less than 100 seconds in contrast to the two hours re-
quired by the MIP solver.
In this paper, we represent a wireless sensor network
by means of a complete graph G = (V, E) with a set
of nodes V and a set of edges E. Then, we consid-
ered the problem of finding a minimum spanning tree
backbone formed with a subset of nodes P ⊆V where
the remaining nodes belonging to subset V \ P must
be connected to the leaf nodes of subset P at mini-
mum total connectivity cost. The problem is mainly
motivated as it can be used for comparison purposes
when developing future network protocols for these
types of networks. We proposed two mixed-integer
programming formulations for the problem and a lo-
cal search heuristic that allows obtaining feasible so-
lutions in less computational effort. So far, we tested
complete graph instances with random uniform and
Euclidean distance costs. Our preliminary numeri-
cal results showed that one of the proposed models
outperforms the other one in terms of solution qual-
ity and CPU times obtained with the Gurobi solver.
Finally, the proposed heuristic allows one to obtain
near-optimal solutions in significantly less CPU time
and better solutions for some of the instances when
compared to the MIP models.
As future research, we plan to propose new for-
mulations and solving methods for the problem. In
particular, novel exact and suboptimal approximation
methods should be investigated in order to compare
with the proposed heuristic.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from
Projects: FONDECYT No. 11180107 and FONDE-
CYT No. 3190147.
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WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems