Ecological Safety as a Factor of Sustainable Development of
Industrial Areas
T. V. Maiorova
, O. S. Ponomareva
and O. L. Nazarova
Department of management,Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 38 Lenin Street, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Ecological Safety, Industrial Area.
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study ecological safety as a factor of the sustainable development of industrial
areas. The methodological approach consists in using the basic principles of the concept of sustainable
development as a basis for integrating economic development strategies and ecological policy and
determining the principles of ecological safety of an industrial area, focused on balanced eco-economic
development. The main structural elements and parameters of the industrial area as an eco-economic system
are determined, an integrating factor is proposed, that determines the possibility of economic development
under the condition of ecological safety. The problem of choosing criteria for the ecological safety of an
industrial area, focused on sustainable development, is solved and a system of indicators is proposed, that
characterizes the level of ecological safety of an industrial area from the standpoint of the use of resources in
production systems, an assessment of the ecological state and initiative activity, aimed at preventing
degradation and restoring the environment.
Ecological systems play a fundamental role in
maintaining life on Earth at all hierarchical levels, are
the source of all resources, and provide the possibility
as itself of human existence.
Ultimately, economic growth and prosperity are
possible only if ecological systems function
In 1987, the Brutland Commission's report, "Our
Common Future", was published, which for the first
time attempted to link economic development and
ecological sustainability and define sustainable
development as “development, that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs” (United
Nations General Assembly, 1987).
Despite the fact, that this formulation of the
concept of sustainable development is not specific
enough, it is obvious, that it is aimed at maintaining
economic progress only if the long-term
environmental value is preserved (Cerin, 2006).
However, throughout the 20th century, scientists
stated, that there is no need to make a compromise
between ecological sustainability and economic
Using economic instruments, a number of
scientists suggested, that environmental policy can
also contribute to the innovation development and
provide economic growth. In "Welfare Economics",
published in 1920, Arthur Pigou noted, that the
discrepancy between marginal private costs and
benefits and marginal social costs and benefits creates
so-called "neighborhood effects" and acts as a barrier
to achieving balance in the market (Pigou, 1920).
These neighborhood effects - the availability of
additional free services or public goods - are
considered costs and benefits, not included in the
price of the good or service. Components of a healthy
environment, such as clean air and water, are
considered public goods in the sense, that they are not
competitive or excluded from turnover.
The continued possibility of using these public
goods for present and future generations fails with the
help of the traditional market mechanism. To regulate
Maiorova, T., Ponomareva, O. and Nazarova, O.
Ecological Safety as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Industrial Areas.
DOI: 10.5220/0010585600280032
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 28-32
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the market mechanism, Pigou proposed to adopt a tax
on those activities, that cause negative neighborhood
effects, at a rate, equal to these external costs. As a
result of this tax collection, the market price will more
accurately reflect the total costs and benefits of
producing and consuming a good or service.
Recently, many states have taken on an introduction
of such market-based instruments to assess the costs
of negative impacts and ensure long-term
environmental stability.
Michael Porter and Klaas van der Linde
(Porterandvander Linde, 1999), stating, that
competitive advantage depends on the ability to
improve, believed, that “ecological norms can
actually increase competitiveness by stimulating
innovation” (Porter and van der Linde, 1999). In other
words, ecological policy, using market-based
instruments, can stimulate the introduction of new
technologies and reduce production waste. However,
market-based ecological instruments have
traditionally been perceived as more “business-
friendly” than strict ecological management (Cooper
and Vargas, 2004).
Understanding, that the compromise between
ecological sustainability and economic development
is impossible, sustainable development policy are
directed to eliminate sources of environmental
degradation, not just consequences, while providing
opportunities and creating incentives for economic
progress. This internal interdependence between
long-term environmental stability and economic
growth is the conceptual framework for sustainable
The key principle, that determines other principles in
the framework of sustainable development, is the
integration of ecological, social, and economic issues
into all aspects of decision-making - it is this concept
of integration, that distinguishes sustainability from
other forms of policy (Stoddart, 2011).
As noted above, the most commonly used
definition of sustainable development is one, that
addresses the importance of conserving resources for
future generations and is one of the main features, that
distinguish sustainable development policy from
traditional ecological policy, which is based on the
internalization of neighborhood effects of
environmental degradation. The overall goal of
sustainable development - long-term stability of the
economy and the environment - is achievable only
through the integration and recognition of economic,
ecological, and social issues in the decision-making
Using this definition of sustainable development
raises the problem of capital interchangeability.
Aggregate capital stock priority: recognizing, that
artificial or produced capital is an adequate
alternative to natural capital, means poor
development sustainability. On the other hand, strong
development sustainability recognizes the unique
properties of natural resources and goods (natural
capital), that cannot be replaced by artificial capital
(Stoddart, 2011).
Within the general definition of sustainable
development, the principle of equity recognizes the
long-term perspective of sustainability to meet the
needs of future generations (Stoddart, 2011). The
"polluter pays" principle means, that economic agents
with negative impacts on the environment, bare the
costs and liabilities, related to these impacts, and do
not impose these costs on others, the environment or
future generations. State ecological policy and
ecological management must ensure, that the negative
impact on the environment as a result of economic
activity is taken into account and compensated for.
The precautionary principle states, that when
serious or irreversible damage is threatened, a lack of
full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason
to postpone cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation (United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment, 1992). This
means, that the initiator of actions, with a risk of
serious or irreversible damage to the environment,
bears the burden of proof, that such an action would
not cause substantial harm.
The principle of common, but differentiated
liability recognizes, that each nation must play a
proportionate role in realizing the concept of
sustainable development. This principle recognizes
the different contributions of developed and
developing countries to environmental degradation,
in general, developed countries bear a greater
responsibility due to the large volume of resources
they consume and the pressure they put on the
environment (Brodhag and Taliere, 2006).
The system of state ecological management works
quite effectively and allows to implement a number
of principles of the concept of sustainable
development, in particular, the “polluter pays”
principle, but does not ensure the necessary
integration of economic, ecological, and social goals
Ecological Safety as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Industrial Areas
for different sectors and industries, areas, and
The technosphere and biosphere are usually
considered as separate systems: industrial facilities,
municipal facilities, and the environment - it is
necessary to eliminate such fragmentation, that is,
ecological, social, and economic issues must be
integrated into a single decision-making process in
order to move towards truly sustainable development.
This is possible if the industrial system and the
sociosphere are considered as a special form of
ecosystem - the processes of production and
consumption of goods and services consist of
material, energy and information flows, just like
natural ecosystems, but unlike natural ecosystems,
they are open.
Unlike closed material flows in the natural
environment, waste and by-products, generated as a
result of economic activity, do not always return to
economic turnover and become a resource for other
activities. Recycling of production and consumption
wastes should ultimately make up a significant part of
the resources, used in industrial processes, which
brings the functioning of industrial and socio-systems
closer to ecosystems, ensuring the integration of
ecological, social, and economic issues into a single
decision-making process and creating conditions for
the sustainable development of a single eco-economic
Considering an industrial area as an eco-economic
system, we determined two main structural elements
and an integrating factor (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Industrial area as an eco-economic system.
Structural elements of an industrial area as an eco-
economic system:
Area, resources, natural goods of the region as
a basis for living and satisfying vital needs;
A production system, that ensures the
development of the region's economy.
Eco-economic balance of the industrial area
The eco-economic balance of the industrial area
performs a function of a necessary integrating factor
of the industrial area as an eco-economic system.
To describe the eco-economic balance of the
industrial area, the following parameters are
Ecological state of the area is the state, in which
ecosystems and their components are in a
specific period of time;
Ecological situation is a combination of
conditions, processes and circumstances of a
natural and technogenic nature, that determine
the state of natural or natural-technical systems;
Ecological requirements are a set of restrictions
on the use of natural resources and conditions
for the preservation of the environment in the
process of economic and other activities.
The sustainability of the production system of an
industrial area or economic sustainability is defined
as a production system, that satisfies the current level
of consumption without affecting future needs.
The environmental sustainability of an industrial
area is defined as the ability of natural systems to
preserve their structure and functional properties
under the anthropogenic impact, providing a
harmonious combination of natural resources, goods,
and ecological safety as the basis for living and
meeting the vital needs of the population.
It is proposed to determine the eco-economic
balance of an industrial area as an eco-economic
system through the achievement of positive economic
and social effects of economic development and
social sphere, under the condition of sustainable
functioning of ecological systems.
In general, sustainable development of an
industrial area is defined as economic development,
corresponding to current and future consumption
levels, subject to ecological safety.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
The ecological safety of an industrial area is defined
as a set of conditions, processes, and actions, that
ensures an ecological balance in the environment and
does not lead to vital damage (or threats of such
damage) to the natural environment and humans.
The principles of ecological safety, focused on
sustainable development are described below.
The principle of strong sustainability recognizes
the unique properties of components of the natural
environment, that cannot be replaced by artificial
capital. Such components include the constituent
parts of ecosystems: air, surface and underground
waters, bowels, soils, flora, and fauna.
The principle of equitable distribution of natural
resources and goods between generations recognizes
a long-term period of sustainability to meet needs. To
comply with the principle of equity, the value of the
use of natural resources or technogenic impact on
ecosystems and its individual components should be
determined, in which the functional and structural
characteristics of ecosystems do not go beyond the
limits of natural changes.
The “polluter pays” principle intends a
quantification of the anthropogenic load as the value
of the direct and indirect negative impact of human
activities on natural complexes and components of
the natural environment and compensation for the
consequences of such impact.
The precautionary principle states, that lack of full
scientific confidence should not be used as a reason
to postpone effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation. To comply with the
precautionary principle, it is necessary to determine
the ecological hazard - the probability of degradation
of the quality indicators of the natural environment
(states, processes) under the impact of natural and
technogenic factors, posing a threat.
Ecological safety criteria, focused on sustainable
development, are specified in Table 1.
Table 1: Ecological safety criteria, focused on sustainable
Ecological safety criteria
Strong sustainability
onservation of biodiversity, air
urity, water supply sources and
ther natural objects, public
The principle of
ational use of natural, material,
el and energy and labor
esources; eco-friendly
The "polluter pays"
inimal damage to the
nvironment with the sustainable
ocio-economic development of
The precautionary
troduction of high-
w-waste or waste-free
chnological equipment and
The criteria for the formation of a specific set of
ecological safety indicators are, as a rule, social
significance, scientific certainty, and the possibility
of practical monitoring (Elgert and Krueger, 2012).
Ecological safety indicators can be determined
and presented at different scales and for specific
ecosystems (Fan et al., 2010; Maiorova and
Ponomareva, 2015). For example, as part of the
implementation of programs for the socio-economic
development of the area in order to achieve rational
use of natural resources and ensure ecological safety
- indicators can be used, ensuring the quality of
atmospheric air and water bodies in accordance with
regulatory requirements, reducing the negative
impact of waste on the environment (Maiorova and
Belik, 2018; Maiorova et al., 2018).
In accordance with the criteria, corresponding to
the principles of sustainable development (Table 1),
it is proposed to use the following groups of
indicators to determine the level of ecological safety
of an industrial area:
Indicators of resource use in production systems
of the area and in the process of consumption:
Total and specific energy consumption;
Total and specific consumption of freshwater;
the proportion of reused water in the total
volume of water consumption;
A load of discharge and emission of pollutants
into the atmosphere and water bodies;
Number of significant accidents with ecological
Indicators of the ecological state of the area:
Concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere;
Ecological Safety as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Industrial Areas
Concentration of pollutants in water bodies;
Concentration of pollutants in the soil;
Land size for waste disposal;
Degraded land size;
Biodiversity indicators.
Indicators of activities, aimed at preventing
degradation and restoring the environment:
Initiatives to cushion the environmental impact;
Investments in objects of environmental
protection and restoration.
The ecological safety criteria, formulated on the basis
of the basic principles of the concept of sustainable
development, determine the conditions for the
preservation of the structure and functional properties
of natural systems and the economic development of
an industrial area as an eco-economic system.
The proposed indicators of ecological safety can
be used by authorities of different levels of
governance, including territorial, non-governmental
organizations, public groups, and research
institutions to determine ecological requirements in
the process of economic and other activities, to
determine the level of ecological safety, to inform the
public and decision-makers about the degree of
sustainability of the functioning of ecological
systems, and also as a diagnostic tool for identifying
the ecological state and ecological situation of the
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure