Probabilistic Asset as an Economic Category in Valuation or
Analytical Procedures
Alexander V. Shchepot’ev
Consulting group "New Paradigm", Tula, Russia
Keywords: Probabilistic Asset, Informal Asset, Valuation, Management Accounting, Financial Analysis, Equity,
Business Value.
Abstract: In the article, the author explores and concludes that it is advisable to use informal assets in certain economic
areas of science (valuation activity, financial analysis), i.e. assets that do not have all the legislatively
established criteria. The author defines a probabilistic asset as one of the elements of informal assets, which
is studied in detail and described in this paper. A probabilistic asset is determined and assessed on the basis
of future economic benefits, the occurrence of which is not fully controlled by the business entity, but depends
on the occurrence of certain events (taking into account the probability of the occurrence of these events). A
probabilistic asset can arise in emergency, non-standard or atypical situations, when the circumstances have
already led to the current state of affairs, and the targeted actions of an economic entity, although they require
targeted actions (as well as the expenditure of various resources), but the estimated costs are incommensurably
small with the estimated (though probabilistic) additional economic benefits.
Asset, liability, liability, equity, net assets. All these
and many other economic terms have become firmly
established in scientific circulation and practice in all
spheres of activity. However, taking into account the
specifics, regulatory regulations and established
practices of a particular field of activity, in some
cases, the same terms denote different economic
phenomena, and the same terms can denote different
(or different) economic entities. This study is devoted
to the definition of the concept of one of the elements
of an informal asset - a probabilistic asset. Asset as an
economic term is used in various scientific areas of
economic science: accounting, audit, taxation,
valuation, financial analysis, etc. Determining the
value indicators of the value of assets and other
economic indicators allows us to solve many
analytical problems (Kozlova, 2018; Lisovskaya,
Even within the framework of one branch of
science, for example, accounting, there may be
discrepancies in relation to this term. The concept of
"asset" from the point of view of accounting has some
discrepancies related to the accounting system. The
a 0000-0003-3451-2947
concept of "asset" for the Russian accounting system
(RAS) and the International financial reporting
system (IFRS) will have differences (Titova, 2011;
Chaya and Chicherina, 2009).
This study is devoted to a detailed analysis of such
an economic phenomenon as a probabilistic asset.
This term can be used in evaluation activities and
other analytical procedures. Evaluation activities, as
well as other analytical areas of the economy, are
extremely important in modern economic conditions
(Fedorova T.A. and Fedorova E.A., 2018).
Taking into account the objectives of the application,
the specifics of the scientific direction, regulatory
regulation and established practice in a particular
field of economic activity, the concept of "asset" has
some differences and nuances (The Concept of
accounting in a market economy in Russia, 1997; The
international financial reporting standard (IAS) 36
"Impairment of assets", 2015; The international
financial reporting standard (IAS) 37 "provisions,
Shchepotev, A.
Probabilistic Asset as an Economic Category in Valuation or Analytical Procedures.
DOI: 10.5220/0010587601600166
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 160-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
contingent liabilities and contingent assets", 2015;
The Order of Rosstat № 334, 2018).
In normative legal acts and scientific literature,
many concepts of "asset" and its derived meanings are
used, taking into account the specifics of the relevant
At the same time, reliable financial statements
serve as a source of information about the real
financial position of an economic entity (Bogatyrev,
2018; Tretyakova O. G. and Tretyakova G. B., 2017).
The variety of different facts of the economic life
of business entities, situations, events, and emerging
circumstances leads to the need to consider economic
principles, concepts, and definitions in a more
expanded framework than is provided for by the
current regulatory legal acts (Revutsky, 2009;
Shchepot’ev, 2020).
Undoubtedly, in relation to assets, in relation to
the rules of accounting, auditing, taxation, it is
necessary to adhere to clear rules that define the
relevant criteria.
Note that according to one of the principles of
accounting (the precautionary principle), the
accounting policies of the organization should be
formed under the following conditions: "an entity
should recognize in accounting are more likely
liabilities and expenses than anticipated assets and
income", i.e. the recognition of the conformity of
economic benefits to all criteria of an asset should be
approached with skepticism.
However, in some cases (compliance with the
principle of reasonableness, based on common sense,
backed by scientific studies, subject to current
practice, with appropriate justification) it is wise to
get out of the regulatory limits, and to apply the
legislation is not approved terminology. Such
transformations and expansions of the boundaries of
certain economic phenomena are caused by the
development of economic thought in modern
conditions. As already noted, for management
accounting, valuation and other analytical
procedures, you can use property, property rights that
do not fully meet all the criteria of the asset. For such
situations, the author suggests using the concept of
"informal asset".
Informal assets economic benefits that do not
fully meet all the requirements for the concept of
"asset". The concept of "informal asset" has fairly
broad boundaries, including the terms "conditional
asset", which is not subject to reflection and
evaluation in accounting, as well as such economic
categories as "hidden asset", "imaginary asset",
"property (property rights) that do not have title
documents and / or appropriate state registration)",
"economic analog of an asset", "probabilistic asset"
and other actual, expected and probabilistic economic
benefits that do not have all the characteristics of an
Informal assets are defined in terms of existing
accounting rules and are not subject to accounting and
financial (accounting) reporting, but there is
reasonable assurance that such property, property
rights and economic benefits (informal assets, in
terms of existing accounting rules) have sufficient
characteristics within the relevant economic science,
discipline or direction to be recognized as an asset and
can be used for valuation procedures, management
accounting, financial analysis, business planning and
other analytical procedures not regulated by
accounting rules.
Based on the presented definition, informal assets
can be represented from the following positions:
contingent assets (certain types of contingent
assets may have the characteristics of informal
hidden assets;
imaginary of the asset;
property (property rights), which are legal
documents and / or relevant state registration
(for example: unauthorized construction, land
plots, which do not have all required legal
documents, as well as any other property that
do not have all documents of title; note that
getting (re -) all documents of title may incur
significant charges (the size of which is
commensurate substantial part of the value of
the property), or the receipt of registration
(licensing) documentation impossible (the
property was built fatal violations, illegal
building to be demolished, etc.));
an economic analogue of an asset (for example,
an economic analogue of a deferred tax asset;
an economic analogue of goodwill (actually
held by an entity, but not confirmed or
documented by the fact of a purchase and sale
transaction for this entity);
probabilistic asset;
other actual, expected and probable economic
benefits that do not have all the characteristics
of an asset (the list is not closed and exhaustive,
informal assets may have a different form).
All the above-mentioned elements of informal
assets are divided into the corresponding groups
somewhat conditionally, the presented elements do
not have a closed list and can be expanded with
similar items.
Probabilistic Asset as an Economic Category in Valuation or Analytical Procedures
Within the framework of this article, a probabilistic
asset is considered in detail as one of the elements of
an informal asset. Taking into account the conducted
research, the author suggests introducing such a
concept as a "probabilistic asset"into the economic
terminology and widely using it in the relevant fields
(directions) of economic science. Let us immediately
note that a probabilistic asset (in the existing legal
framework, the established scientific turnover on
accounting, auditing and taxation) is not an asset that
has all the qualifying characteristics of an asset, but
such assets (probabilistic) can be used in valuation
activities (when evaluating a business), in financial
analysis, in forecasting, in bankruptcy procedures, in
building a financial model, etc.
Let's consider the term "probabilistic asset"
Probabilistic asset - economic benefits that can
appear with a certain probability of occurrence in the
future as a result of purposeful actions of the
organization, taking into account the occurrence
(non-occurrence) of one or more future uncertain
events that are not controlled by the organization. A
probabilistic asset does not meet all the criteria for an
asset or a contingent asset for accounting purposes,
but within the relevant economic science, discipline
or direction, it has sufficient features to be recognized
as an asset and can be used for valuation procedures,
management accounting, financial analysis, business
planning and other analytical procedures that are not
regulated by accounting rules. Probabilistic asset to
be determined, including at low (significantly less
than 50 %) probability of occurrence, and the use of
economic-mathematical tools identify the likelihood
of a favourable economic effect of the availability of
economic benefits (for example: the right of
redemption of state or municipal property at a
reduced cost; the right to receive subsidies from the
budget of the previously incurred costs; right to the
imposition of vicarious liability and the recovery of
damages from Executive body or owner, co-owner of
the organization or a third party; assets arising from
contesting in court previously completed
transactions, etc.).
Probabilistic asset may occur in emergency, non-
standard or atypical situations, when the
circumstances have led to the existing state of Affairs,
and purposeful activities of an economic entity
though and require concerted action (as well as
spending various resources), but the estimated costs
disproportionately small with intended (albeit
probabilistic) additional economic benefits.
A probabilistic asset has some similar features to
a conditional asset, the definition of which is fixed in
regulatory documents, but differs from it.
The concepts of "contingent asset" under RAS
and IFRS have similar features. A contingent asset is
defined as a possible asset that arises as a result of
past events in its business life, the existence of which
will be determined by the occurrence or non-
occurrence of one or more future expected events
beyond the control of the business entity.
A contingent asset under RAS and IFRS is not
subject to valuation and is not reflected in the
financial (accounting) statements as an asset of the
A contingent asset is a legally established
economic category (in relation to accounting, audit,
etc.). And such economic categories as an informal
asset, a probabilistic asset are not legally fixed, are
determined by scientific research and can (can, but
are not required) to be used in analytical procedures,
based on established and applied practice. Unlike a
contingent asset, a probabilistic asset is subject to
A probabilistic asset is not determined or
measured for accounting (or tax) purposes, and its
identification, determination, and evaluation are
necessary for valuation procedures, management
accounting, financial analysis, and other analytical
Note that during the life cycle of an organization,
transformational processes can occur with its assets:
individual assets lose all the characteristics of an
asset, and individual informal assets are transformed
into assets that have all the qualification
characteristics of an asset (Shchepot’ev, 2020).
Consider the individual elements of economic
benefits that can be defined as a probabilistic asset:
the right to preferential purchase of property
(real estate, land plot);
the right to receive state subsidies
(compensation) for expenses incurred;
the right to receive tax benefits (specifically for
this business entity) under the current
the right to recover lost profits, losses from
counterparties or third parties;
the existence of grounds for challenging
previously executed transactions in court,
including the occurrence of such grounds in the
course of bankruptcy proceedings;
the existence of grounds for bringing the
executive body or the owner of the organization
to subsidiary and / or joint liability, including
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
the occurrence of such grounds in the course of
bankruptcy proceedings;
other probabilistic assets.
he specified list of probabilistic assets is not
exhaustive and closed. These estimated economic
benefits only illustrate the described economic
category in the form of a probabilistic asset.
Let's consider the given positions of a probabilistic
asset in more detail.
The right to preferential purchase of property (real
estate, land). In this case, the probabilistic asset can
be determined by at least two expected scenarios for
the development of favorable financial events: an
increase in the amount of cash in the amount of
additional profit received from the relatively rapid
resale of real estate purchased at a preferential (below
market value) cost, or an increase in the value of net
assets (at the company's market value) due to the
excess of the market value of the property compared
to the resources spent.
The right to receive state subsidies
(compensation) for expenses incurred. Certain areas
of activity in the state enjoy appropriate support, for
example, small business, agriculture, innovation, etc.
Within the framework of the relevant target programs
of the authorities (at various levels), compensation for
expenses incurred by the economic entity is provided,
for example, compensation for part of the lease
payments for the purchase of new agricultural
equipment for agricultural companies, compensation
for part of the costs of credit interest used in the
activities of the subject of innovation, etc. By the time
of the analysis (evaluation, research), the business
entity has already made the corresponding expenses,
produced and sold its products, and has already made
a profit. But with the use of the principles of the state
program of support of separate categories of business
entities, business entities, in a timely manner, in
compliance with all statutory requirements, plans to
prepare the documents and submit to receive
subsidies for the payment already made (and included
in the financial result) expenses, allowing him to
obtain additional irrevocable funds and increase
financial performance. The presence of such an
intention in an economic entity, compliance with the
requirements of the state program is reasonable to
consider as a probabilistic asset (of course, taking into
account the probability of achieving a positive
financial result).
The right to receive tax benefits (specifically for
this business entity) under the current legislation. In
this aspect, economic benefits can be considered in
the form of an expected reduction in the tax burden if
the economic entity meets certain indicators. For
example, under the current legislation, urgent
property tax benefits may be provided if an economic
entity successfully invests a significant amount of
money in the modernization or increase of production
(for example, 50 million rubles per year). In this case,
according to the norms of regional legislation, when
submitting the relevant documents confirming the
relevant facts, the organization may have tax benefits
for this new property for a number of years. The
business entity plans to use this benefit, meets the
necessary requirements. The probabilistic asset will
be determined in the form of saved (saved) funds for
the payment of property tax for the relevant period
(taking into account the probability of achieving this
favorable financial event).
The right to recover lost profits, losses from
counterparties or third parties. In this context, claims
directly arising from a contractual relationship are not
considered as a probabilistic asset (although in some
cases they may have the characteristics of a
probabilistic asset). For the studied economic
category, the alleged claim that is planned to be
obtained in court, which arose in the form of a loss of
profit due to a competitor's violation of antitrust laws,
is more suitable. Suppose that unfair (illegal under
antitrust law) actions of a competitor (this fact is
established by state regulatory authorities) led to a
reduction in the profit of the analyzed company in the
amount of 1,000,000 monetary units. The company
has documented this fact, there is evidence, there is
an intention to file a lawsuit to recover lost profits
from an unscrupulous competitor. Such a fact can be
considered as a probabilistic asset.
The existence of grounds for challenging
previously executed transactions in court, including
the occurrence of such grounds in the course of
bankruptcy proceedings. In the course of a business
entity not in the bankruptcy process economic
feasibility to challenge the transaction (and achieve
bringing the parties to the transaction to the original
position) occurs only in the case that the transaction
has been carried out on market terms (the transaction
amount, payment term, etc.). In the case of non-
market relations can be determined probabilistic asset
that may occur in the event of termination (in judicial
or pre-trial order) transactions for which there are
grounds for challenging (Kobozeva, 2010).
The existence of grounds for challenging
previously executed transactions in court may have
Probabilistic Asset as an Economic Category in Valuation or Analytical Procedures
slightly different consequences than in the normal
course of business. The existence of grounds for
challenging transactions in the course of bankruptcy
proceedings (even under comparable market
conditions of the transaction) may be justified and
economically justified. For example, the alienation of
property at market value, but with priority repayment
of debts to one creditor to the detriment of other
creditors, may be the basis for challenging
And in this case, there is a probabilistic asset, and
as a result, a proportionate obligation (Shchepot’ev,
2020). As a result of challenging the transaction, the
business entity will receive both an additional asset
and an additional liability, and the amount of its own
funds will not change. However, the resulting asset
(as a result, it will eventually be transformed into
cash) can be used to ensure the bankruptcy process
itself (extraordinary payments) or used to extinguish
the accounts payable (obligations) of creditors of an
earlier stage (economically and legally less protected
group of creditors). For example, the received funds
(when challenging transactions) may be used to pay
off salary debts, but not to legal entities; to pay off
debts to unaffiliated creditors, to the detriment of
affiliated creditors or owners, since the relationship
with the affiliated persons could be aimed at
withdrawing assets or causing damage to the
In bankruptcy proceedings, challenging
transactions (regardless of the market value of the
transaction) has a clear economic meaning. That is
why the expected receipt of an asset (even with the
condition of additional obligations) in the course of
challenging transactions can and should be
considered as a probabilistic asset, taking into
account the probability of obtaining the
corresponding asset in the course of legal proceedings
and actions to execute a judicial act (Shchepot’ev,
2020). Moreover, the occurrence of a probabilistic
asset can lead to the occurrence of a probabilistic
liability (Shchepot’ev, 2020).
The existence of grounds for bringing the
executive body or the owner of the organization to
subsidiary and / or joint liability, including the
occurrence of such grounds in the course of
bankruptcy proceedings. In the course of economic
activity, there are cases when the owner, who has
control functions, makes a decision in relation to a
dependent (or subsidiary) company that is directly
beneficial to him, but has brought losses to the
company and other co-owners. The actions of the
executive body may also lead to losses. In such
situations, the company may have the right to hold the
executive body or the owner of the company
The presence of such grounds and the intention to
carry out such actions can be considered as a
probabilistic asset. It should be noted that the
probability in this case is to determine not only with
regard to the alleged receipt of a proper (well-
established in the appellate and cassation instances) a
judicial act, but also with the financial capacity of the
Executive body or owner for damages, i.e. taking into
account the probability of the actual execution of
fully or partially judicial act to repay the damage from
the actions of the Executive body or owner.
Probabilistic assets, in most cases of their
occurrence, are caused by the relevant circumstances
and the implementation of targeted actions on the part
of the economic entity.
For the transformation of a probabilistic asset into
property, property rights that have all the
characteristics of a real asset, the actions of the
relevant authorized bodies (the executive body or
other management bodies) are necessary. It is not
enough to have the right to buy back the property at a
reduced price, this right must be used in a timely
manner. It is not enough to have the right to recover
lost profits, losses caused, or to bring someone to
subsidiary or joint liability. It is necessary to take
purposeful actions. But in this aspect (taking into
account the circumstances), the occurrence of a
probabilistic asset does not relate to the normal
business activity of the company. A probabilistic
asset will not be defined as an additional increase in
assets due to the profit received in the ordinary course
of business due to the normal amount of profit
inherent in this type of activity. For example, the
resulting increase in cash during normal trading
activities (purchase and sale of goods) will not be
defined as a probabilistic asset, since such activities
are determined by the rate of profit in trading. As
already noted, the probabilistic asset may occur in
emergency, non-standard or atypical situations, when
the circumstances have led to the existing state of
Affairs, and purposeful activities of an economic
entity though and require concerted action (as well as
spending various resources), but the estimated costs
disproportionately small with intended (albeit
probabilistic) additional economic benefits.
The estimated asset gain from real estate agency
real estate trading will not be a probabilistic asset at
its core. But the expected growth of assets from real
estate, purchased at a discounted price significantly
below market size (grace redemption involves the
purchase at a price significantly below market), can
be regarded as probabilistic asset, because the right to
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
preferential purchase is not appears to be widespread,
systematic and due to the current in this situation,
circumstances (for example: availability for this
moment a long lease relations).\
The right of claim against the debtor, recovered in
court, will not be a probabilistic asset. The accounts
receivable itself meets all the requirements for the
asset, the collection of accounts receivable has its
own well-established standards of profitability. But
the right to bring the former (suspended) director to
subsidiary and / or joint liability for previously caused
losses can be determined (at the stage of identifying
the grounds for bringing the former director to
responsibility for the losses caused) can be
determined as a probabilistic asset (with the
corresponding probability of real economic benefits
for the company).
The described elements of economic benefits that
can be defined as a probabilistic asset are not
exhaustive. The author showed only the main
positions of the probabilistic asset, the reasons and
conditions for the occurrence of probabilistic assets
are broader and more diverse.
A probabilistic asset does not meet all the criteria
for an asset, but can be defined as an informal asset.
For the purposes of valuation, analytical, and
management procedures, such an informal asset can
be identified and evaluated using mathematical tools
to determine the probability of a favorable economic
effect from the ownership of the corresponding
probabilistic asset.
If there are two or more doubts about the
occurrence of a favorable financial event for the
occurrence of an asset, then such a probabilistic asset
should be evaluated taking into account the
corresponding probabilities of a favorable economic
outcome, even if such a probability (probability in
aggregate) is significantly lower than 50%. Note that
to determine the probabilities, you can use
mathematical models based on the experience of the
past (if there is such experience), by the method of
expert assessments (specialists of the corresponding
profile determine the corresponding probability) or
other tools known to science.
Note that a probabilistic asset, as a rule, before its
transformation into property or property rights that
meet the criteria of a real one (which has all the
formally stipulated criteria) an asset that has the
characteristics of an asset, the alienation of which
from an economic entity for a reasonable cost is
impossible under the current legislation.
It is impossible to transfer to another economic
entity the right to preferential repurchase of property,
the right to receive state subsidies (compensation) for
expenses incurred, the right to existing tax benefits
(specifically for this entity), the right to recover lost
profits and other similar probabilistic assets.
As a result of the purposeful actions of the
economic entity, the probabilistic asset in the
foreseeable future, with a certain degree of
probability, will turn into property or property rights.
It should be noted that the proposed tools for
determining and evaluating the expected economic
benefits in the form of a probabilistic asset should not
become a tool for unreasonably increasing the value
of an existing business entity for the purposes of
determining its value, financial analysis or making
management decisions.
The use of such an economic category as a
probabilistic asset is quite reasonable and justified in
modern economic conditions in certain areas of
activity: valuation activities, management
accounting, financial analysis, etc. The use of such
tools in analytical procedures will help to obtain more
accurate results when evaluating a business, will
allow for more accurate business planning, the
construction of economic models, more balanced
management decisions, etc.
According to the author, taking into account the
modern principles of the approach to financial
information, the use of informal assets in analytical
procedures, in particular, the probabilistic asset, will
be justified and appropriate.
The author expresses the hope that scientific
research on the presented topic will continue and
develop and will contribute to the development of
economic thought.
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure