the BR method is limited by its strong assumption of
independent labels.
While we have discussed different approaches to
multi-label learning, the main contribution of this
work is not the technical approach applied, but rather
we draw attention to the critical human-centric issues
affecting the users’ experience of software applica-
tions, and the use of app reviews as a valuable proxy
to detect these issues.
This paper presents AH-CID, a novel tool that has the
means of detecting and analysing human-centric is-
sues in text, to allow developers to ascertain which
issues are adversely affecting their diverse user base.
Using a machine learning approach, a model was con-
structed and deployed with 91.4% accuracy and a
2.1% hamming loss. Also, the training data was bal-
anced resulting in a moderate-high F1 score.
In the future, we plan to investigate a larger set of
apps reviews and human-centric issues using our tool.
Additionally, an empirical study with users on their
perception of human-centric issues is another area for
our future work. We also plan to extend the tool and
add a user review feature for the end-users to use the
tool and detect HCIs in different apps to be able to se-
lect and download apps more wisely, from a human-
centric aspect.
Support for this work from ARC Laureate Program
FL190100035 and ARC Discovery DP200100020 is
gratefully acknowledged.
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ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies