assessment and validation of the developed models,
an experimental study was conducted, where a high
voltage battery module consisting of 24 electrically
connected lithium-ion pouch cells was exposed to
elevated temperatures for accelerated electrochemical
degradation and swelling of its cells and cycled
several hundred times. During the cycling, it was
equipped with distance sensors, which measured the
spatially resolved deformations of the module from
the outside. The recorded data of the module swelling
due to electrochemical ageing was then compared to
the simulation results. According to the best
knowledge of the authors, this has been the first time
a mechanical ageing model for modules has been
validated against experimental data. The first set of
simulation results of both modelling techniques has
proven their ability to predict the spatially resolved
module swelling behavior over lifetime with good
accuracy. The simplified model in his current
working status works well for fast predictions. It is
also suitable for optimization studies due to the
developed algorithm, which automatically builds up
mechanical models for different module designs and
configurations by using data, which are entered in a
user interface. On the other hand, the FEA delivers
accurate results with a higher resolution, but with a
longer preprocessing and computing time. In
comparison to the real experiment, which took about
four and a half months, both model approaches can
reduce this duration massively.
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approach is ongoing, in order to extend its simulation
abilities, like the simulation of non-linear material
behavior, in order to reach higher accuracy. In the
process of that, the model equations are being
optimized by taking into account further in-depth
physical effects. In addition, sensitivity studies
regarding the number of finite elements are being
Further experimental and simulative studies for
different module types are also ongoing. In doing so,
the modelling of prismatic battery modules is also
being realized.
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