loss of information, for later process the information
in our predictive tool.
Using industry 4.0 technology a tool developed to
control the machine in real time has been created, fol-
lowing the OEM trend of transform their current man-
ufacturing facilities in smart factories. The tool devel-
oped works as expected in real-time and give accurate
and valuable information about the slide state work-
ing, been able to control parallelism and friction in
the gibs reducing maintenance activity and premature
wear altogether with reduction of electrical consump-
tion. Furthermore the developed tool result as a ro-
bust and powerful method that gives a lot of opportu-
nities when talking about predictive maintenance and
knowing the machine health, taking the lead predict-
ing breakdowns.
This study was supported by the Universidad CEU
Cardenal Herrera, Ford Spain S.L. and Fundaci
para el Desarrollo y la Investigaci
on (FDI), Spain,
which the authors gratefully acknowledge.
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ICINCO 2021 - 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics