In the paper we focus on DeepFake detection, that be-
comes a serious threat to the privacy and biometric
security. We put particular interest in providing meth-
ods of detecting DeepFakes feasible for consumer
grade devices allowing anyone to verify, with reason-
able probability, if the video is legitimate. Our con-
tribution is twofold – we investigated the efficacy of
a shallow neural network MesoNet, with various ac-
tivation functions. Aside experimental verification of
previously introduced function, we presented a novel
one – Pish, that achieves results competitive to top-
performing ones. We achieve over 1% increase over
the original solution in both average test accuracy and
maximal test accuracy with Swish and Pish activation
functions, respectively. Such increase is substantial,
as even short DeepFake video (1 minute in length)
consists of 1500 images. This allows the user to in-
crease his certainty about the authenticity of a video
on his own personal computer.
Moreover, we present an evaluation of perfor-
mance of Pish under some well known networks. The
tests show that the new activation function may be an
interesting alternative. Further research in the aspect
of activation function should focus on providing op-
timized implementation of its calculation, so that it
generates lower overhead, moreover evaluation of the
function on other networks may provide interesting
applications resulting in high accuracy.
This work is partially supported by Polish
National Science Centre – project UMO-
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