multiple harmonic sources are located at different
busbars. This is because the UPC model takes into
account the cancellation caused by the network
impedance (i.e. superposition law): more specifically,
it was found that the harmonics propagating to the
network through the transmission lines and phase-
shifting transformers result in harmonic phase shift
when using the UPC model. On the contrary, the
standard IEC model summation rule accounts for the
effect of harmonic cancellation from the harmonic
source injections and the effect of network impedance,
irrespective of the transformer phase shift.
This paper addressed different approaches in
modelling unbalanced systems with large penetration
of RESs for the purpose of harmonic studies. Two
aspects were considered: frequency scans and
harmonic penetration studies.
The frequency scans indicated that the single-
phase and three-phase network impedance
characteristics were not affected by the harmonic
models and the number of harmonic sources, as well
as the use of balanced and unbalanced solver.
Various harmonic settings in DPF were tested to
solve harmonic power flow using the IEC and UPC
model. the discrepancies caused by the two models
and harmonic load flow solvers have been analysed
and clarified by comparing different cases. In
addition, the possibility and requirement of modelling
equivalent IEC model by using the UPC model have
been proposed and verified.
Finally, it was concluded that the UPC model and
the unbalanced harmonic load flow should be
considered for harmonic analysis for certain
operating conditions, for example (1) in stochastic
harmonic analysis, (2) where it is deemed that the
generic IEC summation rule may lead to
underestimation or overestimation of harmonic
levels, as it assumes a ‘standard’ cancellation of
harmonic that may not take place in the practice.
When power converter-based devices, such as RESs,
are considered, it is recommended to adopt the UPC
model that accurately considers harmonic magnitude
and phase. In this way, the harmonic cancellation
effect is considered properly, and thus the harmonic
assessment is more accurate and reliable.
Future work will include: developing a frequency-
dependent Norton admittance model to be used with
the UPC harmonic current source; applying this
model to a larger network representing a portion of
the UK transmission grid and studying increasing
levels of RESs and their impact on harmonic levels
on the system.
The authors acknowledge the support of the UK
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC); Project EP/T013206/1.
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