The innovative development of the northern resource-
type regions for the period from 2010 to 2019 was
ranked by using the selected key indicators. The
authors propose a method for determining the level of
the region's innovative sustainability by the value of
the innovative sustainability coefficient, which is
calculated according to the data of the composite
index of the region's innovative development.
According to the research results, it can be
concluded that the ranking system based on the
formation of a composite index of innovative
development can be used to assess the level of
innovative sustainability of RIS. At the same time, the
variation coefficient in the dynamics of the
development of the consolidated level of the region's
innovative development can be taken as the
coefficient of innovative sustainability of RIS.
Besides the regional authorities, various
economic and social entities can use the research
results to monitor and forecast the innovative
development of their sector, as well as to adjust the
existing legal documents relating to innovation
The article was prepared as part of the performance
of the state task of the Russian Ministry of Education
and Science under Project FSRG-2020-0010
"Patterns of Spatial Organization and Spatial
Development of Socio-Economic Systems of the
Northern Resource-Type Regions".
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