Filtered Weighted Correction Training Method for Data with Noise
Yulong Wang
, Xiaohui Hu
and Zhe Jia
School of Computer Science (National Pilot Software Engineering School), Beijing University of Post and
Telecommunications, Beijing, China
Science and Technology on Communication Networks Laboratory, Shijiazhuang, China
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing, China
Keywords: Noise Label, Noise Filtering, Weighted Correction, Deep Neural Network.
Abstract: To solve the problem of low model accuracy under noisy data sets, a filtered weighted correction training
method is proposed. This method uses the idea of model fine-tuning to adjust and correct the trained deep
neural network model using filtered data, which has high portability. In the data filtering process, the noise
label filtering algorithm, which is based on the random threshold in the double interval, reduces the
dependence on artificially set parameters, increases the reliability of the random threshold, and improves the
filtering accuracy and the recall rate of clean samples. In the calibration process, to deal with sample
imbalance, different types of samples are weighted to improve the effectiveness of the model. Experimental
results show that the propose method can improve the F1 value of deep neural network model.
In recent years, machine learning has played an
important role in computer vision, information
retrieval, speech processing, and other scenarios. In
the field of machine learning, a common type of
scenario is to use labeled data to train neural networks
for classification, regression, or other purposes. This
method of learning potential laws through training
models is called supervised learning. In supervised
learning, the learning effect of the model is closely
related to the quality of data labels. Due to the
structural characteristics of the neural network, to
obtain a better learning effect, the amount of training
data needs to reach a certain scale, that is, a large
amount of data, to avoid over-fitting for a small
number of training samples, which leads to the lack
of generalization of the model.
When collecting data, considering the cost factor,
researchers often use methods such as crowdsourcing
tagging, crawling, and external information analysis.
However, the different job occupations and technical
knowledge levels of the marking personnel have led
to uneven marking quality. In addition, external
information analysis methods such as analyzing CDR
information, because the information is easily
tampered with, the reliability cannot be guaranteed,
and the label quality cannot be guaranteed, resulting
in label noise in the data set. These data sets that
cannot guarantee quality and contain label noise are
called noisy data sets.
To sum up, due to the contradiction between the
demand for the amount of data by the neural network
and the cost of manual labeling, the generation of
noisy data sets is an inevitable result of the massive
data collection process (Algan G & Ulusoy I. 2019).
The research on training a more accurate deep neural
network model under the labeled noise data set has
great practical value.
In the past five years, the main research papers on
label noise have increased by multiples (Song H et al.
2020), and the content of these papers covers
theoretical and application research, which reflects
the theoretical research value and practical
application value of label noise learning.
According to the research object, the existing
research can be divided into the following three types.
The first is optimization processing based on training
data, which filters or relabels suspected wrong labels
through clustering, multi-classifier voting, etc., and
uses the cleaned data to train the model to improve
model accuracy (Nicholson B, Sheng SV, Zhang J,
2015); In optimize the processing based on the
Wang, Y., Hu, X. and Jia, Z.
Filtered Weighted Correction Training Method for Data with Noise Label.
DOI: 10.5220/0010577901770184
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2021), pages 177-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-526-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
network structure, the model is robust to noise by
optimizing the network structure, such as setting two
identical neural networks to guide each other,
learning the loss value of each other to avoid falling
into overfitting and increasing robustness (Han B,
Yao Q, Yu X. 2018); The third is the optimization
processing based on the loss function, which
constructs a loss function that is robust to label noise,
and reduces the influence of label noise through the
robustness of the loss function itself (Zhang Z,
Sabunc M. 2018; Wang Y, Ma X, Chen Z, et al.
2019). Among them, the optimization of network
structure and loss function is to increase the
robustness of the model. Since it is impossible to
judge whether the data used contains label noise
during modeling, the performance of the model
cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, optimization
processing based on training data is more common
(Zhang ZZ, Jiang GX & Wang JW, 2020).
Training data optimization processing can be
divided into two categories based on processing
methods, namely noise sample removal (Sluban, B.,
Gamberger, D. & Lavrač, N, 2014) and noise sample
relabeling (Y. Wei, C. Gong, S. Chen, T. Liu, J. Yang
& D. Tao, 2020). Considering the operational
efficiency, the method of sample removal is more
common than the method of sample relabeling
(Frénay B, Verleysen M, 2014). However, the
problem of excessive removal may occur in the
sample removal process, that is, the number of noise
samples removed is much larger than the original
noise samples. Therefore, when measuring noise
sample removal methods, in addition to considering
the proportion of clean samples after removal, it is
also necessary to consider the recall rate of clean
In the process of sample processing, the
classification method based on confidence is mostly
used (Chen QQ, Wang WJ, Jiang GX, 2019), but the
method based on confidence needs to obtain the result
after the model learning is completed, so the time
consumption is relatively large. At the same time, the
method based on confidence will lead to a higher
degree of correlation between the classification result
and the reliability of the training sample. The
traditional way of classification is mostly a single
fixed threshold to classify the sample (Chen QQ et al.
2019). However, this method is prone to the problem
of prediction deviation near the threshold. In this
regard, Zhang Zenghui et al. (2020) proposed a local
probability sampling method based on confidence,
but this division method uses a single interval for
threshold sampling, which is overly dependent on the
artificially set interval, and the performance under
different noise rates is quite different.
Taking model training as a node, the entire model
construction process can be divided into the following
three stages: data processing before model training,
network construction during model training, and
other optimization operations after model training.
Data processing mostly occurs in the first stage, that
is, before model training, and then put the processed
data into different models for training. Data
processing in the first stage means that the second and
third stages of the model building process cannot
touch the original data set. In particular, when the
removal method is used to process suspected noise
samples, the size of the data set will be relatively
reduced, and the size of the data set will have an
impact on the training of the model (Lei SH, Zhang
H, Wang K, et al. 2019). Therefore, training the
model after the data is preprocessed by the noise
filtering algorithm does not guarantee the
improvement of the model classification accuracy.
This paper proposes a training method for
weighted correction after filtering for data containing
label noise. The main contributions of the proposed
method are:
1. Propose a random threshold label noise filtering
algorithm in the double interval based on the
loss value, which improves the sample filtering
accuracy and recall rate while reducing time
2. Based on the filtered data, a weighted correction
training method is proposed. Through secondary
training, the weight of the correct sample and
the weak sample category is increased, thereby
improving the accuracy of the model.
3. Analyze the influence of noise ratio and model
depth on the proposed method based on
experiments, and provide reference data for
subsequent applications.
The processing flow of weighted correction with filter
data (WCF) is mainly divided into two parts, which
are based on the noise label filtering algorithm of the
double interval. The purpose is to process the original
data set and the weighted correction training method.
The purpose is to apply the filtered data to the
correction training of the model.
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
2.1 Noise Label Filtering Algorithm
based on Double Interval
The single fixed threshold division method is prone
to forecast deviation problems near the threshold.
However, the method of multiple random threshold
extraction can blur the threshold boundary and avoid
the problem of misclassification caused by clear
boundaries. The selection of the random threshold
here needs to be set according to the characteristics of
the data to be classified. The interval is set to ensure
the reliability of the threshold in the random process.
The single interval refers to a single interval obtained
by artificial setting or calculation, and the random
threshold is any value in the interval; the double
interval refers to the modification of the boundary
value of the single interval by artificial setting or
calculation, and the boundary value of the single
interval is modified. Based on this, the value range is
reduced to increase the reliability of the random
Using the different performance of clean samples
and noise samples in the training process is a common
way to distinguish sample categories, such as
confidence distinction (Chen QQ et al. 2019). The
training process of the network model generally
transitions from the under-fitting state to the over-
fitting state. In the early stage of training, the network
can fit clean samples well (J. Huang, L. Qu, R. Jia &
B. Zhao, 2019), so the loss value of noise samples will
be larger than the loss value of clean samples (Zhang
CY, Samy Bengio, Moritz Hardt, et al. 2017). In the
later stage of training, the network tends to fit each
sample, so the loss value gap between the noise
sample and the clean sample is no longer obvious, and
it is not strongly separable. Therefore, by recording
the loss value of the sample in the early training stage,
the sample category can be distinguished, that is, it
can be judged that the sample is a noise sample or a
clean sample. In particular, the method of using the
loss value to distinguish samples can be compatible
with any network model and is equivalent to the wide
availability of the model using the confidence method.
At the same time, the method can reduce the number
of model training rounds and reduce time loss.
It should be noted that, unlike the method of using
confidence, the range of loss values is different during
different rounds of training. Therefore, proportional
thresholds should be used instead of numerical
thresholds in processing. The threshold value range is
0,1, that is, the relative position of the value in the
entire numerical range. Therefore, it is necessary to
sort the sample loss values according to the absolute
value first.
Let the threshold of random extraction be r, r is
any value in the interval 0,1, and the one-fold
interval refers to setting a filtering interval m,n
from the theoretical interval [0,1], that is, 0m
n 1, r is any value in the interval m,n. Among
them, samples with a ratio value less than r are
regarded as clean samples Dc, and samples with a
ratio greater than or equal to r are regarded as noise
samples Dn. When the value of m is too small, the
probability that the value of r is too small increases.
At this time, the number of suspected clean samples
screened is less, and the accuracy rate is higher. When
the value of m is too large, the probability that the
value of r is too large increases. At this time, the
number of suspected clean samples screened is large,
and the reliability is relatively low.
In the above one-fold random sampling, the value
of r depends on the setting of hyperparameters m and
n. When the difference between m and n is large, the
probability that the value of r is close to the
reasonable boundary value becomes low. Therefore,
this paper constructs the double interval p,q, which
is based on the single interval m,n, as shown in
Figure 1.p,q is a subinterval of m,n, which means
mpqn. p is the position of the sample with
the second largest difference between adjacent
samples in the ordered loss value array in the entire
ordered array, q is the position of the sample with the
largest difference between adjacent samples in the
ordered loss value array in the entire ordered array. j
represents any classification experiment.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of random threshold data
division in the double interval.
Because the loss value of the noise sample is
relatively large, the difference in the loss value
between different noise samples is also relatively
large. In order to avoid the maximum and second-
largest value of 𝑑
from being concentrated on
samples with larger loss values, this paper sets a new
size strategy, which is regarded as the value of 𝑑
larger than 𝑑
when 𝑑
.Through this
Filtered Weighted Correction Training Method for Data with Noise Label
constraint, the reliable values of p and q are restricted,
and the algorithm flow is shown as follows.
Algorithm 1: getPQ.
The experimental results of a single sample
classification may be accidental, leading to errors.
Therefore, it is more reliable to construct different
data division combinations by randomly extracting
thresholds multiple times in the interval, and the
intersection of them is more reliable. After N random
selections in the interval m,n, a total of N sets of
data divisions are obtained, which can be expressed
as Equation 1, where 𝐷𝑐
and 𝐷𝑛
are arrays of
indefinite length.
Consensus voting and majority voting are two
commonly used strategies in ensemble learning. The
main difference lies in the strength of consensus. In
the confidence method, voting can be regarded as the
matching degree between the predicted label and the
actual label. In this method, voting refers to the
number of times that the sample 𝑑
appears in the 𝐷𝑐
data set in 𝐷. Majority voting refers to the number of
times that 𝑑
appears in the 𝐷𝑐
data set in N data
division groups, and the count is greater than the set
threshold. See Formula 2. When 1c2, count
can represent the majority. If you want a more
detailed definition of the majority, you can set it by
adjusting the value of c. In particular, when c=
1,count = N, it represents the consensus vote.
Consistent voting is equivalent to taking the
intersection of each division result. This screening
method will cause the voting result to be excessively
dependent on each data division situation. It is more
sensitive to any abnormal classification and has poor
robustness. The traditional majority voting method,
that is, the count counting method when c=2, will
increase the unreliability of the final voting result.
Therefore, this paper adjusts the value of c to achieve
the purpose of mixed consensus voting and majority
voting. In the course of the experiment, c is assigned
a value of 1.25, which is based on the same voting
situation of 80% and above. Increase the reliability of
voting results by reducing the influence of abnormal
samples on the classification situation.
In summary, the complete noise tag filtering
algorithm (RTD, Random Threshold in Double
Interval) based on the random threshold in the double
interval can be summarized as the steps.
Algorithm 2: RTD algorithm.
2.2 Weighted Correction Training
The network model tends to learn simple samples in
the early stage of training, and learns the more
difficult noise samples in the later stage of training (J.
Huang et al. 2019). Therefore, the model can still
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
learn clean sample features through early training on
the basis of noisy data. The reason for the decrease in
model accuracy is often the over-learning of noise
samples in the later stage of training. Therefore, this
article adds an early stopping mechanism to the
network model training to reduce the impact of noise
samples in the later stage of training by reducing the
number of rounds, and then use the filtered data for
weighted correction training to guide the fine-tuning
of the trained model.
Figure 2: Flow chart of weighted correction training method
after filtering.
Let W be a weighted vector, as shown in Equation
3, where w
is the weighted value of the i-th tag
Assuming that the sample prediction vector is Y,
the loss value of different types of samples can be
modified by the dot product operation between the
weighting vector W and the sample prediction vector
Y, so that the correction network generates different
loss values for different label categories. The loss
value plays a role in guiding the adjustment of various
parameters of the neural network during the back
propagation process. When misclassification occurs,
when the original loss value is the same, the label
category with a larger weight value has a greater
impact on the adjustment of each parameter of the
neural network than the label category with a smaller
weight value. This way of constructing the loss value
can encourage the model to learn more sample
characteristics of the label category with a large
weight value. In the calibration training stage, this
way of controlling the optimization direction of the
model can make the model pay more attention to the
samples that perform poorly during the training
Assuming that the sample prediction vector Y is
Equation 4, the situation after weighting calculation
is shown in Equation 5, which is adding category
weight to the corresponding label category.
Since the filtered data is used in the weighted
correction training stage, a loss function with strong
fitting ability, such as a cross-entropy loss function,
should be used. At this time, the process of
calculating the loss value can be expressed as
Equation 6, if and only if 𝑦
is 1, the loss value is 𝑤
times the original value.
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 = 𝑦
From the above analysis, it can be known that the
weight vector W is related to the model performance
after the preliminary training, that is, before the
correction training. Assuming that the accuracy of
each label category before correction training is
vector A, where the classification accuracy of the i-th
label category is 𝑎𝑐𝑐
, then the weighted value 𝑤
the i-th label category can be expressed as Equation
1 + 𝑎𝑐𝑐
Among them, the parameter t is responsible for the
adjustment of the weighted value of each label
category. The recommended value is 2,4. Too small
value makes the samples indistinguishable, and too
large value will cause the model learn too much from
the samples under the label category with a larger
weight. Over-optimization reduces overall
performance. In particular, when the sample accuracy
rate is 0, such as when the sample data of this category
does not exist in the training process, etc., the
weighted value 𝑤
still has a mathematical meaning
under Formula 7. When the sample accuracy rate is 1,
if the predicted value of the sample of this category is
100% correct, if the value of t is 2 at this time, the
corresponding 𝑤
value is 1, that is, no weighting
operation is performed.
In summary, the overall process of the filtered
weighted correction training method can be shown as
Figure 2.
Filtered Weighted Correction Training Method for Data with Noise Label
In order to verify the effectiveness of the WCF
training method, the current commonly used data
preprocessing methods are selected for comparison,
including a random threshold in a single interval, a
fixed threshold, and the RTD tag noise filtering
algorithm proposed in this paper. The mircoF1 of the
model is used as a measurement index, and each
experiment is repeated 5 times with the average value
as the final effect to reduce chance.
The CIFAR10 data set was randomly modified
with label values from 10% to 60% to construct noise
data to explore the performance of the WCF training
method under different noise ratios r. In the selected
label filtering algorithm, the first interval is set to
[0.4, 0.8], the loss function is the cross-entropy loss
function, and the noise label filtering data is the first
10 rounds of training results, that is, the 10 division
results are used for ensemble learning.
Use the three-layer convolutional neural network
(called CNN3), VGG16 and ResNet50 to conduct
experiments to explore the performance of the WCF
algorithm in different depths and different scales of
network models.
Use the precision rate P defined by Equation 8 and
the recall rate R defined by Equation 9 to measure the
performance of the RTD noise filtering algorithm.
Where TP represents the number of clean samples
classified as clean samples, FP represents the number
of noise samples classified as clean samples, FN
represents the number of clean samples classified as
noise samples, and TN represents the number of noise
samples classified as noise samples Number.
3.1 Effectiveness Analysis of Noise
Filtering Algorithm
The experiment in this section mainly explores the
performance of the RTD algorithm relative to the
random threshold division method in the one-fold
interval and the fixed threshold division method for
clean sample extraction. This section discusses the
effects of different methods from the two perspectives
of precision and recall of the extracted clean samples.
In addition, considering that the noise rate of the data
set is unknown in actual production and life, it is also
meaningful to integrate the performance of the
method under different noise rates. The experimental
models all use ResNet50, and the experimental results
are recorded in Table 1.
It can be seen from Table 1 that the average effect
of the RTD algorithm is the best. Compared with the
filtering method of a single interval random
threshold, the RTD algorithm not only improves the
accuracy rate by nearly 1%, but also improves the
recall rate by 5%. This means that under the same
Table 1: The performance of different noise filtering algorithms under different noise rates.
RTD(our method)
random threshold in
the one-fold interval
fixed threshold
fixed threshold
fixed threshold
0.1 0.998 0.626 0.998 0.418 0.994 0.033 0.999 0.440 0.995 0.816
0.2 0.989 0.678 0.992 0.429 0.988 0.052 0.993 0.511 0.965 0.899
0.3 0.965 0.675 0.963 0.526 0.961 0.096 0.971 0.620 0.879 0.942
0.4 0.920 0.665 0.909 0.548 0.899 0.142 0.900 0.678 0.764 0.950
0.5 0.823 0.516 0.803 0.574 0.791 0.178 0.786 0.696 0.650 0.946
0.6 0.633 0.475 0.616 0.537 0.606 0.171 0.605 0.639 0.510 0.913
0.7 0.428 0.465 0.418 0.431 0.406 0.157 0.424 0.585 0.373 0.873
0.8 0.266 0.329 0.265 0.474 0.271 0.187 0.264 0.518 0.236 0.794
0.9 0.103 0.380 0.101 0.381 0.097 0.167 0.102 0.434 0.101 0.716
Average 0.681 0.534 0.674 0.480 0.668 0.131 0.672 0.569 0.608 0.872
DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
accuracy rate, the RTD algorithm can identify more
clean samples. Compared with other fixed threshold
methods, the RTD algorithm can increase the average
accuracy rate by 1.5% to 7.3%.
When the noise rate is low, that is, r0.3, the
filtering method with a single threshold of 0.6 has a
higher recognition accuracy for clean samples, but the
performance is not much different from other
methods. This is caused by the large difference in loss
between clean samples and noise samples at low
noise rates. Large numerical differences lead to
strong distinguishability, which ultimately leads to a
higher overall level of accuracy at low noise rates.
Under the same circumstances, the RTD method can
increase the recall rate while ensuring high accuracy,
and screen out more samples, which is more
conducive to the retention of clean samples.
When the noise rate is high, that is, r≥0.8, the
accuracy of each method is not much different. Except
for the filtering method with a single threshold of 0.8,
the difference in accuracy of other methods is within
1%. This is because when the threshold is set to a fixed
value of 0.8, most of the samples will be retained, and
the number of retained samples far exceeds the actual
number of clean samples. Therefore, the filtered data
contains a lot of noise data, which leads to a decrease
in accuracy. In real life, the data set with too high noise
rate should be cleaned first, and a batch of obvious
noise samples should be deleted according to the data
logic to reduce the noise rate before putting it into noise
label filtering.
When the noise rate is 0.4≤r≤0.7, the RTD
algorithm has a 0.4%~17.3% improvement in
accuracy compared with other methods. In particular,
compared with the one-fold interval random
threshold method, the accuracy is improved by
1.1%~2%. This is because the setting of the double
interval reduces the range of possible values of the
random threshold, so that under the unknown noise
rate, the proportion of clean samples is reasonably
estimated to increase, and the probability of the
effective threshold is increased to improve the
recognition accuracy.
3.2 Effectiveness Analysis of the
Weighted Correction Training
Method after Filtering
In this section, the experimental results of the WCF
training method proposed in this paper and the
common method preprocessed by the label noise
filtering algorithm under different noise rates and
different model scales are recorded in Table 2.
Table 2: F1 values of WCF combined optimization schemes under different models under different noise rates.
noise rate 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
38.92% 33.20% 30.40% 28.57% 26.47% 22.65%
CNN3+WCF(Method of this article)
40.95% 34.77% 32.42% 31.67% 30.49% 29.49%
33.56% 32.12% 31.66% 30.87% 29.35% 27.57%
CNN3+ fixed threshold in the one-fold interval
30.46% 30.63% 28.60% 27.15% 24.49% 20.97%
CNN3+ fixed threshold 0.6
33.25% 32.27% 28.69% 27.68% 25.36% 24.03%
77.71% 67.84% 60.16% 49.82% 39.46% 28.81%
VGG16 +WCF(Method of this article)
84.24% 71.23% 62.95% 52.30% 41.82% 29.93%
79.38% 68.23% 61.14% 50.56% 38.16% 27.70%
VGG16+ fixed threshold in the one-fold interval
77.24% 65.45% 52.47% 47.06% 37.54% 27.37%
VGG16+ fixed threshold 0.6
77.95% 62.54% 48.51% 46.26% 35.85% 29.08%
77.98% 60.88% 54.07% 46.74% 36.36% 26.02%
ResNet50 +WCF(Method of this article)
80.53% 62.41% 56.70% 49.80% 39.67% 28.89%
79.02% 61.56% 54.71% 46.44% 37.69% 26.49%
ResNet50+ fixed threshold in the one-fold interval
75.05% 61.15% 53.22% 41.49% 34.65% 25.59%
ResNet50+ fixed threshold 0.6
75.61% 60.79% 52.96% 44.32% 35.42% 26.43%
Filtered Weighted Correction Training Method for Data with Noise Label
It can be seen from Table 2 that the WCF method
proposed in this article performs best at any noise
rate. Compared with other methods, the F1 value of
the model is improved by 0.76%~14.44% under
different noise rates and different network depths.
The model obtained by the RTD preprocessing
data is better than other methods. Compared with
other filtering methods, the RTD method blurs the
threshold boundary while reasonably narrowing the
threshold value range and increasing the accuracy of
the division. The experimental results demonstrate
the effectiveness of the filtering algorithm used in the
WCF method.
Using filtering algorithms to preprocess the data
does not necessarily increase the model F1 value
significantly. This is because the filtering algorithm
reduces the size of the data set while improving the
accuracy of the data set. While filtering out noise
samples, a large number of clean samples do not enter
the training process. The WCF method retains the
initial training process to avoid the decrease in model
accuracy caused by the reduction of sample size. In
addition, increasing the proportion of clean samples
can achieve almost the same effect as using the
original data, but the reduction in the amount of data
can significantly reduce the time and space loss of
training the model.
Compared with single training, the WCF method
can increase the model F1 value by 1.12%~6.84%.
The effect is better under low noise, deep networks,
and the best effect is for simple networks under high
noise conditions. In VGG16, as the noise rate
increases, the gain between the WCF optimization
method and the original training method gradually
decreases. The main reason is that the deeper network
learns the model more thoroughly, so the noise in the
filtered sample is deeper in the weighted correction
In summary, the WCF training method has better
model performance than single training and data pre-
processing before training.
This paper proposes a filtered weighted correction
training method for the data set with noise label. The
accuracy of the model is improved by adding a
weighted correction stage after the model training.
The data used in the correction training is filtered by
a random threshold algorithm in the double interval
sample. The proposed method performs well in
models of different depths.
This work is funded by the Open Fund Project of
Science and Technology on Communication
Networks Laboratory (Grand No. HHX21641X003).
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DeLTA 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications