We plan to explore architectures that can take ad-
vantage of these technologies for simulations.
4. Support for Sensing and Control.
Sensing and control are integral aspects of a Digi-
tal Twin. Features that support these aspects need
to be explored in detail and integrated into the
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for Digital Twins applications. The proposed frame-
work uses SimPy, a Python based discrete-event sim-
ulation framework for controlling time-advancement
and offers support for integrating existing libraries for
continuous process simulation. We present a system-
atic approach by which the continuous processes can
be embedded into the event-stepped discrete simula-
tion engine of SimPy and illustrate the structure of the
framework using an example. The ongoing work fo-
cuses on further development of the simulation frame-
work on several fronts including, but not limited to:
integration with existing continuous solvers, incorpo-
rating analytics, real-time simulation and an interface
for sensing and control.
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SIMULTECH 2021 - 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications