expose even par-
tially. Our system allows to compute functions on
shares of digital twin data so that neither the cloud
nor the processing nodes learn the input or result, but
only the designated receiver gets the outcome. Also,
the system offers protected interaction with external
requesters, processes to manage changing trust rela-
tionships, and strategies to recover from device and
key loss. Benchmarks show the feasibility and practi-
cability of our ARMOREDTWINS system. We evaluated
the MPC integration with privacy-preserving contact
tracing as an example use case, which scales linearly
with about 8.2s per user and 50 uploaded location
points each.
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SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography