The Promotion of Agro-tourism in Terms of Agriculture
Ecologization in the Krasnodar Region
Lidia V. Kovalenko
, Andrey A. Kulik
Kuban State Agrarian University Named after I.T. Trubilin, Kalinina St. 13, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Keywords: Agro-tourism, Agriculture, Ecologization, Industry, Development, Product.
Abstract: The Krasnodar Region is an agriculture-oriented territory where agriculture plays a significant role in the
economy. It provides a substantial percentage of gross regional product. To date, the agricultural sector needs
to develop new directions of functioning in the Krasnodar Region in connection with the growing
environmental threat and the need to preserve natural resources in the long term. In this regard, the
development of agro-tourism as an eco-friendly direction of the functioning of agriculture is of high relevance.
The provision of agro-tourism services is possible not only on the basis of agricultural organizations in the
traditional field of gastronomic, wine and other tourism. Enterprises specializing in the processing of
agricultural products can also form a competitive agro-tourism product, which will increase their efficiency
without harm to the environment.
The agro-industry is one of the priority of economic
development in the Krasnodar Region.
In recent years, the environmental threat has been
formed in relation to the development of the agro-
industry in response to the increasing intensification
of agricultural production. This situation is due to the
growing number of enterprises in the agro-industry
which contravene environmental law (Wahyuni et al.,
In this regard, it is necessary to choose alternative
development of the agricultural sector, which would
allow, on the one hand, to ensure the efficiency of the
agricultural holdings, on the other hand, to maintain
the ecological balance in the Krasnodar Region and
to preserve the natural environment. One of the eco-
friendly direction of the agriculture functioning is the
agro-tourism development.
Features of functioning, problems and prospects of
the agro-tourism development in the Russian
a 0000-0003-3219-4295
b 0000-0002-4914-6591
Federation are presented in the works of M.T.
Davletova, A.E. Usynina and others. The works of
D.А. Shapova, R.A. Shikova, (Davletova and
Tursambaeva, 2013; Klochko and Kovalenko, 2020;
Shapova and Fomichenko, 2016; Shikova et al.,
2016) focus on the searching new directions of the
agro-tourism development taking into account the
characteristics of regional and rural territories
It should be noted that the agro-tourism in the
modern scientific works is considered in the context
of its economic and social significance. However,
there is no consensus on the development model of
agro-tourism subjects, as well as on the system of
factors that affect its implementation within the
agricultural organizations which are not traditional
subjects of the agro-tourism.
Familiarization with the development experience
of agro-tourism in Western countries and some
constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the
main source for writing this article. The article is
based on the use of methods of theoretical research,
systemic analysis, allowing to consider processes and
phenomena in their interrelationship.
Kovalenko, L. and Kulik, A.
The Promotion of Agro-tourism in Terms of Agriculture Ecologization in the Krasnodar Region.
DOI: 10.5220/0010586600890093
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 89-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Agriculture is the most important factor of the
economy development for such the agriculture-
oriented territories as the Krasnodar Region.
The main aim of the subjects of agricultural
production is to maximize harvests in the crop
production or to increase livestock production. In
accordance with the focus of the agro-industry on the
intensification of production, the activities of
producers of agricultural products imply a large-scale
use of technology and the implementation of
chemicalization of the production process. As a
result, the intensification of agricultural production is
in conflict with the need to maintain ecological
balance in the natural environment.
Farming had nothing to do with preserving the
environment in recent decades of the last century.
This has been a sustainable model for the food
production system throughout much of the world.
Now, due to this current situation, there is a
negative effect of the functioning of the agro-industry
in many countries represented by depleted soil,
chemical pollution of water resources, destruction of
traditional family farming, general deterioration in
public health and etc.
However, there is currently a positive dynamic in
agriculture, namely, an approach that combines
innovation and tradition which could change a
method of growing plants and food production in the
future has emerged.
Much of the world has traditionally budgeted for
costs of an industrial approach that determines the
development of much of the agriculture with its
dependence on chemicals and monoculture.
New accounting systems known as “true cost
accounting” provide data on the industrial agriculture
funding, impact of soil erosion, climate change and
public health. At the same time, an increasing number
of countries, motivated by small grocery chains and
medium-sized farms, are actively moving towards the
investment policies for agro-ecological food systems
(Zelinskaya and Kovalenko, 2020).
Today, the ecologization of agriculture is the
priority of the agro-industry development in the
Russian Federation.
The agro-industry management practice of the
Krasnodar Region shows the implementation of
massive ploughing, as well as the repeated use of
chemical soil treatment, which leads to the systemic
land degradation.
The soils of the Krasnodar Region are unique and
diverse in accordance with their natural and economic
features. In addition to a substantial chernozem soils
volume, the region has gray and brown forest soils,
brown podzolic forest soils, brown chernozem soils,
soddy calcareous soils, as well as unique mountain
meadow soils located in the Alpine highlands.
The useful characteristics of the presented soil
system provide the formation of a significant capacity
for the agro-industry development, the production of
high-quality agricultural products.
However, the intensification of agriculture,
incorrect (excessive or insufficient) using mineral
fertilizers have a negative impact on the soils in the
Krasnodar Region (Klochko and Kovalenko, 2020).
Figure 1 shows the characteristics of the current
soil degradation in the region.
Figure 1: The characteristics of the soil degradation in the
Krasnodar Region.
According to the graphical data presented, 16.3%
of soils in the Krasnodar Region are deflated, 15.5%
- eroded, more than 8% - waterlogged, which is
caused by the intensification of the agro-industry.
Also, a significant share of degrading agricultural
land is occupied by compacted, acidic and
waterlogged soils.
A number of experts in the field of economics and
agriculture are of the opinion that the spread of the
conservation agriculture technologies is the solution
to this situation. However, it is necessary to create
qualitatively new integrated directions for the agro-
industry development to eliminate the growing
environmental threat in the Krasnodar Region,
affecting both the functioning of the agriculture sector
and related industries of the national economy.
Experience of the agricultural production subjects
shows that many agricultural enterprises get fines as
a result of violation of the environmental law and
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
non-adherence to the relevant norms and standards
(Table 1).
According to the results of the presented analysis,
it can be seen that the number of enterprises that got
a fine of 400 to 700 thousand rubles has increased by
almost one third over the past five years, and of 700
thousand rubles - by two-thirds, which indicates an
increase in the environmental threat to the functioning
of the agro-industry.
Table 1: The structure of the number of the enterprises that
got fines as a result of violation of the environmental law,
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2020 to
Up to 400
1344 1321 1396 1380 1410 104,9
400 – 700
817 856 921 944 1080 132,2
Over 700
21 29 18 26 35 166,7
Thus, to date, the agro-industry of the Krasnodar
Region needs large-scale ecologization, the aim of
which is to minimize the negative impact of the
agricultural enterprises in relation to the ecological
system, as well as to form qualitatively new directions
for the industry functioning that do not cause
significant harm to the environment.
According to the constructive experience of a
number of Western countries in this field, the
development of agro-tourism is an effective direction
of the eco-friendly functioning of the agricultural
In the world market, agro-tourism is a highly
profitable branch of the tourism industry (Dunets et
al., 2020), functioning within the framework of the
agriculture development.
It is important to note that the creation of a
tourism product in agro-tourism is impossible without
the use of high-quality natural, agricultural and other
resources, which are also used in the production of
agricultural products. At the same time, agro-tourism
seems to be of high quality if the functioning of the
agro-tourism subjects is as close as possible to nature
and the natural movement of its subsystems, which
ensures the environmental friendliness of the
presented direction.
According to the international practice research of
the agro-tourism development, this direction can be
most effectively developed in regions with rich ethnic
diversity (Klochko and Zelinskaya, 2019). Despite
the fact that gastronomic and wine tourism occupies
a significant share in agro-tourism, tourism activities
related to the cultural and educational programs
dealing with the peculiarities of national land use and
agricultural production, taking into account cultural
and ethnic factors, are also important (Wahyuni et al.,
From this point of view, the Krasnodar Region has
substantial potential for the agro-tourism
development. The modern practice of the agro-
tourism covers the following areas of tourism
research of the results of agricultural
production, as well as taking a direct
involvement in the production (harvesting,
inclusion in the processing agricultural
products, etc.);
tasting of agricultural products, both in raw
form (for example, fresh fruits, vegetables) and
provided from processing (canned products,
baked goods, wines);
conducting the tours, the aim of which is to
study the functioning of the agricultural sector
using the specific subjects as an example.
Figure 2 shows the structure of agro-tourism
subjects in the Krasnodar Region.
As can be seen from the presented graphical data,
to date, agro-tourism activities in this region are
carried out by the peasant farm holdings, offering, as
a rule, one specific type of agro-tourism services, for
example, harvesting, tasting honey or wine, and etc.
Figure 2: The structure of agro-tourism subjects in the
Krasnodar Region, %.
The Promotion of Agro-tourism in Terms of Agriculture Ecologization in the Krasnodar Region
Individual entrepreneurs as the agro-tourism
subjects are also distinguished by specialization in a
certain direction of the research field.
Large and medium-sized agricultural
organizations that carry out activities in the agro-
tourism (such as JSC “Sad-Gigant”, CJSC “Abrau-
Dyurso, etc.) often provide services for product
At the same time, many agricultural enterprises of
the Krasnodar Region currently do not carry out agro-
tourism activities because the production is not of
mass interest for consumers of the tourism product.
However, the development of this direction can
become an additional source of income without harm
to the environment.
Let us consider the opportunity of agro-tourism
within the framework of enterprises that process
agricultural products using OJSC “Malorossiysk
Elevator" as an example.
Figure 3 shows the characteristics of the products
manufactured by the enterprise.
Figure 3: The dynamics of agricultural production volumes
at OJSC “Malorossiysk Elevator”, thousand tons.
The analysis shows that the volume of gross
output of flour, cereals and mixed feed has increased
at the enterprise.
However, as can be seen from the data in Figure
4, the revenue and net profit of OJSC "Malorossiysk
Elevator" is decreasing in the study period.
Figure 4: The structure of the revenue and net profit of
OJSC "Malorossiysk Elevator".
It is due to the fact that the enterprise does not
develop alternative activities, does not update the
methods of intensifying production.
It is necessary to develop alternative ways of
profit-making to increase the economic efficiency of
the OJSC "Malorossiysk Elevator" development in
the long term, which is possible by providing agro-
tourism services by the enterprise both in the regional
and federal markets.
According to the authors, OJSC "Malorossiysk
Elevator" has substantial potential to carry out agro-
As it was revealed by the research, activities in the
agricultural products processing has a number of
specific features. Grain production is seasonal. Large
amounts of grain accumulate in a very short period.
Grain is consumed daily throughout the year.
Consequently, it is necessary to have grain reserves
that would satisfy the daily consumer need for grain
and products of its processing in the Tikhoretsky
Municipal District and the Krasnodar Region as a
The enterprise not only store grain in its granaries,
but also expend great effort to ensure its long-term
preservation, improvement of quality without
quantitative losses (Klochko and Kovalenko, 2020).
In the grain turnover, which is associated with the
movement of grain from producer to consumer, the
enterprise occupies the central place. In fact, it is the
material and technical base of this grain turnover.
The presented processing activities may be of
interest to potential consumers of agro-tourism
Table 2 presents the characteristics of the
projected directions of agro-tourism services at OJSC
"Malorossiysk Elevator".
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
Both the technological process of processing
grain products and the study of its quality in a
laboratory may be of significant interest for potential
consumers, due to the fact that such services are
virtually absent from the structure of modern agro-
tourism in the Krasnodar Region.
Table 2: The projected directions of agro-tourism services
at OJSC "Malorossiysk Elevator".
The projected direction of
agro-tourism services
Excursion and educational
Research of the technology
of processing grain products
Involvement in processing
of agricultural products
Taking part in assessment of
the processed products
properties on the basis of the
Gastronomic activities Tasting products made from
processed raw materials
In addition, tasting products made from processed
raw materials will attract a wide range of consumers
of agro-tourism because gastronomic activities are
popular with tourists.
By analyzing the activities of organizations providing
agro-tourism services in the Krasnodar Region, the
authors came to the conclusion that these services are
mainly provided by farms that directly produce
agricultural products in a certain direction
(winemaking, production of honey or dairy products,
etc.) at present. Thus, the provided agro-tourism
services are quite repetitive, which leads to the
potential loss of competitiveness.
At the same time, the effective agro-tourism
activities can be provided by enterprises of the
agricultural products processing. The technology of
product processing, participation in laboratory
assessment of its quality, as well as tasting products
made from processed raw materials may be of interest
to potential consumers of tourism services. In
addition, the environmental friendliness of the agro-
tourism development of this direction which allows to
preserve the environment is critical.
The proposed recommendations to enhance the
effectiveness of the agro-tourism services provision
will increase the pace of the agro-tourism
development in the Krasnodar Region. The efficiency
of the related industries (agriculture, resort and tourist
complex, etc.) can be improved with an increased
number of agricultural services provided at
enterprises that process agricultural products.
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The Promotion of Agro-tourism in Terms of Agriculture Ecologization in the Krasnodar Region