highest accuracy is equal to 0.50 for dataset 1. In this
case, we need to have information about the 0.20 of
the most popular traffic in the tested network. If we
have knowledge about 0.50 of the traffic, then the
accuracy is equal to 0.16. For dataset number 3
(knowledge about 0.80 of traffic), the accuracy is
equal only to 0.05. If we create the targeted dataset
without any knowledge about the training datasets,
then the accuracy is equal to 0.41.
Table 7: The extra test results for the MLP classifier for case
study 2.
Dataset – Similarity Level Accuracy
Dataset 1: SLI = 0.2T for F
(Top 20% from training data)
Dataset 2: SLI = 0.5T for F
(Top 50% from training data)
Dataset 3: SLI = 0.8T for F
(Top 80% from training data)
Dataset 4: SLI = 0.2L for F
(Last 20% from training data)
Dataset 5: SLI = 1T for F
(Top 100% from most popular public
The machine learning methods used for the detection
and mitigation of DDoS attacks are very effective,
especially for unknown attacks. Many models exist in
the literature, which have very high accuracies,
according to the tests based on the datasets split into
train and test or train, validation and test subsets. In
this article, we performed targeted UDP DDoS
attacks on machine learning models based on single
packets and time series. We have shown that models
with very high accuracy (0.97 and 0.99) in standard
tests are not resistant to a targeted DDoS attack. The
prepared tests require different levels of knowledge
about the traffic, and one of the levels assumes that
the attacker has no knowledge about the network. For
ML models, which analyze single packets, the
accuracy for targeted attacks is equal to a maximum
of only 0.20. In accuracy for ML models, which
analyze traffic as the time series, the accuracy for
targeted attacks is a maximum equal to 0.50. In our
article, we have proposed a new method of testing
ML models for targeted DDoS attacks. We have
created the algorithm for generating a targeted DDoS
attack, which assumes different knowledge levels
about the tested traffic. In this article, we would like
to show that it is important to extend the testing of the
machine learning.
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