spontaneity and coordination, performing
discipline and creativity, speed and
scrupulousness, transparency, and trust, etc.
(Korsakova, 2019).
Another area of application of the cognitive
construct is the corporate culture of any organization
- an important component of its holistic system, as
well as a condition for successful activity and
dynamic growth, which supports and provides
opportunities for increasing efficiency. The definition
of “corporate culture” has not changed too much over
the past thirty years. In the 1970-s it looked like "a set
of norms, values, beliefs, and patterns of behavior to
achieve the goals set for the organization" (Strakhov,
2015). In the 2000-s – it was as “a dynamic system of
rules including relationships, values, beliefs, norms,
and behavior” (Matsumoto, 2003). Most modern
researchers agree that corporate culture is more than
a set of elements or a set of rules (Abramova,
Kostenchuk, 2007). Culture is a unity of material and
mental (cognitive), individual and collective
consciousness (Odegov, 2012). Since there are no
organizations in which there is no culture, it is
necessary to solve the problems of the formation or
change the corporate culture by methods that consider
cognitive aspects, that include the processes of
perception, thinking, cognition, explanation, and
understanding, which, in fact, provide a cognitive
As the transition to an innovative economy is an
imperative of modern development, it must be stated
that knowledge becomes a key value of any business
entity and forms the prevailing organizational idea of
the values of corporate culture, as common directives,
and grounds for operational management (Spivak,
The formation of corporate culture is a complex
process that requires consciously coordinated
collective actions. All participants are involved in the
continuous creative process of generating the
subjective meanings of this process components
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 2011). Cognitive approach to
the process of corporate culture formation and
development is due to the fact that the inconsistency
of the declared ideas and concepts with decisions
made in organizations brings the organization
significant harm (Myers, 2006). It manifests itself in
the divergence of personal beliefs of employees with
the adopted organizational rules, in the discrepancy of
the information received from the new situation, in
the contradictions of the formal and informal cultures,
in the replacement of the values of corporate culture
by its attributes. This does not allow making
corporate culture an effective, commercially viable
tool, but not an “expensive toy”.
A successful company should harmonize the
external and internal space of its employees and
ensure the integrity of its development in a variety of
actions in the unity of intellectual, emotional, social
experience. Corporate culture is one of the most
effective resources to solve this problem. In turn, the
emergence and development of cultural forms of
activity are determined by an adequate integrating
factor - the “foundation” of the company's social
space. To implement a system-cognitive approach to
the formation and change of the corporate culture of
an organization, it is necessary to consider its main
elements (Berkovskiy and Tronina, 2019).
Values are a system-forming element of the
corporate culture of organizations; they form a
complex world of meanings and symbols that
underlie individual or collective judgments and
actions. It is values that contribute to the stability of
the human world and organize targeted human
activities and are also criteria for evaluating any
cultural phenomenon. Thus, the value of knowledge
becomes a key element that affects employees, forms
a unity of views and actions, and helps to achieve the
goals of sustainable development (Thomsen, 2004).
At the stage of formalizing values, it is important to
understand that values cannot be “good” or “bad”,
and the worst that a company can do is to proclaim
the fake value “as it should,” but in fact not to reflect
it in daily work. The honest definition of values is the
“center” of the corporate culture. And the choice of
attributes of corporate culture - a variety of symbols,
ceremonies, myths, metaphorical stories, rituals, role
models - should also be consistent with the true values
of the organization.
The functioning of the organization as a complex
social phenomenon should be considered in the
context of the sustainable development of society.
The structure, dynamics and culture of modern
organizations, their interaction with the external
environment, as well as the interactions of
organizational structures, can and should change in
accordance with external realities and internal
strategic goals. The main thing is to maintain the
connection between the attributes of corporate culture
and its real values: if values are a declaration, then
rituals are an annoying burden. It is needed to attract
the right people and move away from casual people,
and thereby simplify communication between
employees, increase their comfort, and reduce staff
turnover. It is necessary to create a positive image of
the organization and broadcast it outside in order to
maintain continuity. It cannot be that there is not any
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure