subject of the need for a decentralized approach to
heat supply, its disadvantages and advantages over
the priority direction of the development of
centralized heat supply in the Russian Federation. In
recent years, along with centralized, independent heat
supply has been widely developing, this is a reality of
our time (Kitaev, 2010; Melnikov,2015).
Determining the number of boilers, installed in
boiler houses, is an important stage in the design of a
heat supply system (Martynenko, 2018; Semenov,
2015). The reliability of heat supply, operating costs,
and the cost of heat generation depend on the correct
selection. The selection of the number of boilers is a
multivariate task, that often requires creative
approach. The number of installed boilers in the
boiler house is influenced by many factors, such as
the consumer reliability category, climatic data of the
design area, the value of the design heat currents for
heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technology,
the value of the boiler house's needs, the minimum
value of the heat load of the heat generator itself
(Zbaraz, 2019; Panferov, 2020; Fang, 2015). Modern
standards in the field of heat supply recommend,
when determining the design capacity, to take into
account additionally the own needs of boiler houses
and waste of the heat energy during the transportation
of the heat carrier (in heating networks). The correct
value of the boiler house's own needs can be fulfilled
only after the end of the calculation and selection of
all equipment and pipelines, but even in this case,
some data, for example, on the number of boiler start-
ups, will have to be taken approximately. In addition,
in boiler houses of centralized sources, the values of
their own needs can reach 12-15% of the output,
especially in the case of using fuel oil and coal dust.
A similar situation is with waste of the heat energy in
networks, the actual values of which can reach 15-
20%. With a decrease in the capacity of the boiler
house, own needs and waste in the networks decrease,
especially when using gaseous fuel. In integrated heat
supply sources, their own needs are minimal, and
there are no networks.
Domestic and foreign authors pay great attention
to the issues of influence of the number of installed
boilers, modes of their load during the year on the
efficiency of the boiler house, and the heat supply
system as a whole. Measures are proposed to improve
the efficiency of existing heat supply sources (Kitaev,
2020; Chicherin, 2019; Terhan and Comakli, 2017).
Modern design standards contain recommendations
for the selection of the required number of boilers.
Let's consider them in more detail. In the current SP
124.13330.2012 (Heating networks), it is
recommended in case of emergencies in the
centralized heating system during the entire repair-
recovery period to provide: supply of 100% of the
required heat to consumers of the first category
(unless other modes are provided for by the contract);
heat supply for heating and ventilation to housing and
utility and industrial consumers of the second and
third categories in the amount (depending on the
design temperature of the outside air from 78 to 91%);
consumer-specified emergency mode of steam and
process hot water consumption; consumer-specified
emergency heat mode of operation of non-
disconnectable ventilation systems; average daily
heat consumption for the heating period for hot water
supply (if it is impossible to turn it off).
SP.89.13330.2016 (Boiler-house plants)
recommends to select the number and capacity of
boilers, installed in the boiler house, providing: the
design capacity of the boiler house; stable operation
of boilers at the minimum permissible load during the
warm season. In case of failure of the boiler with
maximum output in the boiler houses of the first
category, the remaining boilers must provide heat
energy to consumers of the first category in an
amount determined by: the minimum permissible
loads (regardless of the outside air temperature) - for
technological heat consumption and ventilation
systems; mode of the coldest month - for heating and
hot water supply. In case of failure of one boiler,
regardless of the category of the boiler house, the
amount of heat, supplied to consumers of the second
and third categories, should be provided in certain
amounts (as in the SP Heating networks). It should be
noted, that these requirements do not apply to
independent heat supply sources, integrated into
SP 373.1325800.2018 (Independent heat supply
sources) recommends, in the event of failure of the
boiler with maximum output, to provide heat with
remaining in operation for the following purposes:
technological heat supply of the ventilation system -
in an amount, determined by the minimum
permissible loads (regardless of the outside air
temperature); heating, ventilation and hot water
supply - in the amount, determined by the mode of the
coldest month.
From the above recommendations, it can be
concluded, that in the absence of a ventilation load
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure