and amount of unique received packets in bytes was
also lower (MAM
and MAM
The results indicate that, with the correct tuning
(∆ parameter), MAM
may achieve a significantly
better performance compared to MAM
and BTM-
R in terms of unique received packets and delivery
rate, as well as energy efficiency (when we consider
the amount of energy drawn proportionally to the
higher delivery rates and higher unique data packets
This work proposed two alternative approaches to re-
laying messages in BTMesh networks to a mobile
sink node named Mobile-Hub. The proposed ap-
proaches were implemented and evaluated with the
BTMesh standard model on a simulator (OMNET++
INET framework) by executing multiple simulations
to collect the desired metrics: energy draw, Mobile-
Hub data delivery rate, Mobile-Hub amount of data
received, and end-to-end delay (time elapsed from the
sensor node data being sent to the network until it
reaches the Mobile-Hub).
The preliminary results show that one of the pro-
posed relay algorithms, MAM
, achieved betters re-
sults in all of the evaluated metrics when compared to
BTMesh’s default relay algorithm (BTM-R).
Extending the MAM
algorithm to handle multi-
ple Mobile-Hubs and heterogeneous data collection
by type (e.g., multiple Mobile-Hubs, that subscribe to
different data types) should be an exciting path to ex-
plore as a ramification of this work.
Experimenting with different mobility types, as
well as running simulations with different network
topologies varying the number of nodes as well as
FN/LPN densities should also bring interesting results
and discussions. Field tests using microcontrollers
with sensors and a quadcopter as Mobile-Hub are also
in the roadmap for this research.
This study was financed in part by AFOSR grant
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URL: https://doc.omnetpp.org/inet/api-current/ ned-
Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks