Contrasting the previous works described in 3.2
with the RMCCS method, (Garip, Kim, Reiher, &
Gerla., 2017) require collaboration among
neighboring vehicles to estimate the distance of a
target vehicle whereas in RMCCS the estimation
algorithm is purely local. The accuracy of this
approach depends on number of vehicles reporting
their individual estimated distances to the target and
the correctness of the reported information. When a
large proportion of neighbours report incorrect
distance estimates, the estimated target position will
deviate from its true location. Such approaches are
unreliable when vehicles fail to collaborate or their
messages are lost. Furthermore, the same fixed path
loss exponent is used by all collaborating vehicles,
whereas, as we have seen, its value depends on the
obstacles on or near the transmission path. In contrast,
RMCCS is able to extract a dynamic value for the
exponent from the RSSI data using the linear
relationship. In (Ahmad, et al., 2019), cooperation is
also required, this time among RSUs. Again a fixed
path loss exponent is used to estimate the distance to
the target vehicle. A further disadvantage is that it is
unrealistic to assume that RSUs will be available in
all locations.
In terms of evaluation, the previous works
assessed their methods using simulators such as NS-
2, employing simple statistical propagation models.
In contrast, our RMCCS method was evaluated using
, which accounts for RSSI variation caused
by obstruction by surrounding objects. Studies in
(Mir, 2018) show a significant difference in received
power when comparing the performance of GEMV
and the propagation models built into NS-2. This
indicates that performance estimates obtained using
NS-2 are questionable, and that when the previous
work is evaluated with a more realistic simulation
environment, performance will reduce.
Another work that also checks consistency of
messages in V2V by using physical signals is (Lin &
Hwang., 2020). This work exploits angle of arrival
measured using a multi-antenna configuration, which
requires vehicles to have special hardware. This
increases the complexity and cost of the vehicle’s
onboard units. RMCCS, however, is compatible with
existing in-vehicle units.
We have shown through simulation and
evaluation that RMCCS performs well in terms of
distance estimation and ability to detect false position
reports with an accuracy level of about 90% with
separation distances under 100m. We believe this is
sufficient for the method to be a valuable adjunct to
use of digital signatures to establish trust between
vehicles, which will not only enable effective defense
against malicious vehicles but also improves traffic
safety significantly.
As a future work, we aim to investigate the
application of RMCCS method in combination with a
symmetric cryptography based security scheme
similar to TESLA in order to provide low-latency
message verification in V2V.
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