Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh
Marcelo Paulon J. V.
, Bruno Jos
e Olivieri de Souza
and Markus Endler
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Wireless Mesh Networks, Bluetooth Mesh, Mobile Sinks, Data Collection, Controlled Flooding, Flooding
This work evaluates sporadic data collection on a Bluetooth Mesh network, using the OMNET++ INET sim-
ulator. The data collector is a roaming sink node, which could be a smartphone or other portable device,
carried by a pedestrian, a biker, an animal, or a drone. The sink node could connect to a mesh network in
hard-to-reach areas that do not have internet access and collect sensor data. After implementing Bluetooth
Mesh relay extensions, Low Power, and Friend features in OMNET++, we were able to propose and evaluate
algorithms for mobility-aware, adaptive, routing of sensor data towards the sink node. While the long-term
goal for this research is to implement the proposed algorithms on ESP32-based SoCs to monitor tree health,
so far, the preliminary simulated results already reveal some interesting findings. One variation of a proposed
routing algorithm achieved an 82.00% increase in unique data delivered to the sink node compared to Blue-
tooth Mesh’s default routing algorithm. In that case, there was a 5.45% decrease in energy consumption for
the same scenario. Also, the delivery rate increased by 58.22%.
This work considers a scenario where several nodes
equipped with sensors are spread in one area of dif-
ficult access, where each node monitors the health
of a tree with sensors attached to its trunk and fo-
liage, as well as some environmental variables such
as temperature and humidity in the proximity of the
tree. We further consider that sensor data accumu-
lated at each mesh node can be retrieved by a mobile
sink node (i.e., Mobile-Hub) when the sink gets suf-
ficiently close to the mesh node during its continuous
movement within the monitored arboretum mesh (i.e.,
MAM) region.
In any case, the goal is that the Mobile-Hub(s)
should be able to collect as much sensor data from
the whole network while on the move. But this re-
quires an agile routing of the sensor data in the WSN
towards the direction of the place where the Mobile-
Hub is currently ”having a rendezvous” with a mesh
As can be seen, this use case faces not only
the challenges of intermittent connectivity (since the
Mobile-Hub is only sporadically connected to the
mesh network along its trajectory) but also of the en-
ergy constraints of the mesh network.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that can be
used for WSNs and may be an interesting option since
most commercially available smartphones, as well as
many microcontroller devices and system-on-chip de-
vices (SoCs), support Bluetooth and its more recent
Low Energy features (Baert et al., 2018). One exam-
ple of an SoC that supports Bluetooth is the ESP32.
(Giacomini et al., 2020) describes the implementation
of a Bluetooth routing approach for IoT environments
using ESP32 SoCs.
One option for organizing Bluetooth networks is
by forming a mesh network with the Bluetooth Mesh
standard (Baert et al., 2018) (which will be referenced
as BTMesh in this paper). BTMesh’s latest version
(5.1) was officially released in 2019 (Bluetooth SIG,
2019), and it tries to achieve more efficient energy
draw when compared to other technologies such as
Wi-Fi and ZigBee. BTMesh routes packets across the
network by adopting a relay strategy that consists of
controlled flooding.
This work aims to propose two alternatives
to BTMesh’s default relay algorithm (MAM
) that may achieve higher packet delivery rates
Paulon J. V., M., Olivieri de Souza, B. and Endler, M.
Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010557000670075
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems (WINSYS 2021), pages 67-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-529-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and lower energy draw when routing data towards
a Mobile-Hub. Those alternatives were evaluated
in a simulated data collection context, considering
BTMesh’s default relay algorithm (which this work
will call BTM-R from here on) as a benchmark.
The results indicate that one of the proposed al-
gorithms (MAM
) achieves a higher packet delivery
rate to the Mobile-Hub when compared to BTM-R.
This delivery rate considers the number of unique data
packets received by the Mobile-Hub versus how many
packets were generated and sent by all other nodes.
This work also evaluated the global energy draw, the
number of packets received on the Mobile-Hub, and
the end-to-end delay (from each BTMesh sensor to
the Mobile-Hub). The MAM
algorithm presented
lower end-to-end delay and received more unique data
packets than BTM-R. However, in some configura-
tions, it performed worse in terms of energy draw.
In the next section, we present related work in
BTMesh networking and data collection in wireless
sensor networks. Section 3 covers BTMesh and its
characteristics. Section 4 describes the proposed data
collection solution, explaining BTM-R, MAM
, and
relay algorithms. Section 5 describes the sim-
ulation model and evaluation metrics, as well as the
simulations. Section 6 presents and discusses the sim-
ulation results. Section 7 concludes by presenting fu-
ture this works.
After the BTMesh specification was released, some
studies and simulations for the BTMesh technology
have been explored, such as (Baert et al., 2018) (Leon
and Nabi, 2020) (Hansen et al., 2018). (Leon and
Nabi, 2020) analyses BTMesh in a real-world envi-
ronment and reports limitations for message delivery
as a result.
(Hansen et al., 2018) evaluate three relay selection
mechanisms with the intent of reducing the number of
relay nodes in the BTMesh network to reduce costs
while preserving a certain level of redundancy. Their
work is orthogonal to the present work, as it focuses
on the BTMesh network formation (in which the net-
work topology is defined), whereas the present work
focuses on analyzing routing for data collection with-
out altering the BTMesh network topology.
The authors could not find extensions of BTMesh
relay algorithms that could be directly compared to
the algorithms this work describes in Chapter 4 - this
is - simple extensions to BTMesh routing that can be
implemented on top of BLE. For instance, such exten-
sions can be implemented on a microcontroller with
BLE support without needing to alter BLE function-
BTMesh adopts a flooding routing approach and
there is an extensive amount of published work on
this topic, with optimizations through concurrent-
transmission based flooding (Mager and Zimmerling,
2016) (Ma et al., 2018) (Cheng et al., 2018) (Ma et al.,
2020). The Harmony algorithm (Ma et al., 2020)
was tested through experimental evaluation and, com-
pared to the state-of-the-art at the time of publication,
presented 50% higher delivery rates and shorter end-
to-end latencies in the presence of harsh Wi-Fi inter-
ference. However, such routing algorithms optimiza-
tions differ significantly from the algorithms proposed
by this work, as they are not designed considering
Bluetooth compatibility. The advantage of preserv-
ing Bluetooth compatibility is to more easily imple-
ment and deploy applications, as many commercially
available devices such as smartphones and microcon-
trollers support Bluetooth (Baert et al., 2018).
(Djedouboum et al., 2018) studied the current
state of data collection in Wireless Mesh Sensor Net-
works and analyzed its challenges in the context of
Big Data. They also discussed the challenges of data
collection when mobility is involved, like contact de-
tection with mobile data collectors, quality of service
(QoS), and location detection. The MAM algorithms
do not cover quality of service and location detection,
which are out of the scope of the present work. How-
ever, contact detection is an important part of the rout-
ing process and the MAM algorithms would be de-
fined in the context of their research as feature-based
routing protocols that rely on route discovery.
BTMesh is a mesh standard based on Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE) that supports many-to-many communi-
cation using the wireless Bluetooth protocol.
The standard uses BLE-specific advertising and
scanning as underlying mechanisms to achieve
flooding-like communication (Bluetooth SIG, 2016).
BTMesh flooding ensures that some nodes in the net-
work, called Relay Nodes, repeat incoming messages
so that they are relayed further until their destination
is reached. Compared to conventional BLE advertis-
ing, BTMesh nodes do not send packets according to
advertising intervals but send their packets directly af-
ter a random generated back-off time per channel. To
scan the advertisement channels for incoming pack-
ets, the mesh nodes use a 100% duty cycle, mean-
ing that they are permanently scanning unless they are
sending a packet.
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
In order to prevent the obvious problems caused
by uncontrolled message flooding, BTMesh intro-
duces relay cache features. Only nodes that have the
relay feature enabled (i.e., RNs) will forward received
messages to neighbor nodes. There is an LRU (least
recently used) cache on each relay node that stores
packet signatures and ensures a relay node only re-
lays a specific message once. Also, each message has
a Time-To-Live (TTL) field that represents the num-
ber of hops. Messages are only relayed if they are not
in the cache, and the number of hops is less than 127
(the number 127 is defined by the Bluetooth specifi-
cation and corresponds to a 1-octet opcode).
The full-time duty cycle to scan the different BLE
advertisement channels directly impacts the node’s
energy consumption. The BTMesh standard tries to
solve this by introducing Friendship and Low Power
node features. A BTMesh Friend Node (i.e., FN) has
mainly two responsibilities: storing incoming mes-
sages for nearby Low Power Nodes (i.e., LPNs) and
sending those messages to the LPNs (LPNs periodi-
cally query their FNs for new messages).
With the Friendship feature, Low Power nodes
don’t need to stay permanently scanning the network
and can save battery power by keeping their radio
stack disabled most of the time. Thus, according to
the Bluetooth Mesh specification, FNs can function
as intermediate storage and opportunistic relay nodes
for the other ”energy-restricted” mesh nodes that will
awake typically only for communication with some
FN during short periods to save energy.
Despite these advantages, BTMesh has two main
problems considering this work’s data collection sce-
nario (described in section 1):
Network size limitation - message routing is ad
hoc, but performed through a controlled flooding
approach that limits the number of hops to 127
(which could be insufficient for a vast area net-
work application).
Power consumption - although the flooding ap-
proach results in some flexibility in terms of han-
dling nodes’ neighbors change as well as low la-
tency (packets always get sent through the short-
est path), duplicate messages are sent through the
network and this impacts power consumption.
This work focuses on improving power consump-
tion for data collection scenarios using Bluetooth
Mesh, and does not try to overcome the Bluetooth
Mesh 127 hop limitation.
The network topology significantly influences
how the network will behave, as defining which nodes
are relay nodes, friend nodes, or low power nodes is
not done dynamically and, if not done correctly, can
make the network inefficient and even disconnected
(by exceeding the hop limit from one node to another,
or by lack of relay nodes that can forward messages
between them). This work’s configured simulation
topologies, described in section 5, are connected net-
works with relay nodes, friend nodes, and low power
This section describes the application of BTMesh
for collecting data using a Mobile-Hub as described
in section 1. The first approach used the standard
BTMesh relay implementation (i.e., BTM-R) to direct
messages towards the Mobile-Hub. Also, this work
proposes two alternative relay algorithms for the spe-
cific scenario that is being discussed.
To collect data from the network, the Mobile-Hub
sends a discovery packet periodically (every 1 sec-
ond) while moving around the area. The discovery
packet is used to notify the nodes that there is a data
sink available to receive data, and those packets even-
tually reach every network node if they are received
by one of the network relay nodes, provided the relay
algorithm restrictions (e.g., BTM-R enforces a maxi-
mum hop limit). Once any node receives a discovery
packet, it should send its sensor data as well as any
stored sensor data towards the Mobile-Hub.
The BTM-R determines that the relay nodes only
consider the number of hops made so far and whether
they have already relayed the message, when evaluat-
ing if the message should be relayed.
The proposed alternatives to BTM-R only con-
sider the scenario that was described in section 1
(routing data towards a single Mobile-Hub). This is
an important difference between this work and alter-
native routing technologies for sensor networks that
cover routing from any node to another in the net-
When describing alternative relay algorithms in
this section, this work will consider packets that are
not Discovery packets to be ”data packets”, which are
packets sent by the Mesh network nodes containing
sensor data that should be relayed to the Mobile-Hub.
Each subsection contains a pseudo-code with a
possible implementation of the described relay algo-
rithms. The code would be run on every relay node for
each packet they receive, and would receive as input:
the sender’s address (senderAddress), the number of
packet hops (messageHops), and the packet’s content
(messageBody). Global variables stored in the nodes,
available across local executions, are initialized in the
pseudo-code’s Init session.
Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks
4.1 BTMesh Relay (BTM-R): Flooding
BTMesh’s original relay algorithm (BTM-R) consists
of a controlled flooding approach (Bluetooth SIG,
2018). The algorithm combines two strategies to
manage the network flooding:
1. limit the number of packet hops to 127 (corre-
sponds to a 1-octet opcode, as defined by the spec-
2. avoid the same node relaying a packet multiple
The pseudo-code Algorithm 1 illustrates BTM-R’s
implementation logic. Firstly it computes the packet
hash and checks if it is present on an LRU cache, stor-
ing this information on a variable named recentlyRe-
layed (lines 1 and 2).
If it was recently relayed (recentlyRelayed ==
true) or if the number of messages hops is greater
than 126, it stops executing, and the packet gets dis-
carded (lines 3-5). Otherwise, the number of message
hops is incremented and the packet is relayed through
a broadcast (lines 6 and 7).
Two noticeable problems with this approach are:
I) due to BTM-R routing approach, the messages may
get relayed excessively and delivered multiple times
since they are sent through every route possible. If
much data is coming from sensors, there may be com-
petition on multiple routes to deliver it. II) the 127
hop limit could be a problem depending on the nodes’
topology layout/distribution, possibly making certain
nodes unreachable to others.
Algorithm 1: BTMesh Relay (BTM-R).
Input: senderAddress, messageHops, messageBody
1: byte hash hashMessage(messageBody)
2: bool recentlyRelayed isInLRUCache(hash)
3: if (recentlyRelayed == true or messageHops >
126) then
4: return
5: end if
6: hops messageHops + 1
7: broadcastMessage(messageBody, hops)
4.2 MAM
: Last Known Route
algorithm is the first alternative routing
algorithm this work designed and evaluated as a vi-
able alternative to BTM-R for Mobile-Hub data rout-
ing. MAM
is based on a reactive routing strategy that
only uses BTM-R’s controlled flooding approach for
Discovery packet propagation.
With the intent of maintaining a route to the
Mobile-Hub, each node sets the last known directly
connected node to have access to a Mobile-Hub. This
information is updated on every node upon each re-
ceived Discovery packet. With this approach, data
packets are then no longer broadcast but are sent to
a single node in each step.
The pseudo-code Algorithm 2 illustrates MAM
implementation. On every relay node, a global vari-
able bestNodeAddress is initialized as NULL. In
line 1, the algorithm checks if the packet is a Discov-
ery packet by looking at its body. If it is a Discovery
packet, the global variable bestNodeAddress gets set
to the packet sender address (line 2), the packet is re-
layed using BTM-R’s mechanism, and the execution
stops (lines 3-4).
If the packet is not a Discovery packet, the algo-
rithm assumes it is a Data packet that should be di-
rected towards a Mobile-Hub. Discovery packets are
only generated by the passing Mobile-Hub and may
be relayed by relay nodes further into the network.
The algorithm continues to execute if the incom-
ing packet is not a Discovery packet. It checks if the
global variable bestNodeAddress is set (line 6), and
if it is, the message gets sent to this address with an
incremented number of hops (lines 7-8).
This logic implies that if the variable
bestNodeAddress is not set, data packets will
not be relayed. Also, it implies that if it relays a data
packet, it will only be relayed to a single node. It was
designed with those characteristics in consideration,
with the intent of reducing the number of messages
propagated through the network and thus the overall
energy consumption.
Algorithm 2: MAM
- Last known route.
Init: bestNodeAddress NULL
Input: senderAddress, messageHops, messageBody
1: if (isDiscoveryMessage(messageBody) == true)
2: bestNodeAddress senderAddress
3: bluetoothMeshRelay(senderAddress, mes-
sageHops, messageBody)
4: return
5: end if
6: if (bestNodeAddress != NULL) then
7: hops messageHops + 1
8: sendMessage(bestNodeAddress, message-
Body, hops)
9: end if
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
4.3 MAM
: Reactive Least-hop Route
algorithm also consists of a reactive rout-
ing approach, but it sets data packet routes to Mobile-
Hubs based on its distance (in hops) to the Mobile-
Hub. This distance is essentially the number of hops
it takes from each node until the Mobile-Hub.
This approach requires a way of knowing in ad-
vance the number of hops from each node to the
Mobile-Hub (and updating it often as this information
changes as the Mobile-Hub moves). This is achieved
through the discovery message packet hop informa-
Upon receiving a Discovery packet, the relay node
evaluates if the sender would be the best destination
for sending data to the Mobile-Hub. This evaluation
considers the number of hops, as well as an expiration
The expiration time is called expiry and, when
expired, makes the next Discovery packet have its
sender set as the best node regardless of the number
of hops. This way, the best routes get preserved for
some time, but the logic accounts for them eventually
becoming old/invalid. A (milliseconds) parameter
is used to control this expiration’s length.
If the route is not expired and the number of hops
of an incoming Discovery packet is less than the best
one, then the algorithm considers it to be the new best
destination, and sets its state accordingly (storing the
new best sender address and number of hops and re-
setting the expiry/timeout).
The pseudo-code Algorithm 3 describes MAM
The variable bestNodeAddress is the address
used to forward data packets, as the relay node con-
siders it to be the best node to reach the Mobile-Hub.
The variable bestNodeHops is the number of hops
from the current node to the Mobile-Hub. It is stored
to decide whether or not the best node should be up-
The variable expiry is the expiration time that
was previously described. Upon receiving a Discov-
ery packet, the algorithm will set the best node to the
packet sender if the current time is greater than expiry.
In line 1, it checks if the packet is not a Discovery
packet. If it’s not a discovery packet, then it will be
relayed if the best node is set (lines 2-5) and then ex-
ecution will stop regardless of the best node being set
or not (line 6).
If execution proceeds, it means the algorithm is
handling a discovery packet. In line 8, it checks
whether or not the current time is greater than ex-
piry, and sets this boolean value to a variable called
In line 9, it checks if the value of expired is true
or the number of hops is less than the value held
in the global variable bestNodeHops. If this check
is valid, the bestNodeAddress global variable is set
to the sender’s address (line 10), the bestNodeHops
global variable is set to the number of packet hops
(line 11), and the expiry global variable is set to the
current time plus the algorithm parameter (line 12).
Line 14 is the final execution step run for all Dis-
covery packets, to relay them using the BTM-R’s
logic. Similarly to MAM
, Discovery packets are still
always relayed and Data packets are no longer broad-
cast (but get sent to a single node).
The advantage of MAM
when compared to
is that MAM
temporarily preserves routes
considering the distance to the Mobile-Hub. It was
designed with the goal of maintaining shorter routes
to the Mobile-Hub, which would imply a smaller en-
ergy consumption.
Algorithm 3: MAM
- Reactive least-hop route.
Init: bestNodeAddress NULL, bestNodeHops
0, expiry 0
Input: senderAddress, messageHops, messageBody
1: if (isDiscoveryMessage(messageBody) == false)
2: if (bestNodeAddress != NULL) then
3: hops messageHops + 1
4: sendMessage(bestNodeAddress, message-
Body, hops)
5: end if
6: return
7: end if
8: bool expired NOW() > expiry
9: if (expired == true or messageHops <
bestNodeHops) then
10: bestNodeAddress senderAddress
11: bestNodeHops messageHops
12: expiry NOW() +
13: end if
14: bluetoothMeshRelay(senderAddress, message-
Hops, messageBody)
The simulations rely on OMNET++ INET framework
v5.6.1, an open-source model suite for simulating
wired, wireless and mobile networks. For the best
of our knowledge, the INET framework lacks any
official implementation of the BTMesh standard and
BLE. (Kajdocsi et al., 2019) describe a BTMesh par-
tial implementation using the OMNET++ framework,
Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks
however, the authors state that their simulation model
made it impossible to evaluate a network with more
than 30 nodes, and also it did not contain one of
BTMesh’s core features, Friend Nodes.
The goal of this work’s simulations is to evaluate
the feasibility and the performance of the proposed
variants of relay algorithms in a data collection sce-
nario with one Mobile-Hub - initially with 50 fixed
nodes and then a configurable number of nodes.
This work involved creating a model that sup-
ported those initial requirements (50 nodes and
BTMesh Friendship), and this was achieved by using
INET’s IEEE 802.15.4 model as a base, to be used
across all simulations. This standard was chosen as it
defines low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-
WPANs) like ZigBee, which has similar features to
BLE. This work’s simulation model has the following
characteristics that make it similar to BTMesh:
(a) maximum transmission range = 100 meters
(b) transmission rate = 1 Mbps (BTMesh’s transmis-
sion rate)
(c) nodes can be configured as Low Power or Re-
The following metrics were collected and used to
compare the different Relay Algorithms described in
section 4:
End-to-end delay (ms): the elapsed time in mil-
liseconds from the moment a packet is sent by the
source (sensor node) until the packet arrives at the
Delivery rate (%): the delivery rate of all of the
generated data packets to the Mobile-Hub, this
means the number of successfully delivered pack-
ets to a Mobile-Hub divided by the total number
of sent data packets, multiplied by 100.
Mobile-Hub received packets (bytes): the amount
in bytes of received packets. The charts distin-
guish between unique and repeated data.
Energy Draw (Joules): the amount of energy that
was drawn, by all of the network nodes.
BLE advertising packets, the type of packet used
by BTMesh, only implement a simple collision avoid-
ance mechanism. It changes the advertising channels
sequentially and also has a random delay between 0
and 10ms for consecutive sends on the same channel,
according to Bluetooth Core v5.0 specification (Blue-
tooth SIG, 2016). On Bluetooth Core v5.1 specifi-
cation (Bluetooth SIG, 2019), collision avoidance is
slightly improved by allowing advertising channels to
be chosen at random instead of sequentially.
This work’s simulations account for the possibility
of packets being lost, with a radio interference model
Figure 1: Average delay comparison between BTM-R and
MAM relay with least-hop route.
and CSMA/CA simulation as well as a Mobile-Hub
movement model. The radio layer was imported from
INET’s 802.15.4 model, which uses CSMA/CA not
BTMesh’s simpler collision avoidance approach. The
movement model was imported from INET, called
CircleMobility (Varga, 2020), in which the node sim-
ply moves around a circle at a fixed speed. For this
work’s 50 node-simulation, a fixed radius of 400 me-
ters and a constant speed of 14 m/s were used.
For the MAM
algorithm, the simulations varied
the algorithm’s parameter.
Varying execution time was not very significant in
the context of this work, since it is comparing relay
algorithms. The execution time only needed to be big
enough for the Mobile-Hub to visit some of the nodes
and for some of the routes be overridden according to
the parameter.
Each simulation was run for 200 seconds, which
is the default for OMNET++’s simulations. The net-
work was composed of 13 LPNs and 37 FNs (with all
FNs being Relay Nodes), and a single Mobile-Hub
that circled around the mesh nodes. This map was
manually generated by the authors, and is a connected
network. The following variations values were tested:
Delta (in milliseconds) 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500
The Mobile-Hub’s circular trajectory was across
a 400 meters radius, at a constant speed of 14 m/s
(equivalent to a quadcopter), and covered only a sub-
set of the network nodes. The Mobile-Hub connected
to 10 Relay Nodes (20% of all network nodes).
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
Figure 2: Energy Draw (Joules).
This section presents the four evaluated metrics in the
next subsections.
6.1 End-to-End (Sensors to Sink) Delay
Figure 1 shows the end-to-end delay (from the mo-
ment data packets are sent by the source node un-
til they reach the Mobile-Hub) in milliseconds. The
chart shows the results, presented as box plots, for
, and MAM
with varied values.
Each box plot representing the data includes the 25%
quartile (Q1), median (marked in red), and the 75%
quartile (Q3). Outliers have been omitted to facilitate
visualization. Higher values indicate that the delay
was greater, which means that messages took more
time to be delivered to the Mobile-Hub.
BTM-R’s median was of 42ms while MAM
s me-
dian was of 45ms. However, all of MAM
s medians
were lower than BTM-R’s, with the best one being
30ms. Those results indicate that MAM
worse in terms of end-to-end delay when compared
to BTM-R, and that the MAM
algorithm performed
better than BTM-R and MAM
6.2 Energy Draw
Figure 2 presents the energy draw of all Mesh nodes
in Joules. The values were aggregated as a sum, in
which the Mobile-Hub energy draw was neglected,
Figure 3: Delivery Rate (%).
and are displayed on a bar chart. The horizontal
axis presents each relay algorithm that was used, and
the vertical axis contains the energy draw values in
Joules. Higher values indicate that more energy was
consumed, however, this is not necessarily an indica-
tor of worse overall performance since more messages
could have been sent or the simulation presented a
higher packet delivery rate. On each alternate algo-
rithm bar, there is a percentage indicating the percent-
age comparison between each value and BTM-R’s.
The results (Figure 2) show that MAM
draw was as low as 16.87% less than BTM-R’s. The
chart indicates that the lowest energy draw for the
tested scenarios was with the MAM
algorithm with
= 5, 17.07% less than BTM-R. For MAM
with =50,
most energy was consumed among the alternative al-
gorithms, 4.2% less than BTM-R. Those results indi-
cate that all the proposed alternatives consumed less
energy than BTM-R; however, the energy consump-
tion varied according to the algorithm’s parameter.
6.3 Delivery Rate
Figure 3 presents the delivery rate (to the Mobile-
Hub) of all Mesh nodes data packets, in percentage.
The values consider the amount of unique data pack-
ets received divided by the amount of unique data
generated by each sensor node. The horizontal axis
presents each relay algorithm that was used, and the
vertical axis contains the delivery rate percentage val-
ues. Higher values indicate that more unique mes-
sages were delivered successfully to the Mobile-Hub.
On each alternate algorithm bar, there is a percentage
indicating the percentage comparison between each
value and BTM-R’s.
Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks
The results (Figure 3) show that MAM
ery rate was 16.26%, which is 40.39% lower than
BTM-R’s 27.29% rate, and it was the lowest deliv-
ery rate among all others tested scenarios. For MAM
with =500, the delivery rate was 43.18%, the high-
est among the tested scenarios, 58.22% greater than
BTM-R. Those results indicate that, for the tested
scenarios, the proposed alternatives can also achieve
higher and lower delivery rates when compared to
BTM-R, depending on how the alternative algorithms
are parameterized.
Figure 4: Packets received comparison between BTM-R
and MAM
with least-hop route.
6.4 Received Packets
Figure 4 presents the amount of data packets received
by the Mobile-Hub, in bytes. The values consider the
amount of unique data packets received and display
them on a bar chart indicating how many of them were
duplicates (if any). The horizontal axis presents each
relay algorithm that was used, and the vertical axis
contains the amount of data packets in bytes. Higher
values indicate that more messages were received by
the Mobile-Hub; however, unique values are painted
in blue and repeated values in red. On each alternate
algorithm bar, there is a percentage indicating the per-
centage comparison between each unique value por-
tion and BTM-R’s unique value portion.
The results (Figure 4) show that on the BTM-
R simulation, the Mobile-Hub collected 9.1k unique
bytes and a total of 18.4k bytes of data. Thus, in this
simulation, 50.5% of the collected data were dupli-
cate packets. MAM
received 6.79k bytes of unique
data packets, which is 25.36% lower than BTM-R’s,
and it was the algorithm with the lowest amount of
unique data received among all other tested scenar-
ios. For MAM
, with =5, the Mobile-Hub collected
7.92k bytes of unique data, 13.04% less than BTM-R.
For all other tested values, results presented a higher
amount of unique data packets collected when com-
pared to BTM-R. With =500, the amount of unique
data received was 16.57k bytes, the highest among the
simulations, 82% greater than BTM-R. Those results
indicate that the proposed alternatives can achieve
higher and lower amounts of unique data packets re-
ceived by the Mobile-Hub when compared to BTM-
R, depending on how the alternative algorithms are
configured. Also, it indicated that MAM
and all
tested MAM
algorithms did not result in the deliv-
ery of duplicated data packets to the Mobile-Hub.
6.5 Analysis and Tradeoffs
Compared to BTM-R, MAM
consumed less energy
in the tested scenarios (-16.87%) and lower end-to-
end delay in most cases. However, delivery rate (Fig-
ure 3) was lower compared to BTM-R (-40.39%).
Also, the received packets in bytes values were lower
than BTM-R’s (-25.36%). This indicates that, overall,
BTM-R outperforms MAM
algorithm was tested with different
values. For =5, the delivery rate was lower than
BTM-R’s in the tested scenarios (-28.50%). The
received packets in bytes were 13.04% lower than
BTM-R. The energy draw was lower than BTM-R’s
in the tested scenarios (-17.07%). This indicates that,
in most cases, BTM-R outperforms MAM
with =5.
For =10, the delivery rate was lower than
BTM-R’s (-0.92%). The received packets in bytes
were higher than BTM-R in the tested scenarios
(+21.74%). The energy draw was lower than BTM-
R’s in the tested scenarios (-13.29%). This indicates
that MAM
with =10 outperforms BTM-R in terms
of amount of data collected and energy draw, how-
ever, performs worse regarding delivery rate.
For higher values (>= 20.0), MAM
delivery rates that were higher than BTM-R in the
tested scenarios. The highest value that was sim-
ulated (=500) presented the highest delivery rates:
43.18% (a 58.22% increase compared to BTM-R’s
rate). In all tested cases, the energy draw was lower
compared to BTM-R. The scenario that consumed
most energy (=50) represents only a 4.20% energy
draw decrease compared to BTM-R, with a 43.87%
delivery rate increase, and a 76.45% received pack-
ets in bytes increase. However, in some cases in
which the energy draw was lower, the delivery rate
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
and amount of unique received packets in bytes was
also lower (MAM
and MAM
The results indicate that, with the correct tuning
( parameter), MAM
may achieve a significantly
better performance compared to MAM
and BTM-
R in terms of unique received packets and delivery
rate, as well as energy efficiency (when we consider
the amount of energy drawn proportionally to the
higher delivery rates and higher unique data packets
This work proposed two alternative approaches to re-
laying messages in BTMesh networks to a mobile
sink node named Mobile-Hub. The proposed ap-
proaches were implemented and evaluated with the
BTMesh standard model on a simulator (OMNET++
INET framework) by executing multiple simulations
to collect the desired metrics: energy draw, Mobile-
Hub data delivery rate, Mobile-Hub amount of data
received, and end-to-end delay (time elapsed from the
sensor node data being sent to the network until it
reaches the Mobile-Hub).
The preliminary results show that one of the pro-
posed relay algorithms, MAM
, achieved betters re-
sults in all of the evaluated metrics when compared to
BTMesh’s default relay algorithm (BTM-R).
Extending the MAM
algorithm to handle multi-
ple Mobile-Hubs and heterogeneous data collection
by type (e.g., multiple Mobile-Hubs, that subscribe to
different data types) should be an exciting path to ex-
plore as a ramification of this work.
Experimenting with different mobility types, as
well as running simulations with different network
topologies varying the number of nodes as well as
FN/LPN densities should also bring interesting results
and discussions. Field tests using microcontrollers
with sensors and a quadcopter as Mobile-Hub are also
in the roadmap for this research.
This study was financed in part by AFOSR grant
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Opportunistic Routing towards Mobile Sink Nodes in Bluetooth Mesh Networks