tuning as part of our future work. For the purpose of
our analysis, we chose values of the parameters that
maximized the correlation between our scores and
CWE scores.
In this paper, we have introduced metrics to en-
able practical and effective application of graph-based
configuration analytics and optimization. Our sys-
tem of metrics builds upon literature on vulnerability
graphs and vulnerability scoring, and can effectively
complement systems like SCIBORG, a graph-based
framework providing a fully automated pipeline to in-
gest information about a networked system, build a
graph model of the system based on this information,
and recommend configuration changes to optimize se-
curity while preserving functionality. In particular,
we defined metrics to evaluate (i) the likelihood of ex-
ploiting a vulnerability, (ii) probability distributions
over the edges of a vulnerability graph, and (iii) ex-
posure factors of system components to vulnerabili-
ties. Our approach builds upon standard vulnerabil-
ity scoring systems, and we showed that the proposed
metrics can be easily extended. We have evaluated
our approach against the Common Weakness Scoring
System (CWSS), showing a high degree of correla-
tion between CWE scores and our metrics. As part
of our future work, we plan to explore tuning of the
parameters used in the likelihood and exposure factor
equations and develop an overall metric to score and
compare configurations.
This work was funded by the US Department of De-
fense under the DARPA ConSec program. Any opin-
ions expressed herein are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Defense or any other agency of the U.S. Gov-
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