Well-Being in Plastic Surgery: Deep Learning
Reveals Patients’ Evaluations
Joschka Kersting
and Michaela Geierhos
Paderborn University, Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
Bundeswehr University Munich, Research Institute CODE,
Carl-Wery-Straße 22, Munich, Germany
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, Information Extraction, Deep Learning, Transformer Applications.
This study deals with aspect-based sentiment analysis, the correlation of extracted aspects and their sentiment
polarities with metadata. There are millions of review texts on the Internet that cannot be analyzed and thus
people cannot benefit from the contained information. While most research so far has focused on explicit
aspects from product or service data (e.g., hotels), we extract and classify implicit and explicit aspect phrases
from German-language physician review texts. We annotated aspect phrases that indicate ratings about the
doctor’s practice, such as waiting time or general perceived well-being conveyed by all staff members of a
practice. We also apply a sentiment polarity classifier. While we compare several traditional and transformer
networks, we apply the best model, the multilingual XLM-RoBERTa, to a dedicated German-language dataset
dealing with plastic surgeons. We choose plastic surgery as sample domain because it is especially sensitive
with its relation to a person’s self-image and felt acceptance. In addition to standard evaluation measures such
as Precision, Recall, and F1-Score, we correlate our results with metadata from physician review websites,
such as a physician’s gender. We figure out several correlations and present methods for analyzing unstructured
review texts to enable service improvements in healthcare.
Handling unstructured data such as text has made sig-
nificant progress so far. Among others, transformers
(Vaswani et al., 2017) have enabled great improve-
ments when it comes to word representations, infor-
mation extraction, or text classification (Devlin et al.,
2019). One field of study that has also benefited from
recent developments in natural language processing
is called Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA),
which aims to identify fine-grained evaluations in
texts about products and services. ABSA extracts
words or phrases from texts and classifies them ac-
cording to the rated aspects, their targets, and their po-
larities. Sentiment polarity describes whether some-
thing is talked about positively or negatively (Pontiki
et al., 2016a; He et al., 2019). Due to the nature of
natural language, the ABSA task is a challenging one
that has led to numerous studies (Li et al., 2019; Ker-
sting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geierhos,
2020b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b), surveys (Do
et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2019; Nazir et al., 2020), and
shared tasks (Pontiki et al., 2014; Pontiki et al., 2015;
Pontiki et al., 2016a; Wojatzki et al., 2017). In addi-
tion to ABSA, there is also sentiment analysis at the
document and sentence level. Both assume one opin-
ion per text or sentence and therefore do not deal with
ambivalence, sentiments on different aspects and the
granularity of human language in general.
Our goal is to investigate patient reviews for
plastic surgeons on German-language Physician Re-
view Websites (PRWs). The reasons for the use of
physician reviews lie not only in the challenging do-
main but more especially in the wording used, which
mostly consists of longer phrases and insertions. Un-
like other studies, we deal with implicit and indirect
aspect mentions. Scholars mostly used exclusively
commercial reviews (Zhou et al., 2019; Nazir et al.,
2020) for ABSA research, in which nouns often ex-
plicitly mention an aspect by its name or a synonym.
Many studies either take nouns and noun phrases for
aspect representation for granted or at least as suffi-
cient (Chinsha and Shibily, 2015; Nguyen and Shirai,
2015; Pontiki et al., 2016a). The reason for this may
lie in the review domains commonly used in research.
As mentioned, these are product and service reviews
(Pontiki et al., 2016a; De Clercq et al., 2017). For
PRW data, for example, the phrase he didn’t look
Kersting, J. and Geierhos, M.
Well-Being in Plastic Surgery: Deep Lear ning Reveals Patients’ Evaluations.
DOI: 10.5220/0010576002750284
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2021), pages 275-284
ISBN: 978-989-758-521-0
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
me in the eye is more common than a noun-based
construction. Commercial reviews, typically used for
ABSA research, usually feature adjective-noun com-
binations such as “bright display”.
In addition to performing ABSA, we also want
to present our research design and subsequent data
analyses. Thus, we correlate our results with meta-
information from the websites. Therefore, we chose a
specific physician specialty, plastic surgery. We con-
sider our correlation results to be more valuable when
the extracted aspects, their polarity, etc., are brought
together with metadata such as assigned grades for a
particular medical specialty. This allows us to draw
conclusions if the equipment of a plastic surgeon’s
practice is of particular importance for patients.
Since our data contain indirect, complex, and long
aspect phrases, we train and compare a number of
recent deep learning approaches to find the best per-
forming solution. To find mentioned aspects in texts,
ABSA research has developed three subtasks: Aspect
Term Extraction (ATE), Aspect Category Classifica-
tion (ACC), and Aspect Polarity Classification (APC)
(Chinsha and Shibily, 2015). ATE means to find and
extract aspect phrases in texts. ACC focuses on clas-
sifying them into the correct aspect category and APC
classifies the extracted phrases into the appropriate
sentiment polarity class, e.g., positive or negative sen-
timent. ATE and ACC are usually performed together,
which is consistent with our previous work (Kersting
and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b).
For our deep learning approaches, we need to use
supervised deep learning, because implicit mentions
and longer phrases cannot be captured by keyword
spotting. The following sentence exemplifies it:
Example 1 (typical physician review). I want to em-
phasize how well Dr. Myers conducted my plastic
surgery. Appointments are usually made to accom-
modate the wishes of the patients and waiting in the
practice never (except once) takes long. However,
I think that the newest technology is available, they
also own a new apparatus for breast examinations.
The rooms are full of light, while privacy is main-
Example 1 shows common aspect phrases. Pre-
viously, we examined aspect classes dealing with
the doctor and his or her team (Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2021b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021a). The as-
pect classes we examine in this study deal with the
practice of a physician: Waiting Time for an Ap-
pointment”, “Waiting Time” (in the practice), “Equip-
ment/Facilities”, and Well-Being
. As the example
Translated from these German terms: Wartezeit auf
einen Termin”, Wartezeit in der Praxis”, Ausstattung”,
and “Wohlf
uhlen”. The acronym wtwawo sums them up.
shows, aspect phrases are quite complex and use in-
sertions. In contrast to common product domains, it
is not mentioned that the battery is good and the
display is bright enough”. Our examples are longer,
more complex, and have many insertions and a dif-
ferent word order because of the use of German. It
is a rather unusual style to say briefly that the wait-
ing time for an appointment is good”, it is rather said
that you MUST wait VERY LONG to get just a tiny,
useless 3-minute appointment”.
Contributions. First, we present our annotated
dataset wtwawo, which consists of physician review
sentences that deal with the entire practice as the as-
pect target instead of focusing directly on human em-
ployees (Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and
Geierhos, 2020b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021a; Ker-
sting and Geierhos, 2021b). Therefore, and second,
we contribute by training and evaluating a number
of recent deep learning architectures such as trans-
formers for ABSA. Third, we collected a dataset from
a German-language PRW that deals exclusively with
plastic surgeons. Fourth, we apply the previously de-
scribed models as well as additional models on the
gathered reviews. Fifth, we correlate and associate
our results with themselves and with metadata ob-
tained from the PRW. To get good correlation data, we
also use domain-trained transformers that have been
additionally trained on a large set of raw physician
reviews to achieve better results with deep learning
models. We also present our solution for polarity clas-
sification, for which we have also annotated data. Fur-
thermore, we apply our algorithm to determine the
relative importance of aspect phrases (Kersting and
Geierhos, 2021a).
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 in-
troduces the topic. After that, Section 2 outlines
the relevant state-of-the-art literature, while Section 3
then presents the datasets of this study. Section 4
shows examples of typical physician reviews and de-
scribes the annotation task along with its results. Sec-
tion 5 summarizes the applied methods and their re-
sults before Section 6 concludes.
The following areas of interest relate to the state-of-
the-art for this study: (physician) reviews, ABSA,
deep learning for ABSA, and correlation and associa-
tion techniques.
2.1 Physician Reviews
There are several studies that have looked at physi-
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
cian reviews (Emmert et al., 2013; Kersting et al.,
2019), while most research has dealt with commer-
cial reviews (Mayzlin et al., 2014; Pontiki et al.,
2016a). Perhaps the most important finding regard-
ing physician reviews is that trust is extremely impor-
tant (Kersting et al., 2019), while ratings are mostly
positive and the PRWs have some shortcomings (Em-
mert et al., 2013). However, medical treatments are
the most difficult domain to rate (Zeithaml, 1981).
2.2 Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
While most researchers have not looked at ABSA and
physician reviews or comparable data domains, we
have recently attempted to bridge the gap and use so-
phisticated PRW data to perform real-world analyses
(Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2020b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b). That
is, in previous work we have investigated implicitly
mentioned aspect phrases, focusing on a human-like
language understanding. Many other works rely on
nouns, seed words, etc. As an example, scholars write
that “[a]n opinion target expression [...] is an explicit
reference (mention) to the reviewed entity [...]. This
reference can be a named entity, a common noun, or a
multi-word expression” (Pontiki et al., 2016b). Given
the complexity and diversity of human language, such
approaches do not go far enough.
Most previous studies use this understanding
based on commercial review data (Pontiki et al.,
2016a; Pontiki et al., 2015; Pontiki et al., 2014) and
also often do not perform ATE (Zhou et al., 2019). It
is important that most studies use the same data (Zhou
et al., 2019), as the data will shape subsequent pro-
cessing methods and machine learning approaches,
and thus subsequent research. That is, most studies
will take similar approaches for their deep learning
and other machine learning systems for ABSA. Fur-
thermore, as most studies have neglected human-like
language comprehension, they are limited in terms of
methods and data (domains) (Kersting and Geierhos,
2020a; Kersting and Geierhos, 2020b; Kersting and
Geierhos, 2021b) and thus cannot be applied to physi-
cian reviews. We focus here on implicit aspect men-
tions, insertions, and how we have applied human un-
derstanding without limiting the aspects that may be
2.3 Deep Learning for ABSA
In this study, we want to compare a number of deep
learning approaches for ABSA. In our previous work
(Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b), we compared neu-
ral networks using (bidirectional) Long-Short Term
Memories ((bi)LSTMs) (Hochreiter and Schmidhu-
ber, 1997; Schuster and Paliwal, 1997) with Condi-
tional Random Fields (CRFs) (Lafferty et al., 2001) or
Attention (Vaswani et al., 2017). We combined them
with word embedding techniques that compute vector
representations for words and n-grams, i.e., parts of
words. We successfully used FastText (Bojanowski
et al., 2017) that equates word representations with
representations for partial word units. However, this
is a static method of embedding computation, newer
approaches compute such embeddings ad-hoc based
on context or they can be fine-tuned directly to down-
stream tasks. Such recent approaches are transform-
ers (Vaswani et al., 2017) such as XLM-RoBERTa
(Conneau et al., 2020) or BERT (Devlin et al., 2019).
While these outperform previous research, methods
such as FastText can keep up to some extent (Kersting
and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b).
Nevertheless, transformers have shifted the perfor-
mance of natural language processing and emerged
a number of different model types. It is not yet
sure which one performs best for German data or for
physician reviews. Therefore, we compare a number
of pre-trained transformers for German and multiple
languages, and also domain-train them on a large cor-
pus of raw physician reviews to improve their perfor-
mance (cf. Section 5).
Here we do not only perform ABSA but also as-
pect phrase weight computation as well as metadata
correlation and association. In a related study, we dis-
cuss algorithms for calculating importance based on
the weight of an aspect phrase (Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2021a). Briefly, we can say that those aspect
phrases with additional adverbs that serve as mod-
ifiers, for example, are more important than those
without. An example is the phrase: very pleas-
ant atmosphere compared to pleasant atmosphere”.
The same applies to comparative adjectives such
as longer or the superlative longest”. Increased
weight, i.e., importance, means that reviewers or pa-
tients have put more emphasis on what they have writ-
ten and have thus elaborated it a bit more.
2.4 Correlation and Association
There are several methods we introduce to correlate
and associate our data. For correlating numbers, we
used the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Spear-
man, 1904), which is a standard measure that shows
how two columns of data correlate with each other on
a scale from 1 to +1 (perfect monotonic relation-
ship), where 0 means no association. Correlations are
also called associations and do not indicate a causal
relationship. This means, for example, that a negative
Well-Being in Plastic Surgery: Deep Learning Reveals Patients’ Evaluations
correlation indicates that a higher value of x is associ-
ated with a lower value of y (Schober et al., 2018). We
use this measure instead of Pearson’s correlation coef-
ficient because we do not expect to have normally dis-
tributed data (i.e., a bell-shaped curve) (Rodgers and
Nicewander, 1988). For instance, quantitative scores
from PRWs can be used, but our observations show
that they are mostly positive.
For data that are not numerical or cannot be rep-
resented by numbers, we used a (different) measure
of association, Cram
er’s V (Acock and Stavig, 1979),
which measures the association between two cate-
gorical variables. That is, Cram
er’s V describes the
strength, not the direction, of an association (Benning,
In this section, we first briefly describe the raw data
and then the data on plastic surgeons.
3.1 Raw Data from PRWs
All available raw data were crawled from three
German-language PRWs, mostly between March and
July 2018. We aim at a platform-independent ap-
proach and thus collected data from more than one
platform. We started with a crawler that collected all
physician profile links to cause as few website hits
as possible. In total, there are over 400,000 physi-
cian profiles on German-language PRWs and over
2,000,000 review texts in the raw dataset. Among
other things, physician reviews with associated rat-
ings, the cumulative ratings per physician, and partici-
pation in continuing medical education were crawled.
The quantitative rating systems use German and Aus-
trian school grades as well as stars. The German PRW
is by far the largest in terms of available data (physi-
cian profiles, reviews). Therefore, we use it as the
basis for our investigation. The German school grad-
ing system uses grades 1 6, starting with the best. It
should be noted that the German grade 5 means inade-
quate (“mangelhaft”), which is a devastating grade to
receive, while a 6 means insufficient and a total failure
ugend”). The number of quantitative rating
classes varies widely among PRWs (Cordes, 2018;
Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2020b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b).
3.2 Plastic Surgery Data
In our dataset, we have over 1,600 physicians that
were labeled as male or female plastic surgeons. Over
half of them are men, less than 20% are women and
the rest have no gender assigned. However, only
over 800 reviews have cumulative ratings and not all
grades were provided. This is quite normal for plat-
forms with user-generated data that are social net-
works. We applied lower boundaries by selecting
those reviews that had both a text and a title. This
resulted in over 35,000 reviews. Counting these text-
less reviews listed on a physician’s profile page, there
are over 40 ratings per physician. The cumulative
grade is 1.27, where 1.0 would be the best possible
grade. This means that German plastic surgeons are
rated well in quantitative terms. The number of re-
views with the best grade is overwhelming.
We split all collected reviews into sentences be-
fore any annotation step was performed (Kersting and
Geierhos, 2020a). However, due to quality reasons,
sentences were excluded, such as extremely short and
long ones. These quality limits included a minimum
length of the entire review text (280 characters) or
the requirement that multiple quantitative scores were
assigned to the corresponding reviews (e.g., grade
for the physician’s competence). These limits were
previously established to encourage broader research
with the data (Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting
and Geierhos, 2020b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b).
Since we have a total of over 2,000,000 review texts,
we were confident that exclusion of some would not
hinder the overall annotation. However, for our plas-
tic surgeon reviews, we adhere to these quality con-
straints to maintain consistency, and remain with less
than 60,000 sentences out of 16,000 reviews.
Here, we explain how we annotated the relevant data.
4.1 Aspect Phrase Annotation
To find relevant aspect classes, we evaluated all avail-
able rating categories from the PRWs (Kersting and
Geierhos, 2021b). However, we decided to quantita-
tively combine the available classes into a set where
possible. As described, in this case we aimed at find-
ing classes that evaluate entire medical practices. Ex-
amples of the existing classes include team compe-
tence. However, our approach is consistent with the
literature and involves our previous work that focuses
on the physician or his/her team as the aspect target
(Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2020b; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b). In the
physician reviews, there are three aspect targets at
all. We intend to perform ATE and ACC together, as
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
many scholars have done before (Zhang et al., 2018).
The reason for this is the mutual influence between
ATE and ACC.
Our newly annotated dataset is called wtwawo,
which is an acronym for the German names of the
aspect classes it contains. As described in Section 1,
these are: Waiting Time for an Appointment”, “Wait-
ing Time (in the practice), Equipment/Facilities”,
and Well-Being”. However, patients are extremely
concerned about how long they must wait to get an
appointment. Furthermore, they do not want to spend
a lot of time waiting when they have arrived at a prac-
tice (cf. Section 5). The following list explains the
used annotation labels and their topics:
Waiting Time for an Appointment” deals with the
perceived duration of time a patient has to accept
to get an appointment: Got an appointment the
next day!
Waiting Time (in the practice) also describes the
subjectively perceived time a patient has to wait in
the physician’s practice: It took more than one
hour for my name to be called.
Patients use Equipment/Facilities to describe
a physician’s technological equipment and tools:
Her practice has the latest X-ray machine.
Well-Being describes the subjective well-being
felt in the practice and how comfortable visitors
feel in its rooms: The treatment took place in a
very pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. The prac-
tice is also very nice and spacious, there is water
and tea in the waiting room.
PRWs focus on doctors and reviews about them.
This may be the reason why most sentences do not
contain aspect phrases that deal with the practice. As
can be seen in the list above, the classes are quite
broad, especially the last two. However, there were
classes related to similar topics, which encouraged us
to merge them into one global “Well-Being class. We
also felt that the well-being factor of a practice should
be presented after reading review texts.
Active learning was performed once for all pack-
ages before annotations began, consistent with previ-
ous work (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b). Our goal
was to find sentences that generally contain an evalu-
ative statement. Therefore, a neural network classifier
was used. Then, the annotations for wtwawo started.
The process was carried out mostly by one per-
son and followed the general approach of our pre-
vious work (Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting
and Geierhos, 2021b). Because we looked for exter-
nal help, two external persons were involved in the
annotation. Three internal staff members took turns
reviewing the annotations of the two external persons.
All were trained German linguists and language spe-
cialists. The first external person was only available
for a short period of time. Since we were unsure
about the quality of his annotations, we kept only the
sentences that contained aspect phrases (several hun-
dred) and reviewed them. In the following, we ex-
cluded all sentences without aspect phrases from this
first phase. This, and the fact that we applied ac-
tive learning, caused the number of sentences without
aspect phrases in them to shrink dramatically. Con-
sistent with out earlier studies, we applied an active
learning approach several times, in agreement with
our previous studies (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b)
(multi-label, multi-class classification) to pre-select
sentences with a higher probability of containing one
of the four aspect classes. The reason is that, in part,
we had to annotate several dozen sentences until a
sentence with aspect phrases appeared. In the end,
we have over 8,000 sentences, most of which, i.e.,
over 7,000, contain aspect phrases. This contrasts our
earlier work (Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting
and Geierhos, 2021b), where we were dealing with a
higher number of sentences.
The annotations were consistently monitored dur-
ing the annotation process by discussing them in the
annotation team. In the end, we scanned almost all
sentences with aspect phrases for errors and deleted
them generously from the dataset (< 400), resulting
in higher data quality. Examples of errors include
missing attention to context, incorrectly assigned la-
bels or annotated phrases that are either too short or
too long. During annotation, it was possible to label
multiple aspect phrases in a sentence and most sen-
tences tended to be colloquial and thus unstructured.
Users tend to write as they would speak. Annotation
at the sentence level was sufficient for this type of data
(Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2021b). Many also contain insertions making
the annotation task more difficult: I love visiting his
practice because the atmosphere, and this is some-
thing interesting (after last Thursday), is lovely and
charming, because of the beautiful pictures that hang
Table 1: Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA) for our anno-
tated wtwawo dataset.
Annotators Cohen’s Kappa Krippendorffs
R & Y 0.710
0.768R & J 0.871
Y & J 0.727
The nature of the review texts made the annotation
task highly difficult. Inter-annotator agreement (IAA)
was calculated based on the tagged words, so we as-
Well-Being in Plastic Surgery: Deep Learning Reveals Patients’ Evaluations
signed a tag to each word in a sentence indicating a
class. All words that were not annotated with one of
the wtwawo classes were assigned a “no class” tag. We
compared the annotations of the second external an-
notator, who performed the majority of annotations,
and randomly selected about 340 sentences (Kersting
and Geierhos, 2020a). The scores of all IAAs can be
found in Table 1. The Cohen’s Kappa values (Cohen,
1960) show a “substantial” agreement (0.61–0.80) for
two of three pairs of annotators. “R & J” achieved
an “almost perfect” agreement (0.871) (Landis and
Koch, 1977). Krippendorffs Alpha (Krippendorff,
2011) is considered to be good, being close to 1.0.
All in all, the agreements are more than satisfactory
and reward the challenging annotation task and the
amount of manual effort involved.
4.2 Sentiment Polarity Annotation
We performed the sentiment polarity annotations in a
different way. For instance, in most cases the distinc-
tion between aspect phrases and sentiment words is
not possible for physician reviews, which the exam-
ples demonstrate: A friendly doctor. Another ex-
ample could be that water and tea”, as shown in the
list above, are an implicit indicator of the class “Well-
Being”. These words convey the feeling that it would
not be possible to identify a polarity word and a word
indicating the aspect class in the phrase. Therefore,
we extracted aspect phrases from the wtwawo dataset
and annotated them with respect to polarity. As it
turned out, it is only possible to assign positive or neg-
ative polarity, another scale is not adequate
In the following, we present our extraction and polar-
ity classification approaches for aspect phrases before
discussing the results obtained on plastic surgery data.
5.1 Aspect Phrase Extraction
We trained supervised learning algorithms on the ba-
sis of previous research and investigated neural net-
work approaches. In addition to our biLSTM al-
gorithms (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b), we also
used numerous transformers. As tests revealed, we
do not have enough PRW data to train a transformer
We also extracted aspect phrases from related datasets
dealing with a physician as the aspect target (Kersting and
Geierhos, 2021a; Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b).
The generation of this dataset and the classification
methods are prior work (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021a).
from scratch (no useful results). Here, we turned to
those available for German data from Huggingface
and a multilingual model (XLM-RoBERTa). These
were further domain-trained on raw physician review
texts (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021a). That is, as Ta-
ble 2 shows, we have fine-tuned both: pre-trained
transformers and further domain-adapted transform-
ers. The domain-trained models are marked with a
“+”. FastText can keep up with transformers to some
extent, as described, which is why we included it here.
We want to further explore the use of transformer
models for our case.
Our experimental setup refers to IO (Inside, Out-
side) tags for ATE and ACC (Kersting and Geierhos,
2020a), e.g., I-waiting time T”. During domain-
training transformers, the loss for XLM-RoBERTa
(base) was about 0.37 after 4 epochs, while for most
German-language models such as BERT (bert-base
cased) it was about 1.1–1.3 after 10 epochs. This is
different for Electra (loss above 6.7), which also per-
formed poorly in the aspect extraction task (cf. Ta-
ble 2). Parameters were tuned before the final runs.
We used a train-test split of 90%/10% of the sentences
extracted from the raw data (cf. Section 3.1).
As shown in Table 2, XLM-RoBERTa achieves
the best scores (F1: 0.86). Interestingly, it also sig-
nificantly outperforms models with self-trained Fast-
Text embeddings (F1: 0.79), which in some cases per-
formed better than transformers in our previous work
(Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a; Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2021b). To obtain the best results, we performed
parameter tuning and tested different train-test splits.
Since our goal was also to maintain comparability, we
mostly used a train-test split of 80%/20% for trans-
formers (epochs: 10) and 90%/10% for the other
neural networks (epochs: 6). Because our previous
work suggested an advantage of training uncased em-
beddings (Kersting and Geierhos, 2020a), we trained
FastText vectors uncased. The reasons for this lie in
the nature of our data: Physician reviews are error-
prone and contain user-generated text with medical
terms. However, we cannot see any advantage from
this. The other models in Table 2 that are not explic-
itly labeled as (un-)cased are cased. However, some
of them are not well-documented, e.g., for MedBERT
a reference was published long after the model was
used for this study, unlike XLM-RoBERTa (Conneau
et al., 2020). Precision, Recall, and the F1-Score are
preferred over Accuracy, because Accuracy is likely
to show fuzzy results: Most words are not in an as-
pect phrase and thus labeled as “O”, so our classes are
very unbalanced. Computing Accuracy would lead to
Besides Huggingface, we thank several developers (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011; Biewald, 2020; Hugging Face, 2020).
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Results for the extraction and classification of aspect phrases (ATE, ACC) using broadly pre-trained and domain-
trained transformers for the wtwawo dataset
Model P R F1
xlm-roberta-base+ 0.81 0.91 0.86
x biLSTM-CRF+ 0.83 0.79 0.81
x biLSTM-Attention+ 0.84 0.77 0.80
xlm-roberta-base 0.79 0.89 0.83
MedBERT+ 0.80 0.90 0.84
MedBERT 0.80 0.89 0.84
electra-base uncased+ 0.15 0.20 0.17
electra-base uncased 0.79 0.90 0.84
distilbert-base cased+ 0.81 0.89 0.85
distilbert-base cased 0.80 0.88 0.84
dbmdz bert-base uncased+ 0.81 0.90 0.85
dbmdz bert-base uncased 0.80 0.90 0.85
dbmdz bert-base cased+ 0.82 0.90 0.85
dbmdz bert-base cased 0.80 0.90 0.85
bert-base cased+ 0.81 0.90 0.85
bert-base cased 0.80 0.88 0.84
FastText biLSTM-CRF+ 0.84 0.75 0.79
FastText biLSTM-Attention+ 0.83 0.77 0.79
very high values for most models; Precision, Recall,
and F1-Score averaged across aspect classes show a
clearer picture here. To reduce the imbalance and
achieve better results, we used only the sentences con-
taining aspect phrases for training the models. As the
tests have shown, this is not an obstacle for use with
unseen data. The reason could be that the “O” tag is
disproportionately represented and hence the models
can easily identify irrelevant words.
5.2 Aspect Phrase Polarity Detection
The polarity classification is not described in detail
here. We performed it as a binary classification. Qual-
itative testing has shown that there are almost no
neutral aspect phrases and that there are not enough
nuances (e.g., highly positive, moderately positive,
etc.) to assign polarity scores. The models were
given the aspect phrase and the sentence as the con-
text for training. We annotated several thousand sen-
tences for this task and achieved an IAA of three times
over 0.91 for Cohen’s Kappa and over 0.91 for Krip-
pendorffs Alpha. This is considered as almost per-
fect. For the application, we chose XLM-RoBERTa,
which achieved an F1-Score of 0.94 (Precision: 0.93,
Recall: 0.95). XLM-RoBERTa outperformed other
transformers trained for German.
P = Precision, R = Recall, F1 = F1-Score. All pre-
trained transformer models are in German and are accessi-
ble with their names on https://huggingface.co/models, ac-
cessed 2020-12-28. BiLSTM-CRF and Attention models
are based on previous work (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021b).
5.3 Application to Plastic Surgery Data
Our aspect phrase importance calculation works by
identifying phrases that may indicate increased rela-
tive weight, e.g., by superlative adjectives, compara-
tives, and the use of adverbs. We also tested statistical
approaches that did not succeed (Kersting and Geier-
hos, 2021a). Overall, we applied the XLM-RoBERTa
models for ATE, ACC, and APC and the aspect phrase
importance algorithm to all extracted sentences for
plastic surgeons. The results are as follows: Out
of about 60,000 sentences, almost 14,000 had aspect
phrases of the wtwawo dataset in them. This affects
over 8,000 out of 16,000 reviews (cf. Table 3).
The number of labels that appeared in plastic
surgery reviews (cf. Table 3) demonstrates the im-
portance of each label. Most notably, Well-Being
is featured by far the most often, followed by Wait-
ing Time for an Appointment”. Phrases that may
be mentioned more often are more important to re-
viewers. However, mentioning things may not au-
tomatically make them important, as mentioning the
Well-Being can be a standard behavior of patients
Table 3: Number of appearances of each aspect class of the
wtwawo dataset after application to plastic surgery reviews.
Labels #
Waiting Time for an Appointment 3,720
Waiting Time 1,727
Well-Being 10,914
Equipment/Facilities 967
Well-Being in Plastic Surgery: Deep Learning Reveals Patients’ Evaluations
Table 4: Number of appearances of each aspect class related to its importance and polarity.
Labels Importance # Polarity #
Waiting Time for high 1,315 positive 3,168
an Appointment low 2,405 negative 552
Waiting Time high 755 positive 1,089
low 972 negative 638
Well-Being high 4,327 positive 10,035
low 6,587 negative 879
Equipment/ high 131 positive 902
Facilities low 836 negative 65
reviewing plastic surgeons. Hence, we applied our
aspect phrase importance algorithm that determines
the true importance on the basis of linguistic features
such as superlatives (Kersting and Geierhos, 2021a).
The results can be found in Table 4. Apart from
importance, it is notable whether aspect phrases are
rather positive or negative, i.e. how patients rate plas-
tic surgeons in their evaluative texts, apart from as-
signed grades. This is equally shown in Table 4.
As Table 4 shows, there are constantly more
aspect phrases of low or normal importance than
phrases with high importance. The same applies to
positive aspect phrases, compared to negative ones.
This is not surprising, as reviews are generally very
positive. Moreover, it can be seen that the Equip-
ment/Facilities are generally less important, as the
ratio of high and low importance reveals. This is
different for the Waiting Time for an Appointment”,
Waiting Time”, and “Well-Being”.
5.4 Association and Correlation Results
We applied a Spearman’s correlation (Spearman,
1904) in order to investigate whether labels have an
association with polarity scores. They do have a slight
positive correlation of 0.18, when transforming polar-
ity scores to 0 = negative and 1 = positive. A stronger
association can be observed when applying Cram
V (Acock and Stavig, 1979) (0.26). There is, also an
association between polarity and importance scores
(0.13). But this is not the case for a Spearman’s corre-
lation of polarity and importance. We see correlation
scores of 0.10 as notable (Xiao et al., 2016), though
larger values indicate a stronger relationship.
However, there is a negative correlation when
bringing together each occurring aspect phrase label
with the corresponding accumulated grades of physi-
cians (0.10). Equally, when taking the average po-
larity per sentence and the accumulated grades of
physicians, they are negatively correlated (0.11).
That is, a higher (more positive) polarity of observed
aspect phrases in the reviews comes with a better
grade. Cram
er’s V shows that polarity and accumu-
lated grades are quite notably associated (0.29).
We made other findings when organizing the data
per review. Unsurprisingly, the overall grade of a re-
view is strongly positively correlated with the physi-
cian’s accumulated grade (Spearman: 0.26; Pearson:
0.50). This is indeed a finding, because not all re-
views received a text and we only considered those
containing one of our aspect classes. There seems
to be a discrepancy between reviews with texts and
wtwawo phrases compared to those without texts. Fur-
thermore, we found that negative sentiment polarities
among the aspect phrases in a review are slightly asso-
ciated with a poorer overall grade for each review, as
er’s V reveals (0.14). This is less or almost not
the case for the physician’s accumulated grade (0.08).
When correlating the accumulated grade per
physician with the polarity of each aspect phrase
in the surgery reviews, we find that Well-Being
and Waiting Time for an Appointment (0.15,
0.12) are less strongly correlated than Equip-
ment/Facilities or Waiting Time (0.24, 0.29).
Separating the data by important aspect phrases does
not reveal new findings.
Moreover, we selected each label and the gen-
der of the physician. Then we correlated each as-
pect phrase’s polarity with the cumulative grade of
a physician. For Equipment/Facilities”, we found
a strong difference because for males the correla-
tion was 0.23 and for females 0.46. For the
Well-Being” class this was different (0.27, 0.35).
There is a smaller number of female plastic sur-
geons, but in general, the observed scores for Equip-
ment/Facilities” are applicable (0.21, 0.45).
In our study, we annotated a dataset of physician re-
views that have the physician’s practice as the aspect
target. We calculated the IAA and achieved good re-
sults, which encouraged us to train and compare a
number of transformers and other neural networks to
extract implicit aspect phrases from texts, categorize
them, and assess their polarity. These ABSA steps
(ATE, ACC, and APC) were applied together with an
DATA 2021 - 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
importance weighting on a dataset of plastic surgery
reviews. We found indicators that patients care about
a physician’s practice, so they rate it quite frequently,
especially perceived well-being. In addition, gender
appears to have a strong association with the polarity
of reviews, according to our data. What is new is that
we were able to compare and correlate the polarity of
ratings with assigned scores on rating portals. Here
we found that assigned quantitative grades and polar-
ity in review texts are associated with each other.
With the methods and analyses presented here, we
are able to analyze patient reviews on a large scale
and provide physicians, their practices and hospitals
with deep insights and relevant information that can
help to improve their medical services. This can lead
to an improved curative process. Here, our goal was
to present general capabilities for further analysis that
can help medical providers understand and improve
their services in the future. Together with related
studies that address aspects targeting the physician
and his or her team, we can fully cover the topics re-
lated to healthcare providers in review texts. We can
also apply our findings to other domains in the future,
since implicit expressions indicating aspects are also
present in other challenging domains, such as every-
thing related to interpersonal communication.
This work was partially supported by the German
Research Foundation (DFG) within the Collabora-
tive Research Center On-The-Fly Computing (SFB
901). We thank F. S. B
aumer, M. Cordes, and R. R.
ulfarth for their assistance with data collection.
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