sitting on the offline system. In addition, the valid
data transmissions across the two systems are short
bursts of few characters. The restriction helps prevent
theft of sensitive PII by both internal and external
It must be noted that for this solution to be
effective, it must be used in-conjunction with other
techniques such as the pseudonymizing of offline data
before corresponding records are created online as
outlined in Fig5. In addition, online data must be
anonymous so that if the records are leaked, no
identifying information would be part of the leaked
records. Furthermore, random IDs must be used for
the online system to ensure privacy of users is
In Our next paper will detail the algorithms to be
used for the pseudonymization of PII as well as the
generation of Random electronic IDs for anonymous
use of electronic services such as ecommerce.
The experiment results show that it is possible to
protect PII from hackers by not presenting any
possibility of accessing the data regardless of the
security configurations of the systems holding that
data. The fact that no online user can reach the offline
system holding sensitive data makes the system more
secure. Enhanced protection comes in because no one
would be able to access the offline system from the
online system as the separation is physical. In
addition, even if someone breached the security of the
online system, they would need physical access to the
offline side of the data protector to configure it to
accept and allow transfer of data towards the offline
system. The Restricted amount of data that can be
sent via the data protector is a huge deterrent to
would-be data criminals as the time it would take
would render the exercise futile.
To make the proposed solution effective, it must
be implemented as recommended in Fig5 as well as
the detailed process flows in Fig6 and Fig8. The
implementation of the proposed solution in the
manner outlined would create a layered defence
mechanism to protect PII as well provide privacy to
the user. It would further, make it possible for
authorities to trace users who would commit fraud
online if need arises. The approach is good to the
good elements and bad to the bad elements.
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