Over the years, visual design of GUIs has been stud-
ied under a large variety of aspects. Its impact on
other dimensions has also been demonstrated. How-
ever, despites the growing interest in the field, a large
number of processes implied in the study of GUI vi-
sual design remains heavily manual. This mandatory
human intervention in the process induces a high vari-
ability in the results and hinders the validity of sci-
entific claims of experimental studies on GUI visual
design. In this paper, we introduced GUIMETRICS,
a web application for automating the computation of
measures on GUI visual design. The application is
built around the concept of directed acyclic graph for
constructing workflows of measures. The applica-
tion allows for the addition of new measures without
the need to change the core of the application. To
exemplify GUIMETRICS and its process, we lead a
proof-of-concept experiment on GUI visual design to
study the relationship between computed features of
GUIs and their perceived aesthetics using 100 web-
sites from Alexa ranking. The formulated hypothesis
was supported for some measures but the overall lin-
ear model only predicted 9.3% of the variance.
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