regression model for insurance companies of the
Novosibirsk region.
The obtained results confirm our hypothesis and
allow us to speak about the existing dependence
between the financial indicators characterizing the
activities of insurance companies and affecting their
financial stability.
The article reveals a comprehensive systematic
approach to assessing the impact of factors on
insurance companies' financial stability on the
example of economic entities of the Novosibirsk
The research results indicate the presence of
common patterns and correlations between the
indicators characterizing the activities of insurance
companies and the financial stability of insurers. The
conducted analysis allows us to state that there are
direct and inverse proportional relationships between
certain financial indicators. Simultaneously, the lack
of correlation does not reject the fact of influence on
the financial stability of insurance organizations. We
concede that this influence is manifested indirectly
through other parameters.
This, in turn, indicates the possibility of managing
financial stability for given parameters based on a
mathematical model in the form of a system of
regression equations.
The research contributes to the development of
theoretical approaches to assessing insurance
companies' financial stability based on paradoxical
regulatory theory. The research's practical value lies
in the possibility of using the proposed approach to
assess and forecast financial stability taking into
account various parameters.
This work was supported by Novosibirsk State
Technical University (project TP-AUF-3-21).
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