Touchalytics users, and 29.89% of eDAC users are
vulnerable to impersonation attack.
We constructed and trained the inverse classifier in a
black-box setting by using attack data. The substi-
tute classifier helped the attacker to recover the miss-
ing information of truncated prediction vectors. We
generate input prediction vectors for the trained in-
verse classifier for the fraudulent verification claim,
where every vector has the highest probability value
in the target user’s class. In our experiments, we
used Touchalytics and eDAC data and achieved an
accepted success rate in impersonation attack. Our
work raises a number of research questions, includ-
ing the design of more efficient attacks by improving
the substitute and inverse classifiers. Protecting DNN
classifier of the BA system from this type of attack
can be another future research direction.
This work is in part supported by Natural Sci-
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
and Telus Communications Industrial Research Chair
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Model Inversion for Impersonation in Behavioral Authentication Systems