the need for a "large" amount of all resources,
inability to implement all the innovations.
Disadvantages - a high burden falls on the protection
of inventions and innovations from copying,
including patenting, registration of designs, and
copyright (Lambert and Franz, 2008). The second
direction is the implementation of open innovations -
innovations, created by the scientific community or
within a corporation, but “working” outside the
organization. Advantages: the problem solution rate
increases, the cost of development is lower, etc.) (No.
18 of the criterion), disadvantages - high risks of
"information leakage" and loss of professional staff
("recruiting") (Sukhareva, 2021). Recently, an
opinion has been formed that “innovations can be
implemented as a result of the integration of
knowledge, experience, the results of good analytics,
socialization; “physical and digital platforms involve
representatives of various industries and scientific
disciplines in co-production, and promote “cross-
pollination”" (Wise et al., 2016). That is, it is
important to maintain a “balance” of open and closed
4. Lean production organization and activation of
digitalization of innovation activities. The active and
obsessive digitalization of technology based on
robotics, neurotechnology, artificial intelligence, the
Internet, etc. The author Kostin identifies three main
effects from the introduction of digital technologies:
differentiation (based on targeted online advertising),
formation of new income sources of income (based
on online sales growth), cost reduction (based on
"revenue" management) (Kostin, 2017). Seemingly
endless opportunities for business development
appear (although we already talk about "digital
fatigue"). But the organization Disruptive digital
innovation (DDI) requires costs and considerable
costs (Darlington et al., 2021) for example, in Russia
alone, “Digital Region” federal project included in
the “Digital Economy” program will require 247 bln.
rubles over five years (Korolev, 2020): infrastructure,
software, communications, personnel training, etc.,
“contradicting” “lean production” principles
(Thorbjörn, 2019). Sometimes a model of “lean start-
ups” is proposed, which implies increased flexibility
and a reduction in the innovation process duration
(Wise et al., 2016), but such models are not
numerous. Therefore, it is so important to find a
"happy medium" for digitalization and rational use of
5. Combinations of flexibility and rigidity of
integration forms of cooperation in the organization
of innovation. The regional innovation potential, the
search for a balance of open and closed, disruptive or
gradual innovations, the costs of digitalization and
lean manufacturing, we assume the possibility of
forming integration structures in the region, both new
rigid organizational forms and consortia.
Implementation of certain innovations may require a
"rigid" management structure, for others - only
temporary "creative" project-type unions. Within a
separate region (territory, it is possible to establish
and efficiently operate a regional innovation project
(RIP) with inclusion of all stages of innovation
formation and implementation (from organization of
research work to the specific innovative product
production (Antonioli et al., 2014). It is important to
ensure a balance of interests of the participants in the
integration structure and optimize its structure.
The assessment features of the regional
innovation sustainability. Strategies for regional
innovation development should consider significant
differences between regions (orientation towards
export or import, industry, agriculture, tourism)
(Karayannis and Grigorudis, 2016), it is necessary to
consider the resources, advantages and potential of a
particular region. The success of innovation
development in any country is determined by
innovation activities in individual regions, the ability
of individual territories to create and promote
innovations, organize and operate a regional
innovation system based on mutual understanding,
optimization of creative functions, and a combination
of economic interests. A feature of regional
innovation development in any country is probably
the heterogeneity, unevenness of the implementation
of innovative processes in different regions, implying
uniform approaches to assessing innovation
development, but with the obligatory consideration of
a particular region-specific features, a certain
territory. It is important to develop and implement
measures to form and support innovation
sustainability, considering specific features of a
it is necessary to take into account the initial
socio-economic state of the region (the level of
performance of the regional economy);
availability of resources (material, natural,
scientific, technical, production);
availability of resources (material, natural,
scientific, technical, production);
feasibility (combined in time and space) of
various innovations: marketing, production,
financial, product, organizational);
the level of human capital development in the
region (education level, age structure,