cutable (1.) drCox as assigner must be either physician
or manager – this is true; (2.) drCox as assigner and
physician must be attributed with this case; (3.) nurse-
Carla must be a nurse – this is also true.
Both, the second pre-clauses of assignCase and
third pre-clauses of readEHR, become satisfiable by
the delegation of case 42 to drCox by drKelso via
delegateCase: (1.) drKelso as delegator and drCox as
delegate are both physicians; (2.) drKelso is assigned
to this case. have se Consequently, a potential privi-
lege escalation is possible on a ward-by-ward base, i. e.
if at least one member (any one) of ward
is capable
of accessing cases originally treated in ward
, this
also holds for any other member of
. If, then again,
a different member of
is capable of accessing cases
from ward z, this may spread transitively.
The model originally formalizes a
policy which is based on the organizational structure
of a hospital. Now, the analysis results produced a
more substantial understanding of possible privilege
escalation vulnerabilities that are anchored in this de-
sign. To address these design flaws, a reiteration step
in the model engineering phase of MSPE is necessary
to improve the model design.
One possible approach to fix the above-discussed
privilege escalation phenomenon is summarized in
Tab. 3. In order to cover the semantics of ward-
crossing treatment workflows, the attribute team, the
, and the indirect team-case-
are introduced. A team consists of
users, possibly from different wards, such that any
team could commonly treat cases independent from
their “original” wards.
This paper presents DABAC, a modeling scheme for
ABAC policies that enables automaton-based analysis
and specification of ABAC policies. By classifying
formal abstractions in the semantical levels of primi-
tive model components, model dynamics, and safety
properties, we support a mix-and-match approach that
streamlines the integration of DABAC models in the
MSPE workflow. Based on a common ABAC use-
case, we have highlighted how this approach could
pave the way to a more standardized, tool-supported
engineering of ABAC systems.
This is also reflected in our ongoing work: sup-
porting DABAC-based MSPE by tools in two areas
of application. These are (1.) semi-automated model
implementation, based on our previous work on model
specification languages (Amthor and Schlegel, 2020);
(2.) real-time monitoring of model invariants which
cannot be proven during model analysis, such as is
the case with a heuristically analyzed but formally
undecidable safety definition. For a real-world appli-
cation integration, our future work aims at leveraging
DABAC to implement correct and reliable risk-based
ABAC policies based on real-time threat information
from external sources.
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