identification results (Fig.13) and prediction results
(Fig.14). It also allows to export an evaluation report
containing all user entries and statistics of different
results throughout the prediction process.
In this paper, the EPredictor platform, a research tool,
was described and its usability was presented in de-
tail for the community evolution prediction issue. To
the best of our knowledge, no other research tools,
that handle the entire community evolution predic-
tion process, were proposed for predicting commu-
nity evolution in dynamic social networks. We have
presented step by step all the options offered by the
platform in order to make visible the range of func-
tionalities which can be involved for one particular
network. Several experiments were conducted by stu-
dents for their Master dissertation, which proved the
usability of the current version of the EPredictor plat-
form for educational purposes. We meant, through
this paper, to present the EPredictor platform to the
researchers in the field of social network analysis in
order to prove its usability for research purposes. Yet,
the platform is still being developed and new func-
tionalities are constantly incorporated in order to en-
rich the set of methods proposed by the platform for
each step. The EPredictor platform is now available
for academic and other non-commercial purposes.
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SIMULTECH 2021 - 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications