residence from “sinch” will stand at earthquake
with intensity of 8 points and will not collapse;
houses from air bricks and “pakhsa” will
collapse (destroyed). In order to enforce
“pakhsa” houses during construction, first of all
one should consider the historical experience of
technology of clay preparation and keep the
order of erecting the walls, secondly reinforce
by laying rice straw reed stalks wooden chips
or metallic net between the layers of “pakhsa”.
These materials if correctly applied, ensure
solidity of the walls, especially at conjugation
The vertical reinforcement of conjugation points
with reinforced concrete mandrils, fitments of various
classes, cement filled pipes are also used in so types
of buildings nowadays. In all cases the elements of
reinforcement at the overlaying layer are hardwired,
creating a hard disk, ensuring the solidity of the whole
construction. The idea of this method is that under
seismic impact, the significant part of the load falls
onto the reinforcement elements while the function of
the building’s deformation tends to the function of the
frame structure.
Another very efficient way of increasing the
stability of “pakhsa” houses is the method of
dispersed clay reinforcement with waste from carpet
or rubber production and other fibrous materials
which could increase the solidity of carrying
The existence of the organized drainage system
plays an important role in ensuring the solidity of the
walls. Without a proper drainage system the
precipitation affects the lower part of the walls and
leads to erosion. In order to prevent such behavior we
recommend plastering the cement solution onto the
metallic net and covering it with water resistant paints
on the plinth of the wall.
In order to reinforce the seismic stability of the air
brick houses one can use the same building rules as
for the “pakhsa” houses. Additionally we can
recommend using the burnt bricks with sand-lime or
complex solution in the most important parts of the
construction such as socle, points of wall conjugation,
overlay level, piers and jumpers, doorways etc.
During the construction of the air bricks houses it
is recommended to use light materials in overlay and
housetop elements in order to decrease the inertial
load under the earthquakes.
The cheapest way to increase the flexural stiffness
of the air brick walls is to use the pilaster-walls in the
conjugation points. The “pakhsa” houses from air
brick should not be more than one storey high. The
minimum requirement to this type of houses is
building the seismic belts at the overlay levels.
There are several special requirements to the
foundation of the individual houses:
The depth of the foundation should be minimum
The width of the foundation should exceed the
lower part of the brickwork by 10cm;
The part of the foundation above the ground
should be minimum 0,4m;
If built on the weak soil, using the minimum 4
fittings of A11 or A1 class and wiring them with
clamps from rod with diameter of 6mm and 0.7m
After making the ditch for the foundation the
ground requires packing in order to achieve the
desired carrying capacity;
In sites close to ground water it is necessary to do
the hydro isolation procedure of the foundation;
In sites where ground water may contain
aggressive chemical elements we recommend using
the special types of cement;
During the process of laying the foundation
consider the fitting protrusions from the foundation
which should be welded with reinforcement elements
in the body of the foundation.
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Mitigation of Seismic Risk in Urban Zones of Uzbekistan as Path for Strengthening of Sustainable Development of Region